Backend Movies API Development with SQLite3 and MongoDB without a full frontpage for movie search.
The following processes focused on the creation of a new user registration and logon to the Webpage of Movie Search
function with the registered user record in term of GET function to find out the user record from the collection of users
under the mongoDatabase test
Export the express instance using the default export syntax.
Use Common JS module syntax.
The backend files structure:
./root | # | # |
---|---|---| | ||
_app.js | ||
_CheckUser.js | ||
_package-lock.json | ||
_package.json | ||
_route (folder) | ||
. | _index.js | |
. | _routeUser.js | |
. | _routeFilm.js | |
_module(folder) | ||
. | _user.js | |
. | _SQLite3app.js | |
. | _users.json | |
. | _init_MySQL.js | |
. | _userSqlite3.js | |
. | _user.module.js | |
. | _users.db (SQLite3) | |
. | _films.db (SQLite3) | |
. | ||
_controller (folder) | ||
. | _authController.js | |
. | _filmController.js | |
. | _loginController.js | |
. | _usersController.js | |
_config (folder) | ||
. | _checkAuth.js | |
. | _MongoDBkey.js | |
. | _passport.js | |
_assests (folder) | ||
. | _css (folder) | |
. . | _bootstrap.min.css | |
. | _cyber-security-icon.jpg | |
. | _Patpat.gif | |
_public | ||
. | _index.html | |
. | _styles.css | |
._views (folder) | ||
. | _404.ejs | |
. | _about.ejs | |
. | _adduser.ejs | |
. | _dash.ejs | |
. | _details.ejs | |
. | _edit.ejs | |
. | _forgot.ejs | |
. | _index.ejs | |
. | _layout.ejs | |
. | _login.ejs | |
. | _messages.ejs | |
. | _register.ejs | |
. | _reset.ejs | |
. | _welcome.ejs | |
. | _partials (folder) | |
. | _footer.ejs | |
. | _head.ejs | |
. | _nav.ejs |
1.0 Install npm on your computer; then use npm i mongodb mongoose express sqlite sqlite3 body-parser request readline readline-sync date-and-time timezone-support path moment-timezone nodemon --save
1.1 Use npm install
to install the packages;
1.2 then use 'npm start' to execute "app.js" for for operating a new registration for a new user account;
1.3 Execute two files ./app.js
and a database file stored on MongDB Database of test
and Collection of users
for records and authentication purposes. In the field of password relatd to each registered end-user would be encrypted meanwhile. Then you will receive authentication email for activating a new user account via your personal email account;
1.4 when login webpage was redirected successfully, you may logon to your own user accout with your created password. During creating a new user account, the personal password is being encrypted and then save a new user document into the COLLECTION of users
under the mongoDataBase of test
after authentication passed successfully via the activation from the user personal email.
1.5 You may watch video of Demonstration of Authentication & Encrypted Function for Login Processes for further reference on how to operate the backend file of app.js by opening the webpage of localhost:10889
on the browser:
2.1 Use node CheckUser.js
to manage end-user accounts with CRUD algorithms in term of GET, POST, PUT and DELETE user records one by one.
2.2 Open a broswer and type localhost:8080/users
to list out all user records stored on the COLLECTION of users under the mongoDB of test
2.3 The operation in details can watch the video of Demonstration of Authentication & Encrypted Function for Login Processes for further reference:
After registration of creating a new user account and logon to the Movie Search Webpage successfully, you may open POSTMAN to execute CRUD operation with the following files:
3.1. Use node mongoDBapp.js
to get what historial movie information you want with OMDB api key, then save the movie information into the COLLECTION of movies
under the MongoDatabase of project
3.2. You operate CRUD intem of GET, POST, PUT and DELETE processess through POSTMAN to manage the movie records in the mongoDatabase one by one. The operation in details can watch the attached video of Demonstration of Applying CRUD with MongoDB:
4.1 Go to subfolder of module
and use node SQLite3app.js and a database file
moviesData.dbconsisting of one tables
./module/SQLite3app.jsand a database file
./module/films.dbconsisting of one tables
movies` in S.
The operation in details can watch the attached video of Demonstration of Appying CRUD with SQLite3 Database:
In step five, write APIs to perform CRUD operations on the tables movies
containing the following columns,
Movies Table in SQLite3 Database
Columns | Type |
_id | INTEGER |
Title | INTEGER |
Year | TEXT |
imdbID | TEXT |
Poster | TEXT |
Rating | Int32 |
createDate | Date_&_Time |
Returns a list of all movie names you search vis OMDB api and then seaparte different data type to save in the targeted variables for storing into the movie table of films.db
"Title": "Spiderman in Cannes",
"Year": "2016",
"imdbID": "tt5978586",
"Poster": "",
"Rating": 9.8,
"createdDate": "2023-03-14T22:06:43+08:00"
Creates a new movie record in the movies table. _id
is auto-incremented
"Title": "WonderWoman",
"Year": "2026",
"imdbID": "tt03212779",
"Poster": "null",
"Rating": 6.8,
"createdDate": "2023-03-14T22:06:43+08:00"
Movie of WonderWoman Successfully Added
Returns a particular movie record based on the movie ID of imdbID
"Title": "WonderWoman",
"Year": "2026",
"imdbID": "tt03212779",
"Poster": "null",
"Rating": 6.8,
"createdDate": "2023-03-14T22:06:43+08:00"
Updates the Rating and Title of a targeted movie record in the movie table based on the movie ID of imdbID
"Title": "Wonder-Man",
"Year": "2026",
"imdbID": "tt03212779",
"Poster": "null",
"Rating": 6.8,
"createdDate": "2023-03-14T22:06:43+08:00"
Update to
"Title": "WonderWoman",
"Year": "2026",
"imdbID": "tt03212779",
"Poster": "null",
"Rating": 6.8,
"createdDate": "2023-03-14T22:06:43+08:00"
Movie of WonderWoman Was Updated Successfully
Deletes a movie of WonderWoman from the movie table based on the movie ID of imdb
Movie of WonderWoman Was Removed Successfully