Version 1.0b2
- Required Configuration
Apache 2 w/ mod_rewrite PHP5.3 w/ php5-intl, php5-apc --> cf PHP Config section below node in your path with jshiht, less, recess and uglify modules composer.phar in your path
- Deployment
a) First, get all the files from the repositor 'git clone [email protected]:lbillon/PHPM.git'
b) Update local configuration 'cd PHPM'
Copy example config file 'cp app/config/parameters.ini.dist app/config/parameters.ini'
Edit the parameters.ini
file to suit your local configuration
c) Make sure the file permissions are correct
d) Execute the deployment script '/bin/deploy' The script must return no errors for the deployment to be successful.
e) Generate database tables and import data './app/console doctrine:schema:update --force' 'app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --purge-with-truncate'
*** Mac-specific instructions *** Install MacPort: ''
How to install intl on MAMP
Then follow this: ''
*** PHP Config ***
You'll need PHP-Intl module
Magic quotes should be disabled (or there'll be strange behaviors in some forms, Symfony2 already handles this). Add this directive to your php.ini : 'magic_quotes_gpc = Off'