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HTML5 + CSS3 + Javascript + ReactJS + VueJS working with Quasar Framework

This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite.

Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.

Project Setup

npm install

Install dependenacies contains of: npm install vue, vue-vite, axios, buffer, moment, vue-router --save Then, import { ref, computed, watchEffect } from 'vue' import axios from 'axios' import { Buffer } from 'buffer' import monment from 'moment' import useRouter from 'vue-route'

In addition, it is necessary to import external url from http-common.js and external weather information from WeatherCard.vue shown as follows: import url from './http-common.js' import WeatherCard from './components/WeatherCard.vue';

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build

preparation of opening your a free account for two movie api, weather api and MongoDB:

  • Please try to look for an appropriate free movie API, such as to register a user account and get a free API key, e.g. '' and then place the url link, which is provided by the website of, into below statement in the file of http-common.js for fetching what movie you want with the input title const url = "https://xxxxFREE_MOVIE_API"
  • Please go to Open Weather website of r opening a new user account and get API Key for your own account; then,place your own API Key and url link of the openweather into below statements in the file of WeatherCard.js const apiKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"; //Go to OpenWeather website for registering your own account for getting API Key const apiUrl =${this.location}&units=metric&appid=${apiKey};
  • Please go to the website of for opening your own user account and get your own API Key; then, place API Key and url link into below enpoint statements in the file of staff.js
  • endpoint =${searchTerm.value}&apikey=XXXXXX; //Please go to a free movie API website for getting your own API Key
  • enddpoint =${searchTerm.value}&y=${Yearsearch.value}&apikey=XXXXXX; //Please go to a free movie API website for getting your own API Key
  • Go to MongoDB webstie for registering a new user account and then creat a new collection under your own Database and get your own API Key for showing all movies on Home page.

Replit for trail





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