The repository provides scripts to build carpeDIEM ( energy datapackages in directory datapackages/ and to solve the defined systems towards least-cost optimality. carpeDIEM itself contains only two short scripts, and, because it relies on the Open Energy Modeling Framework - oemof. These datapackages are based on a reference input dataset developed at
Beware, executing does create a results folder in your home directory if it does not yet exist.
Data on the preoptimized sub-system is contained in a separate xls file.
--| scenarios
Contains a short-list of scenario labels and names.
--| timeseries-2A --| timeseries-2B ...
Timeseries data especially for the isolated approach with an effect to the German electricity hub.
On the one hand pre-optimized residual load timeseries of the sub-system and on the other hand
demand or generation no longer associated with the macro-system. The net-balance is connected to
the German eletricity bus.
--| r_residuals --| r_profiles
Preoptimized timeseries of the sub-system. Wind, pv and load profile of the sub-system.
--| r_aux
In essence auxiliary values, with which the profiles of the sub-system get multiplied.
Please install the required dependencies.
pip install six
pip install --no-deps -r requirements.txt
In order to run the scripts written in Python on a clean install of Ubuntu Linux (Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS) follow these steps.
Open up a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T), a command-line interface to interact with the operating system.
Install the package-installer for Python (pip) maintained by the Python Packaging Authority. With pip you can install additional Python packages from the Python Package Index (pypi).
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Install the open source mixed integer programming solver Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut), used to solve the mathematical model representation of the electricity system.
sudo apt-get install coinor-cbc
Clone the carpeDIEM git repository and change your working directory.
git clone
cd carpeDIEM
Install required Python packages with pip.
pip3 install six
pip3 install --no-deps -r requirements.txt
Run the build-script, which creates a datapackage for each carpeDIEM-scenario.
Afterwards run the compute-script to optimize these energy system configurations.
Change your directory to view the results.
cd ~/results
An electricity sub-system / micro-system, e.g. a municipality, is analysed in the context of a so-called macro-system, e.g. a national state. The sub-system, Bordelum, is pre-optimized independently from the macro-system with a focus on varying degrees of autarky. As such it is a showcase for the effects of autarkic sub-systems in a minimal cost optimized German electricity system.