Search Assistant: Searching shodan via API.
usage: [-search Apache] [-f ips.txt] [--ip]
[--hostnameonly] [--history]
[--page 1] [--list_ip] [--list_ip_port]
Shodan_So - Search Assistant: Searching shodan via API. --By: Zev3n
optional arguments:
-f ips.txt Using THe Ips List - File containing IPs to search
shodan for.
Shodan Host Search against IP/IP range & return
results from Shodan about a it/them.
--search Apache when searching Shodan for a string.
--hostnameonly Only provide results with a Shodan stored hostname.
--history Return all historical banners.
--page 1 Page number of results to return (default 1 (first
--list_ip Singled out IP address from query results.
--list_ip_port Singled out IP address with port from query results.
Thanks to the legend Hood3dRob1n & Lucifer HR
- 自己用着实在不顺手,修复了几个参数的逻辑bug。
- 优化了输出的格式,包括颜色和分层,较直观。
- 增加了按范围查询ip的功能。