November 7, 2021
Author: daigaro.eth
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Disclaimer: This project was developed as a proof of concept and submitted as final project for the Consensys Blockchain Developer Bootcamp. The contents in this project are not complete and not intended for a production environment.
Although cryptocurrencies of many types already exist, there is still a fairly a low adoption in developing countries. With this in mind, this project focuses on a creating a basic buidling block that is missing in Latin America (Latam): a stablecoin pegged to the local fiat currencies. In this project, I create a simple MVP of a stablecoin system to create electronic versions of currencies in a permisionless way.
One of the barriers for a creating a digital cryptocurrency that represents a Latam currency is the lack of price oracle feeds for these currencies. For this project, in coordination with Redstone Finance, some Latam currency prices were made available.
This project uses Node.js, TruffleSuite, Satic-Server, and Metamask browser wallet. This packages will be required to test the application on a local environment.
- Install globally Static-server.
npm install -g ganache-cli
- Install globally Ganache-cli
npm -g install static-server
Copy repository: git clone<this repository>
This project was developed using Yarn as the package manager.
Install dependencies: yarn install
To test application in a local environment, you will need three terminals:
- On one terminal run the web host server:
yarn server
- On another terminal run the development blockchain:
yarn ganache
- On the remaining terminal run:
yarn deploy
Open a browser and go to: http://localhost:9080/
- Clear browser cache memory (CTRL+SHIT+R) to test changes in ./frontend-app/app.js, then reload
with (F5). - Reset Metamask accounts if ganache-cli is restarted.
Ensure you have the installed pre-requesites indicated in Set up sections.
- Clone repository and ensure you are in the 'main' branch.
- Open two terminals.
- Install dependencies (if haven't already):
yarn install
- In one terminal run the development blockchain:
yarn ganache
- In the other terminal run:
yarn test