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142 lines (104 loc) · 6.09 KB

Contributing to Jib

We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. There are just a few small guidelines you need to follow.

Contributor License Agreement

Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution; this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project. Head over to to see your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.

You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you've already submitted one (even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it again.

Building Jib

Jib comes as 3 public components:

  • jib-core: a library for building containers
  • jib-maven-plugin: a Maven plugin that uses jib-core and jib-plugins-common
  • jib-gradle-plugin: a Gradle plugin that uses jib-core and jib-plugins-common

And 1 internal component:

  • jib-plugins-common: a library with helpers for maven/gradle plugins

The project is configured as a single gradle build. Run ./gradlew build to build the whole project. Run ./gradlew install to install all public components into the local maven repository.

Code Reviews

  1. Set your git property to the address used for step 1. E.g.
    git config --global "[email protected]"
    If you're a Googler or other corporate contributor, use your corporate email address here, not your personal address.
  2. Fork the repository into your own Github account.
  3. We follow our own Java style guide that extends the Google Java Style Guide.
  4. Please include unit tests (and integration tests if applicable) for all new code.
  5. Make sure all existing tests pass (but see the note below about integration tests).
    • run ./gradlew clean goJF build integrationTest
  6. Associate the change with an existing issue or file a new issue.
  7. Create a pull request!

Integration Tests

Note that in order to run integration tests, you will need to set one of the following environment variables:

  • If you are using a GCP project then set JIB_INTEGRATION_TESTING_PROJECT to the GCP project to use for testing; the registry tested will be<JIB_INTEGRATION_TESTING_PROJECT>.
    • Configure authentication to Container Registry by following these steps.
    • Enable the Google Container Registry API here.
  • If you're not using a GCP project then set JIB_INTEGRATION_TESTING_LOCATION to a specific registry for testing. (For example, you can run docker run -d -p 9990:5000 registry:2 to set up a local registry and set the variable to localhost:9990.)

You will also need Docker installed with the daemon running. Note that the integration tests will create local registries on ports 5000 and 6000.

To run select integration tests, use --tests=<testPattern>, see gradle docs for testPattern examples.

Development Tips

Configuring Eclipse

Although jib is a mix of Gradle and Maven projects, we build everything using one unifed gradle build. There is special code to include some projects directly as source, but importing your project should be pretty straight forward.

  1. Ensure you have installed the Gradle tooling for Eclipse, called Buildship (available from the Eclipse Marketplace).
  2. Import the Gradle project: Buildship does not yet support Eclipse Smart Import. Use File → Import → Gradle → Existing Gradle Project and import jib.

Note that you will likely need to re-apply these changes whenever you refresh or update these projects.

Debugging the Jib Maven Plugin (jib-maven-plugin)

Build and use a local snapshot

To use a local build of the jib-maven-plugin:

  1. Build and install jib-maven-plugin into your local ~/.m2/repository with ./gradlew jib-maven-plugin:install;
  2. Modify your test project's pom.xml to reference the -SNAPSHOT version of the plugin.

If developing from within Eclipse with M2Eclipse (the Maven tooling for Eclipse):

  1. Modify your test project's pom.xml to reference the -SNAPSHOT version of the plugin.
  2. Create and launch a Maven Build launch configuration for the test project, and ensure the Resolve Workspace artifacts is checked.

Attaching a debugger

Run mvnDebug jib:build and attach to port 8000.

If developing with Eclipse and M2Eclipse (the Maven tooling for Eclipse), just launch the Maven Build with Debug.

Debugging the Jib Gradle Plugin (jib-gradle-plugin)

Build and use a local snapshot

To use a local build of the jib-gradle-plugin:

  1. Build and install jib-gradle-plugin into your local ~/.m2/repository with ./gradlew jib-gradle-plugin:install
  2. Add a pluginManagement block to your test project's settings.gradle to enable reading plugins from the local maven repository. It must be the first block in the file before any include directives.
    pluginManagement {
      repositories {
  3. Modify your test project's build.gradle to use the snapshot version
    plugins {
      // id '' version '3.1.2'
      id '' version '3.1.3-SNAPSHOT'

Attaching a debugger

Attach a debugger to a Gradle instance by running Gradle as follows:

./gradlew jib \
  --no-daemon \