- Updated Mobilisten SDK for Android to version 8.0.5
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for Android to version 8.0.4
Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 9.1.1 Android to version 8.0.3
The Chat.start() API helps initiate a chat.
The Chat.startWithTrigger() API allows initiating a chatbot-triggered chat.
The Chat.setWaitingTime() API allows customizing the chat's waiting time.
The Chat.get() API retrieves chat details for the specified chat ID.
The present() API allows displaying the SDK (Conversation or Knowledge Base) as per your requirement.
The setThemeForiOS() API enables customizing the SDK's appearance on iOS.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for Android to version 8.0.0
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 9.0.1
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 8.1.3
- Introduced a new set of APIs for more SDK customizations.
- The ZohoSalesIQ.Launcher.show() API to customize the launcher's visibility (show, hide, or show during an ongoing chat) based on your preferences. The previously utilized showLauncher() API has now been deprecated.
- The ZohoSalesIQ.Launcher.enableDragToDismiss() API enables closing the mobilisten launcher by drag and drop.
- Mobilisten now supports ten regional languages, including Tamil, Kannada, Bengali, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Punjabi, Oriya, and Malayalam.
- The ZohoSalesIQ.dismissUI() API allows users to navigate back to your app instantly by dismissing all Mobilisten UI elements.
- Introducing the ability to add custom icons for rating/feedback in both iOS and Android.
- The Chat.showFeedbackAfterSkip() API to control the flow of rating/feedback after the chat ends.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.
- The article sub-categories are supported.
- Introduced a new versions of APIs for the Knowledge base ( Deprecated the old FAQ APIs)
- An update in the setTabOrder() API, the param value "FAQ" is deprecated, and a new value "KnowledgeBase" is introduced.
- Supported managing the author's information visibility and a provision to like/dislike the articles for the visitors from the brand settings.
- Multi-lingual support for the articles and their categories.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 6.0.1.
- Upgraded
of Android to 33
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 6.0.1.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 6.0.0.
- Updated the Android SDK to version 5.1.0 and iOS SDK version to 5.4.0.
- The ZohoSalesIQ.setCustomAction() API now includes the 'shouldOpenChatWindow' parameter, allowing you to open the chat window when there is a trigger.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Experience the brand new version of Android SDK 5.0.0.
- Addressed the GitHub issues - #30 , #31 , #32.
- lastMessage, lastMessageSender and lastMessageTime in getChats() and getChatsWithFilter() APIs is deprecated. Use recentMessage instead.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 5.3.2.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 5.3.1.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 5.3.0 and Android to version 4.4.0.
- Added support for Georgian [ka], Armenian [hy], and Persian [fa] languages. You can change to these languages using the .setLanguage() API.
- Addressed the GitHub issue - #28.
Experience the brand new version of iOS SDK 5.0.0 and improved Android SDK 4.3.3.
Get debug logs for your application from app users instantly with a click using new Logger APIs.
Added support to change the order of tabs in SalesIQ SDK inside your mobile app using setTabOrder().
A new method, shouldOpenURL() introduced to customize URL redirection.
Implemented setNotificationIconForAndroid() API.
Implemented sendEvent() API and deprecated the completeChatAction() and completeChatActionWithMessage() APIs.
Implemented launcherProperties for Android to customize the SalesIQ launcher.
Implemented the EVENT_HANDLE_URL event in event listener, refer sendEvent() API for more details.
Other miscellaneous bug fixes.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for Android to version 4.2.9. Learn More about the update.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for Android to version 4.2.8. Learn More about the update.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 4.2.8. Learn More about the update.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for Android to version 4.2.3. Learn More about the update.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 4.2.6. Learn More about the update.
- Added .chatUnreadCount API to fetch the current unread count of the chats. Learn More.
- Added chatUnreadCountChanged event in chatEventChannel to track the change in the unreadCount. Learn More.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for iOS to version 4.2.3. Learn More about the update.
- Updated Mobilisten SDK for Android to version 4.2.1. Learn More about the update.
- Initial release of the plugin for the iOS and Android platforms.