Porting Google's official serial port libraryandroid-serialport-api,only supports serial port name and baud rate. This item adds support check digit, data bit, stop bit, flow control configuration item.
implementation 'tp.xmaihh:serialport:2.1'
Attributes | parameter |
Baud rate | BAUDRATE |
Data bit | 5,6,7,8 ; default value 8 |
Check Digit | No parity (NONE), odd parity (ODD), even parity (EVEN); default no parity |
Stop bit | 1,2 ; default value 1 |
Flow Control | No flow control (NONE), hardware flow control (RTS/CTS), software flow control (XON/XOFF); flow control is not used by default |
serialHelper.setPort(String sPort); //set the serial port
serialHelper.setBaudRate(int iBaud); //set the baud rate
serialHelper.setStopBits(int stopBits); //set the stop bit
serialHelper.setDataBits(int dataBits); //set the data bit
serialHelper.setParity(int parity); //set the check bit
serialHelper.setFlowCon(int flowcon); //set the flow control
Serial port property settings must be set before the function 'open()' is executed.
serialHelper.send(byte[] bOutArray); // send byte[]
serialHelper.sendHex(String sHex); // send Hex
serialHelper.sendTxt(String sTxt); // send ASCII
protected void onDataReceived(final ComBean comBean) {
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), new String(comBean.bRec, "UTF-8"), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Support sticky package processing, the reason is seen in the Issue , the provided sticky package processing
- Not processed (default)
- First and last special character processing
- Fixed length processing
- Dynamic length processing
Supports custom sticky packet processing.
The first step is to implement the AbsStickPackageHelper interface.
* Accept the message, the helper of the sticky packet processing, return the final data through inputstream, need to manually process the sticky packet, and the returned byte[] is the complete data we expected.
* Note: This method will be called repeatedly until it resolves to a complete piece of data. This method is synchronous, try not to do time-consuming operations, otherwise it will block reading data.
public interface AbsStickPackageHelper {
byte[] execute(InputStream is);
Set sticky package processing
serialHelper.setStickPackageHelper(AbsStickPackageHelper mStickPackageHelper);
PC-side debugging tools Serial debugging tool for Win
- Add support settings to receive data sticky packet processing, support for setting custom sticky packet processing
- Add support to set check digits, data bits, stop bits, flow control configuration items
- Basic function, serial port set serial port number, baud rate, send and receive data
- This library does not provide ROOT permissions, please open the serial port '666' permissions yourself.
adb shell chmod 666 /dev/ttyS1
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