If you follow this guide, you will be able to independently run and monitor your own Massa node:
I will use Ubuntu for this guide, you need Ubuntu 20.04 and higher, a computer with 8 cores, 16 GB RAM, 1TB disk and a decent internet connection. On your local machine or you can also use a cloud VPS (Virtual Private Servers) like Contabo, AWS, Hetzner...
Now your computer/vps is ready, we are going to update/upgrade the apt command :
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Install all of needed libraries in one command :
sudo apt install pkg-config curl git build-essential libssl-dev libclang-dev cmake screen -y
Let's install rust :
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
Rust is installed now configure path:
source $HOME/.cargo/env
Install rust stable version:
rustup toolchain install 1.74.1
rustup default 1.74.1
Let's install the node via cloning Massa repo from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/massalabs/massa.git
Now your node is installed, go to the cloned repository and checkout the latest tag:
cd massa
git checkout MAIN.2.2
In this step, we will enter your IP address into the node and open the ports so that the node can communicate with other nodes:
Firstly enter your IP address with this command :
cd massa-node/config
nano config.toml
Replace the letters "AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD" with own address IP:
routable_ip = "AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD"
Now open the ports to let your node communicate with the others nodes.
apt install ufw -y
ufw allow ssh
ufw allow http
ufw allow 31244
ufw allow 31245
ufw enable
Come back to the root.
cd $home
cd massa/massa-node/
Open the first screen to boostrap your node.
screen -S massa_node
You can run the node with the command below, replace < PASSWORD > with your own password.
RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD> |& tee logs.txt
If you have a result like on the image, congratulations your node is running, press ctrl + a+d to quite the screen and come back to the root.
cd $home
cd massa/massa-client/
Open a second screen to compile the client.
screen -S massa_client
Replace the < PASSWORD > with your own password.
cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD>
Let's create a wallet with this command or you can import your wallet.
Create a new wallet with this command:
Import your wallet with your seed phrase:
wallet_add_secret_keys <your_secret_key>
Check your wallet address with this command:
Now begin your stake by buying some rolls and telling your node to stake You need at least 100mas or 1roll (100mas =1 roll), type this command with your address, the number of rolls you want stake and the fee (you can put 0):
buy_rolls <address> <roll count> <fee>
Tell to your node to stake with this command:
node_start_staking <your_address>
After waiting 1h40, your roll become active and you're staking, now you be part of the massa network, congratulations!
If need to update your node type this two commands:
git fetch
git checkout MAIN.2.1
Some useful links :
Some good security practices:
A telegram bot to monitor your node: