kubernetes python wrapper for data analysis, deployment and test.
- K8s cluster information retrieve and analysis. (via pandas)
- k8s easy deployment, simple interface to attach service and volumes.
- Some simple test scripts for cluster network health, file system and network throughput.
- pip
- kubernetes
- pandas (Only needed for cluster data analysis)
- k8sclient (wrapper for kubernetes)
Collect cluster information and data analysis with pandas
- setup
- pod
- node
- service
- etc.
Deploy pod/replicaset/service and some simple usage/test
- pods, volume, service and etc.
- replicaset
- network connectivity test
- file system test (fio), network throughput (iperf), pod stress test and etc
- service search
- query api (hubot)
Be cautious if you're using a Python install that's managed by your operating system or another package manager. get-pip.py does not coordinate with those tools, and may leave your system in an inconsistent state. To install pip via package manager, use package name python-pip Python3 is recommented though, not sure thoes numpy/pandas package can work well with python3
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
pip install kubernetes
Usefully documentation links
pip install pandas
git clone https://github.com/zq-david-wang/k8sclient.git
cd k8sclient && pip install -e .
Checkout the notebooks for more examples.