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File metadata and controls

133 lines (102 loc) · 4.48 KB

Signed Provider Authentication

In many cases, customers want to keep control/ownership over the user data and the authentication process. Zender provides a signed provider authentication mechanism that makes that possible.

Authentication flow

This diagram explains how the signed provider flow works:

Zender Signed Provider Diagram

  • First the user starts the app

  • Then the user logs in (or is already logged in)

  • The user authenticates against the customer authentication endpoint and an App session is created

  • When the app is about to start the Zender Player, it first asks a signed token

  • The customer endpoint provides the user with a signed token which contains the user information, a signature (using a shared secret) and a timestamp

  • This signed token is then passed to the authentication of the Zender Player

  • Then the player starts and the signedToken is sent to the Zender Authentication for verification

  • The Zender Authentication verifies the signature using the shared secret

  • It checks that the signature is not too old

  • On successful verification it will extract the user information from the token and create a Zender User if it doesn't exist already

  • From then on the Zender Player has successfully logged in the user and works with its own Zender Session


The Signed Provider needs additional backend configuration.

  • requires a valid zender targetId and channelId
  • requires a valid shared secret
  • requires "signedProvider" to be configured on the backend
  • validity of the signature
  • endpoint to redirect users to for login purposes (web)
  • requires synchronized clock on signing backend
  • requires decision on signing expiration time

Signed Provider Token format

Preparing the signedToken

Here is a sample code for nodejs to calculate the tokens

const crypto = require('crypto');  
const querystring = require("querystring");

let secret = "<your-secret>";
let targetId = "<your-target-id>";
let channelId = "<your-channel-id>";

function sign(user,secret) {
    	const secretDecoded = Buffer.from(secret, "base64"); // the provided secret is base64, so it needs to be decoded first
	const signature_date = new Date().getTime() / 1000; // seconds since epoch

	const hmac = crypto.createHmac( "sha1", secretDecoded); // prepare the hmac signing
	hmac.update(`${signature_date}_${}_${user.first_name}_${user.last_name}`); // use the agreed signing template

	const signature = hmac.digest("base64"); // calculate the signature , base64

	userData = {
		"first_name": user.first_name,
		"last_name": user.last_name,
		"avatar": user.avatar,
		"signature_date": signature_date,
		"signature" : signature,

	signedToken = JSON.stringify(userData); // stringify the json structure
	return signedToken;

// A sample user information
let userInfo = {
		"first_name": "Test",
		"last_name": "User",
		"avatar": ""

// Sign the user Info with the secret
const token=sign(userInfo,secret);

// Calculate the url

const encryptedBytes = Buffer.from(token);
encodedToken = encryptedBytes.toString('base64'); // base64 encode the token

const params = querystring.stringify({signedToken: encodedToken });

let url=`${targetId}/channels/${channelId}?${params}`
console.log("Direct Loginurl ===>");

// Calculate the API call
const body = {
        provider: "signedProvider",
        token: token,
        targetId: targetId

console.log("API Call via the cli ===>");
// Instructions to validate the generate token
console.log(`curl -d '${JSON.stringify(body)}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -v`);
  • signature_date is seconds since last epoch
  • signature_date is needs to be generated on server side, this will minimize the drift when signature validity is checked.
  • signature is a hmac.digest("base64") of a templated string

Authentication Payload Format

  • provider: "signedProvider"
  • payload:
	"token" : signedToken

Verifying a token

const body = {
        provider: "signedProvider",
        token: "<signedToken>",
        targetId: "<targetId>"

// Instructions to validate the generate token
console.log(`curl -d '${JSON.stringify(body)}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -v`);