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File Organiser

What it does

Given a set of rules, this program will organize a directory based on those rules.


$ pip3 install FileOrganiser


Command Line Options
usage: python3 -m FileOrganiser [-h] [-d] [-r] watchpath

positional arguments:
  watchpath        The Directory to watch

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -d, --daemon     run as daemon
  -r, --recursive  Crawl down directories
Rules and Modes

In the directory that you want organised, create a rule.toml file, with the first line defining the 'mode' of the rules. Individual modes have different criteria for valid rules, but follow the same pattern:

DirectoryToMoveFileTo = SomeRule

You can now have multiple rulefiles in a single directory, following the pattern rules01.toml, number them in order of importance

Extension Mode

The extension mode defines a list of file extensions. If newly created files have extensions that appear in that list, they are moved to the specified directory. Here is a standard example file:

mode = "Extensions"

Documents = [ ".pdf", ".doc", ".docx", ".html"]
Pictures = [ ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png", ".bmp", ".gif", ".svg"]
Archives = [ ".zip", ".7zip", ".tar", ".bz", ".gz", ".xz", ".bz2"]
Videos = ['.webm', '.mpg', '.mp2', '.mpeg', '.mpe', '.mpv', '.ogg', '.mp4']
ProgramFiles = [".py", ".jar", ".crx", ".cpp", ".run", ".so", ".deb"]
DiskImages = [".iso"]

Self-explanatory. File gets moved to specified directory if it matches a pattern.

mode = "regex"

Phi310 = "^PHI[_ ]?310.*"
Scans = "^Scan.*"
"Case Study" = "^CS.*"

Script mode is complicated and should be used with caution. It's good for hacks and esoteric operations. First, create a rule.toml that looks like this:

mode = "script"
aScript = '/absolute/path/to/'

Then your script just needs to have a function called main that takes in a filename as an argument. In this example, if a file has a .zip extension, we extract it and then delete the zip file.

import zipfile
import os
def main(file):
    if not os.path.isdir(file) and file.split('.')[-1] == 'zip':
        with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') as zip_ref:
        return True
    return False


  • Add directory for custom modes in ~/.config