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85 lines (76 loc) · 3.44 KB

File metadata and controls

85 lines (76 loc) · 3.44 KB


Manual steps

  • Preconfigure: copy an existing setup to machines/$HOSTNAME

  • Install NixOS:

    • format flash drive: dd if=$PATH_TO_ISO.iso of=/dev/sda

    • boot with that flash drive

    • You may need to configure WiFi:

      ifconfig wlp3s0 down
      ifconfig wlp3s0 up
      iwconfig wlp3s0 essid ...
      sleep 10 && ping  # repeat as needed
    • curl -s | bash

    • cd /mnt/persist/zjn/git/dotfiles

    • ./scripts/ from this repo (no dependencies)

    • on reboot:

      • log in as zjn
      • deactivate root password (sudo passwd -l root). then proceed
  • Set stuff up

    • Syncthing: http://localhost:8384 on both machines
    • Pass (might need to run repeatedly)
    • Firefox
    • email (mkdir ~/Maildir/{gmail,csail,mit,fastmail,chainguard} && mbsync -a then mu init --my-address=... --my-address=...)
    • GitHub SSH keys, reenable code.nix
    • Tailscale

You're probably going to have to restart Firefox, Emacs a couple of times each until things work. Such is life.

Alternate: auto steps

  • Preconfigure
    • copy an existing setup to machines/$HOSTNAME (but comment out import of code.nix!)
    • copy a block in ops/network.nix for the new machine
  • Install
    • cd autoinstall && ln -s ../../machines/$HOSTNAME/system.nix configuration.nix && ./build
    • dd if=autoinstall.iso of=/dev/sda
    • boot with that flash drive, watch it install itself
  • Post-install
    1. tailscale (which involves logging into google)
    2. syncthing
    3. keys (from a working device)
      • create and fetch ssh-keys
        ssh $NEWDEVICE -- 'ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519" -N ""'
        ssh $NEWDEVICE -- cp ~/.ssh/ ~/Sync/keys/${NEWDEVICE}.pub
        cp ~/Sync/keys/${NEWDEVICE}.pub net/${NEWDEVICE}.pub
        sed -i "/\]/i\  ./${NEWDEVICE}.pub" net/keys.nix
      • gpg keys
        ssh $NEWDEVICE -- 'find "$HOME/.gnupg/" -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;'
        ssh $NEWDEVICE -- 'find "$HOME/.gnupg/" -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;'
        ssh $NEWDEVICE  # do the GPG stuff in ``
        FINGERPRINT=$(ssh $NEWDEVICE -- gpg --list-keys | grep "Key fingerprint" | head -n 1 | cut -d= -f2 | sed 's/ //g')
        ssh $NEWDEVICE -- gpg --edit-key $FINGERPRINT  # type in 'passwd<RET>' and then enter password
        ssh $NEWDEVICE "gpg --output $HOME/Sync/keys/${NEWDEVICE}.gpg --export [email protected]"
        gpg --import $HOME/Sync/keys/${NEWDEVICE}.gpg
        echo "${FINGERPRINT}:6" | gpg --import-ownertrust
        echo $FINGERPRINT >> $HOME/.password-store/.gpg-id
    4. pass (on a working device)
      # this will take a while; in the meantime import owner trust on other devices including $NEWDEVICE
      while true; do xargs pass init < $HOME/.password-store/.gpg-id; echo trying again; sleep 1; done
    5. once pass show firefox works log in to Firefox
    6. email (if applicable)
      • mkdir ~/Maildir/{gmail,csail,mit,fastmail,chainguard} && mbsync -a
      • mu init --my-address=... --my-address=...
    7. GitHub SSH keys, pull this repo
    8. update yourself
      • reenable code.nix
      • make sure you have a hardware-configuration.nix
        • nixos-generate-config --show-hardware-config
        • compare with existing