Compatible versions:
- Node: v0.1.4
- Ignore deposit if fails during the gas estimation (#424)
- Allow UpdateL2DepositsStatus function to handle multiple networks (#422)
- Set up of automatic versioning when the binary is generated (#421)
- Enabling Claim Tx manager optional (#419). You can enable/disable the autoClaim feature in the following new config parameter in the toml config file:
Enabled = true
- Predefined networks: overriding the values provided in the toml config file (#417)
- The following smc config parameters has been renamed in the toml config file (#415):
PoEAddr -> PolygonZkEVMAddress
BridgeAddr -> PolygonBridgeAddress
GlobalExitRootManAddr -> PolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress
MaticAddr -> MaticTokenAddress
L2BridgeAddrs -> L2PolygonBridgeAddresses