This is an example SAYN project. It shows you how to implement and use SAYN for data modelling and processing.
For more details, you can see the documentation here:
Quick overview:
SAYN uses 2 key files to control the project:
- settings.yaml: individual settings which are not shared
- project.yaml: project settings which are shared across all collaborators on the project
SAYN code is stored in 3 main folders:
- tasks: where the SAYN tasks are defined. Each YAML file in this folder represents a task group.
- sql: code for SQL tasks
- python: code for python tasks
SAYN uses some key commands for run:
- sayn run: run the whole project
- -p flag to specify a profile when running sayn: e.g. sayn run -p prod
- -t flag to specify tasks to run: e.g. sayn run -t task_name
- -t group:group_name to specify a task group to run: e.g. sayn run -t group:group_name
- sayn compile: compiles the code (similar flags apply)
- sayn --help for full detail on commands