There are a few ways to contribute the development of this app. On this page you can read all about it.
Each app theme consists of:
- a needle / indicator
- a dial background
- a stopwatch background
- an app background
- a needle color
- a theme name
- a mark-color
Google/Android Auto and VAG have strict guidelines when it comes to showing things on a screen that's visible while driving. Not looking at the road when you should is dangerous! Here are my basic design principes:
- Nothing should be distracting
- Nothing should be hard to see/read
- Nothing should be too bright(especially at night)
The needle image should always be in the 12'o'clock position.
Dial backgound with marks on it: If you use marks on the graphic, the start and end positions should be in the same location as the example. sv_markColor should be transparent in this case.
Dial without marks on it: The app will generate marks in the color which is specified in sv_markColor.
Always make sure there is enough room for data in the center circle.
Basically the same as the dial background, but this one should have marks on it.
The wallpaper in the app. This should be 800x400px. This is the image that will be visible throughout the entire application, so make sure it's nice.
Needle color (themedNeedleColor) Needle colors are used in high-visibility mode. This can be any color you like, I use semi-transparent ones.
Mark color (sv_markColor) Mark colors should be transparent when the dial background graphic has marks on it. Otherwise, keep them white or whatever suits your theme.
Pick whatever you like!