In many cases, customers want to keep control/ownership over the user data and the authentication process. Zender provides a signed provider authentication mechanism that makes that possible.
This diagram explains how the signed provider flow works:
First the user starts the app
Then the user logs in (or is already logged in)
The user authenticates against the customer authentication endpoint and an App session is created
When the app is about to start the Zender Player, it first asks a signed token
The customer endpoint provides the user with a signed token which contains the user information, a signature (using a shared secret) and a timestamp
This signed token is then passed to the authentication of the Zender Player
Then the player starts and the signedToken is sent to the Zender Authentication for verification
The Zender Authentication verifies the signature using the shared secret
It checks that the signature is not too old
On successful verification it will extract the user information from the token and create a Zender User if it doesn't exist already
From then on the Zender Player has successfully logged in the user and works with its own Zender Session
The Signed Provider needs additional backend configuration.
- requires a valid zender targetId and channelId
- requires a valid shared secret
- requires "signedProvider" to be configured on the backend
- validity of the signature
- endpoint to redirect users to for login purposes (web)
- requires synchronized clock on signing backend
- requires decision on signing expiration time
Here is a sample code for nodejs to calculate the tokens
const crypto = require('crypto');
const querystring = require("querystring");
let secret = "<your-secret>";
let targetId = "<your-target-id>";
let channelId = "<your-channel-id>";
function sign(user,secret) {
const secretDecoded = Buffer.from(secret, "base64"); // the provided secret is base64, so it needs to be decoded first
const signature_date = new Date().getTime() / 1000; // seconds since epoch
const hmac = crypto.createHmac( "sha1", secretDecoded); // prepare the hmac signing
hmac.update(`${signature_date}_${}_${user.first_name}_${user.last_name}`); // use the agreed signing template
const signature = hmac.digest("base64"); // calculate the signature , base64
userData = {
"first_name": user.first_name,
"last_name": user.last_name,
"avatar": user.avatar,
"signature_date": signature_date,
"signature" : signature,
signedToken = JSON.stringify(userData); // stringify the json structure
return signedToken;
// A sample user information
let userInfo = {
"first_name": "Test",
"last_name": "User",
"avatar": ""
// Sign the user Info with the secret
const token=sign(userInfo,secret);
// Calculate the url
const encryptedBytes = Buffer.from(token);
encodedToken = encryptedBytes.toString('base64'); // base64 encode the token
const params = querystring.stringify({signedToken: encodedToken });
let url=`${targetId}/channels/${channelId}?${params}`
console.log("Direct Loginurl ===>");
// Calculate the API call
const body = {
provider: "signedProvider",
token: token,
targetId: targetId
console.log("API Call via the cli ===>");
// Instructions to validate the generate token
console.log(`curl -d '${JSON.stringify(body)}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -v`);
- signature_date is seconds since last epoch
- signature_date is needs to be generated on server side, this will minimize the drift when signature validity is checked.
- signature is a hmac.digest("base64") of a templated string
- provider: "signedProvider"
- payload:
"token" : signedToken
const body = {
provider: "signedProvider",
token: "<signedToken>",
targetId: "<targetId>"
// Instructions to validate the generate token
console.log(`curl -d '${JSON.stringify(body)}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -v`);