New Administrative HTTP API with following features:
Manage endpoints (list, create, delete)
Get basic statistics about the manager
Execute commands on endpoints and get results
Can drop files prior to execution, to execute binaries/scripts not present on endpoint. Dropped files are deleted after command was ran.
Can retrieve files (post command execution), to retrieve results of the command
Collect files from endpoints for forensic purposes
Contain / Uncontain endpoints by restricting any network traffic except communication to the manager.
Query endpoints logs
Query endpoints alerts
Pivot on a timestamp and retrieve logs/alerts around that time pivot
Access endpoint report
Scoring (relative to each environment ) allowing to sort endpoints and spot the ones behaving differently from the others.
Alerts / TTPs observed on a given time frame
Manage rules (list, create, update, save, delete)
Integration with Sysmon v12 and v13
Integrate ClipboardData events
Put the content of the clipboard data inside the event to allow creating rule on the content of the clipboard
Integrate ProcessTampering events
Enrich event with a diffing score between .text section on disk and in memory
Implemented certificate pinning on client to enhance security of the communiaction channel between endpoints and management server
Log filtering capabilities, allowing one to collect contextual events. Log filtering is achieved by creating Gene filtering rules (c.f. Gene Documentation ).
Configuration files in TOML format for better readability
Better protection of the installation directory
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