OctoPlay is an easy-to-use analytics app for music enthusiasts. It leverages Spotify's Web API to provide a comprehensive analysis of your music experience, offering insights into your top tracks, favorite artists, and public playlists.
OctoPlay makes understanding your musical preferences a breeze.
- Top Tracks: View your top tracks based on your listening history. These stats can be filtered by range.
Track Details: Detailed stats for each top track, including a preview of the track and information such as its release date and duration.
- Top Artists: Discover your favorite artists based on your listening history. Also, these stats can be filtered by range.
Artist Details: Comprehensive stats for each top artist, including their albums, popularity, and artists with a similar style.
- Public Playlists: Explore public playlists curated by other users.
This project was built using the following technologies:
- Next.js: Server-side rendering and static generation.
- NextAuth: Authentication.
- SWR: Data fetching and caching.
- TypeScript: Static typing for better tooling and developer experience.
- Tailwind CSS: Rapid UI development.
- ShadCN: Accessible and composable UI components.