sidebar_position | slug |
41 |
/api |
- AngleAxis
- AngleAxisTheme
- AnimationAddition
- AnimationChange
- AnimationFadeIn
- AnimationFadeOut
- AnimationHiding
- AnimationInfo
- AnimationInfoContext
- AnimationInteraction
- AnimationStyle
- AnimationStyleHelper
- AreaStyle
- ArrowStyle
- Axis
- Axis3DHelper
- AxisAnimation
- AxisContext
- AxisHandler<T>
- AxisHelper
- AxisLabel
- AxisLine
- AxisMinorSplitLine
- AxisMinorTick
- AxisName
- AxisSplitArea
- AxisSplitLine
- AxisTheme
- AxisTick
- Background
- Bar
- BarChart
- BaseAxisTheme
- BaseChart
- BaseGraph
- BaseLine
- BaseScatter
- BaseSerie
- BlurStyle
- BorderStyle
- CalendarCoord
- Candlestick
- CandlestickChart
- ChartCached
- ChartConst
- ChartDrawer
- ChartHelper
- ChartLabel
- ChartObject
- ChartText
- CheckHelper
- ChildComponent
- ColorUtil
- Comment
- CommentItem
- CommentMarkStyle
- ComponentHandlerAttribute
- ComponentHelper
- ComponentTheme
- CoordOptionsAttribute
- CoordSystem
- DataHelper
- DataZoom
- DataZoomContext
- DataZoomHelper
- DataZoomTheme
- DateTimeUtil
- DebugInfo
- DefaultAnimationAttribute
- DefaultTooltipAttribute
- DefineSymbolsUtil
- EffectScatter
- EmphasisStyle
- EndLabelStyle
- FormatterHelper
- GraphData
- GraphEdge
- GraphNode
- GridCoord
- GridCoord3D
- GridCoord3DContext
- GridCoordContext
- GridLayout
- GridLayoutContext
- Heatmap
- HeatmapChart
- IconStyle
- IgnoreDoc
- ImageStyle
- Indicator
- INeedSerieContainer
- InputHelper
- InteractData
- IPropertyChanged
- ISerieComponent
- ISerieContainer
- ISerieDataComponent
- ISimplifiedSerie
- ItemStyle
- IUpdateRuntimeData
- JsonUtil
- LabelLine
- LabelStyle
- Lang
- LangCandlestick
- LangTime
- LayerHelper
- Legend
- LegendContext
- LegendHelper
- LegendItem
- LegendTheme
- Level
- LevelStyle
- Line
- LineArrow
- LineChart
- LineHelper
- LineStyle
- ListFor
- ListForComponent
- ListForSerie
- ListPool<T>
- Location
- MainComponent
- MainComponentContext
- MainComponentHandler
- MainComponentHandler<T>
- MarkArea
- MarkAreaData
- MarkLine
- MarkLineData
- MarqueeStyle
- MathUtil
- MLValue
- MonoBehaviour
- Padding
- Painter
- Parallel
- ParallelAxis
- ParallelChart
- ParallelCoord
- ParallelCoordContext
- Pie
- PieChart
- PolarAxisTheme
- PolarChart
- PolarCoord
- PolarCoordContext
- PropertyUtil
- Radar
- RadarAxisTheme
- RadarChart
- RadarCoord
- RadarCoordContext
- RadiusAxis
- RadiusAxisTheme
- ReflectionUtil
- RequireChartComponentAttribute
- Ring
- RingChart
- RuntimeUtil
- Scatter
- ScatterChart
- SelectStyle
- Serie
- SerieComponentAttribute
- SerieContext
- SerieConvertAttribute
- SerieData
- SerieDataComponentAttribute
- SerieDataContext
- SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute
- SerieDataLink
- SerieEventData
- SerieEventDataPool
- SerieHandler
- SerieHandler<T>
- SerieHandlerAttribute
- SerieHelper
- SerieLabelHelper
- SerieLabelPool
- SerieParams
- SeriesHelper
- SerieSymbol
- SerieTheme
- Settings
- SimplifiedBar
- SimplifiedBarChart
- SimplifiedCandlestick
- SimplifiedCandlestickChart
- SimplifiedLine
- SimplifiedLineChart
- Since
- SingleAxis
- SingleAxisCoord
- StageColor
- StateStyle
- SubTitleTheme
- SVGPath
- SVGPathSeg
- SymbolStyle
- TextLimit
- TextPadding
- TextStyle
- Theme
- ThemeStyle
- Title
- TitleStyle
- TitleTheme
- Tooltip
- TooltipContext
- TooltipData
- TooltipHelper
- TooltipTheme
- TooltipView
- TooltipViewItem
- UGLExample
- UGLHelper
- UIComponent
- UIComponentTheme
- UIHelper
- ViewControl
- VisualMap
- VisualMapContext
- VisualMapHelper
- VisualMapRange
- VisualMapTheme
- Wrapper<T>
- XAxis
- XAxis3D
- XChartsMgr
- XCResourceImporterWindow
- XCResourcesImporter
- XCSettings
- XCThemeMgr
- XLog
- YAxis
- YAxis3D
- ZAxis3D
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Axis
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetValueAngle() | public float GetValueAngle(double value) | |
GetValueAngle() | public float GetValueAngle(float value) | |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseAxisTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AngleAxisTheme() | public AngleAxisTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) { } |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: AnimationInfo
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: AnimationInfo
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: AnimationInfo
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: AnimationInfo
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: AnimationInfo
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: AnimationFadeIn,AnimationFadeOut,AnimationChange,AnimationAddition,AnimationHiding,AnimationInteraction
API | 版本 | 描述 |
End() | public void End() 结束动画。 |
GetIndexDelay() | public float GetIndexDelay(int dataIndex) 获取动画延迟。 |
Init() | public bool Init(float curr, float dest, int totalPointIndex) 初始化动画。 |
IsFinish() | public bool IsFinish() 动画是否结束。 |
IsInDelay() | public bool IsInDelay() 动画是否在延迟中。 |
IsInIndexDelay() | public bool IsInIndexDelay(int dataIndex) 动画是否在索引延迟中。 |
Pause() | public void Pause() 暂停动画。 |
Reset() | public void Reset() 重置动画。 |
Resume() | public void Resume() 恢复动画。 |
Start() | public void Start(bool reset = true) 开始动画。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: AnimationInfo
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetOffset() | public float GetOffset() | |
GetOffset() | public float GetOffset(float total) | |
GetRadius() | public float GetRadius(float radius) | |
GetWidth() | public float GetWidth(float width) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
动画组件,用于控制图表的动画播放。支持配置五种动画表现:FadeIn(渐入动画),FadeOut(渐出动画),Change(变更动画),Addition(新增动画),Interaction(交互动画)。 按作用的对象可以分为两类:SerieAnimation(系列动画)和DataAnimation(数据动画)。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Addition() | public void Addition() 开始数据新增动画。 |
CanCheckInteract() | public bool CanCheckInteract() | |
CheckDetailBreak() | public bool CheckDetailBreak(float detail) | |
CheckDetailBreak() | public bool CheckDetailBreak(Vector3 pos, bool isYAxis) | |
CheckProgress() | public void CheckProgress() | |
CheckProgress() | public void CheckProgress(double total) | |
CheckSymbol() | public void CheckSymbol(float dest) | |
FadeIn() | public void FadeIn() 开始渐入动画。 |
FadeOut() | public void FadeOut() 开始渐出动画。 |
GetAdditionDuration() | public float GetAdditionDuration() | |
GetChangeDuration() | public float GetChangeDuration() | |
GetCurrDetail() | public float GetCurrDetail() | |
GetCurrIndex() | public int GetCurrIndex() | |
GetCurrRate() | public float GetCurrRate() | |
GetInteractionDuration() | public float GetInteractionDuration() | |
GetInteractionRadius() | public float GetInteractionRadius(float radius) | |
GetSysmbolSize() | public float GetSysmbolSize(float dest) | |
HasFadeOut() | public bool HasFadeOut() | |
InitProgress() | public void InitProgress(float curr, float dest) 初始化动画配置。 |
InitProgress() | public void InitProgress(List<Vector3> paths, bool isY) 初始化动画配置。 |
IsDataAnimation() | public bool IsDataAnimation() 是否为数据动画。BottomToTop和InsideOut类型的为数据动画。 |
IsEnd() | public bool IsEnd() | |
IsFadeIn() | public bool IsFadeIn() | |
IsFadeOut() | public bool IsFadeOut() | |
IsFinish() | public bool IsFinish() | |
IsInDelay() | public bool IsInDelay() | |
IsSerieAnimation() | public bool IsSerieAnimation() 是否为系列动画。LeftToRight、AlongPath和Clockwise类型的为系列动画。 |
Pause() | public void Pause() 暂停所有动画。 |
Reset() | public void Reset() Reset all animations. |
Restart() | public void Restart() 重启当前激活的动画。 |
Resume() | public void Resume() 恢复所有动画。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
CheckDataAnimation() | public static float CheckDataAnimation(BaseChart chart, Serie serie, int dataIndex, float destProgress, float startPorgress = 0) | |
GetAnimationPosition() | public static bool GetAnimationPosition(AnimationStyle animation, bool isY, Vector3 lp, Vector3 cp, float progress, ref Vector3 ip, ref float rate) | |
UpdateAnimationType() | public static void UpdateAnimationType(AnimationStyle animation, AnimationType defaultType, bool enableSerieDataAnimation) | |
UpdateSerieAnimation() | public static void UpdateSerieAnimation(Serie serie) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent,ISerieComponent,ISerieDataComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor() | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(Color32 themeColor) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public ArrowStyle Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(ArrowStyle arrow) | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(Color32 defaultColor) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent / 子类: AngleAxis,ParallelAxis,RadiusAxis,SingleAxis,XAxis,XAxis3D,YAxis,YAxis3D,ZAxis3D
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddData() | public void AddData(string category) 添加一个类目到类目数据列表 |
AddIcon() | public void AddIcon(Sprite icon) 添加图标 |
ClearComponentDirty() | public override void ClearComponentDirty() | |
ClearData() | public override void ClearData() 清空类目数据 |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public override void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
Clone() | public Axis Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(Axis axis) | |
GetAddedDataCount() | public int GetAddedDataCount() 获得添加过的历史数据总数 |
GetCategoryPosition() | public Vector3 GetCategoryPosition(int categoryIndex, int dataCount = 0) | |
GetData() | public string GetData(int index) 获得指定索引的类目数据 |
GetData() | public string GetData(int index, DataZoom dataZoom) 获得在dataZoom范围内指定索引的类目数据 |
GetDistance() | public float GetDistance(double value, float axisLength = 0) 获得值在坐标轴上的距离 |
GetIcon() | public Sprite GetIcon(int index) | |
GetLabelValue() | public double GetLabelValue(int index) | |
GetLastLabelValue() | public double GetLastLabelValue() | |
GetLogMaxIndex() | public double GetLogMaxIndex() | |
GetLogMinIndex() | public double GetLogMinIndex() | |
GetLogValue() | public float GetLogValue(double value) | |
GetValueLength() | public float GetValueLength(double value, float axisLength) | |
IsBottom() | public bool IsBottom() | |
IsCategory() | public bool IsCategory() 是否为类目轴。 |
IsLeft() | public bool IsLeft() | |
IsLog() | public bool IsLog() 是否为对数轴。 |
IsNeedShowLabel() | public bool IsNeedShowLabel(int index, int total = 0) | |
IsRight() | public bool IsRight() | |
IsTime() | public bool IsTime() 是否为时间轴。 |
IsTop() | public bool IsTop() | |
IsValue() | public bool IsValue() 是否为数值轴。 |
RemoveData() | public void RemoveData(int dataIndex) | |
ResetStatus() | public override void ResetStatus() 重置状态。 |
SetComponentDirty() | public override void SetComponentDirty() | |
SetNeedUpdateFilterData() | public void SetNeedUpdateFilterData() | |
UpdateData() | public void UpdateData(int index, string category) 更新类目数据 |
UpdateIcon() | public void UpdateIcon(int index, Sprite icon) 更新图标 |
UpdateZeroOffset() | public void UpdateZeroOffset(float axisLength) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Get3DGridPosition() | public static Vector3 Get3DGridPosition(GridCoord3D grid, XAxis3D xAxis, YAxis3D yAxis, double xValue, double yValue) | |
Get3DGridPosition() | public static Vector3 Get3DGridPosition(GridCoord3D grid, XAxis3D xAxis, YAxis3D yAxis, ZAxis3D zAxis, double xValue, double yValue, double zValue) | |
GetLabelPosition() | public static Vector3 GetLabelPosition(int i, Axis axis, Axis relativedAxis, AxisTheme theme, float scaleWid) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public AxisAnimation Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(AxisAnimation animation) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentContext
class in XCharts / 继承自: MainComponentHandler
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AdjustCircleLabelPos() | public static void AdjustCircleLabelPos(ChartLabel txt, Vector3 pos, Vector3 cenPos, float txtHig, Vector3 offset) | |
AdjustMinMaxValue() | public static void AdjustMinMaxValue(Axis axis, ref double minValue, ref double maxValue, bool needFormat, double ceilRate = 0) 调整最大最小值 |
AdjustRadiusAxisLabelPos() | public static void AdjustRadiusAxisLabelPos(ChartLabel txt, Vector3 pos, Vector3 cenPos, float txtHig, Vector3 offset) | |
GetAxisLineArrowOffset() | public static float GetAxisLineArrowOffset(Axis axis) 包含箭头偏移的轴线长度 |
GetAxisPosition() | public static float GetAxisPosition(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, double value, int dataCount = 0, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetAxisPositionValue() | public static double GetAxisPositionValue(float xy, float axisLength, double axisRange, float axisStart, float axisOffset) | |
GetAxisPositionValue() | public static double GetAxisPositionValue(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, Vector3 pos) | |
GetAxisValueDistance() | public static float GetAxisValueDistance(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, float scaleWidth, double value) 获得数值value在坐标轴上相对起点的距离 |
GetAxisValueLength() | public static float GetAxisValueLength(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, float scaleWidth, double value) 获得数值value在坐标轴上对应的长度 |
GetAxisValuePosition() | public static float GetAxisValuePosition(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, float scaleWidth, double value) 获得数值value在坐标轴上的坐标位置 |
GetAxisValueSplitIndex() | public static int GetAxisValueSplitIndex(Axis axis, double value, bool checkMaxCache, int totalSplitNumber = -1) 获得数值value在坐标轴上对应的split索引 |
GetAxisXOrY() | public static float GetAxisXOrY(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, Axis relativedAxis) | |
GetDataWidth() | public static float GetDataWidth(Axis axis, float coordinateWidth, int dataCount, DataZoom dataZoom) 获得一个类目数据在坐标系中代表的宽度 |
GetEachWidth() | public static float GetEachWidth(Axis axis, float coordinateWidth, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetScaleNumber() | public static int GetScaleNumber(Axis axis, float coordinateWidth, DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得分割线条数 |
GetScaleWidth() | public static float GetScaleWidth(Axis axis, float coordinateWidth, int index, DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得分割段宽度 |
GetSplitNumber() | public static int GetSplitNumber(Axis axis, float coordinateWid, DataZoom dataZoom) 获得分割段数 |
GetTotalSplitGridNum() | public static int GetTotalSplitGridNum(Axis axis) 获得分割网格个数,包含次刻度 |
GetXAxisXOrY() | public static float GetXAxisXOrY(GridCoord grid, Axis xAxis, Axis relativedAxis) | |
GetYAxisXOrY() | public static float GetYAxisXOrY(GridCoord grid, Axis yAxis, Axis relativedAxis) | |
NeedShowSplit() | public static bool NeedShowSplit(Axis axis) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: LabelStyle
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearComponentDirty() | public override void ClearComponentDirty() | |
Clone() | public new AxisLabel Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(AxisLabel axisLabel) | |
GetFormatterContent() | public override string GetFormatterContent(int labelIndex, double value, double minValue, double maxValue, bool isLog = false) | |
GetFormatterContent() | public override string GetFormatterContent(int labelIndex, string category) | |
IsNeedShowLabel() | public bool IsNeedShowLabel(int index, int total) | |
SetRelatedText() | public void SetRelatedText(ChartText txt, float labelWidth) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseLine
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public AxisLine Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(AxisLine axisLine) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseLine
坐标轴在 grid 区域中的次分隔线。次分割线会对齐次刻度线 minorTick。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public override void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
Clone() | public AxisMinorSplitLine Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(AxisMinorSplitLine splitLine) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseLine
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public override void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
Clone() | public AxisMinorTick Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(AxisMinorTick axisTick) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public AxisName Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(AxisName axisName) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
坐标轴在 grid 区域中的分隔区域,默认不显示。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public AxisSplitArea Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(AxisSplitArea splitArea) | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(int index, BaseAxisTheme theme) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseLine
坐标轴在 grid 区域中的分隔线。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public override void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
Clone() | public AxisSplitLine Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(AxisSplitLine splitLine) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseAxisTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AxisTheme() | public AxisTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) { } |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseLine
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public AxisTick Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(AxisTick axisTick) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie,INeedSerieContainer
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) | |
ConvertSerie() | public static Bar ConvertSerie(Serie serie) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DefaultBarChart() | public void DefaultBarChart() 默认条形图。 |
DefaultCapsuleBarChart() | public void DefaultCapsuleBarChart() 默认胶囊条形图。 |
DefaultCapsuleColumnChart() | public void DefaultCapsuleColumnChart() 胶囊柱状图。 |
DefaultGroupedBarChart() | public void DefaultGroupedBarChart() 默认分组条形图。 |
DefaultGroupedColumnChart() | public void DefaultGroupedColumnChart() 默认分组柱状图。 |
DefaultPercentBarChart() | public void DefaultPercentBarChart() 默认百分比条形图。 |
DefaultPercentColumnChart() | public void DefaultPercentColumnChart() 默认百分比柱状图。 |
DefaultStackedBarChart() | public void DefaultStackedBarChart() 默认堆叠条形图。 |
DefaultStackedColumnChart() | public void DefaultStackedColumnChart() 默认堆叠分组柱状图。 |
DefaultZebraBarChart() | public void DefaultZebraBarChart() 默认斑马条形图。 |
DefaultZebraColumnChart() | public void DefaultZebraColumnChart() 斑马柱状图。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ComponentTheme / 子类: AxisTheme,RadiusAxisTheme,AngleAxisTheme,PolarAxisTheme,RadarAxisTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
BaseAxisTheme() | public BaseAxisTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) | |
Copy() | public void Copy(BaseAxisTheme theme) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseGraph,ISerializationCallbackReceiver / 子类: BarChart,CandlestickChart,HeatmapChart,LineChart,ParallelChart,PieChart,PolarChart,RadarChart,RingChart,ScatterChart,SimplifiedBarChart,SimplifiedCandlestickChart,SimplifiedLineChart
API | 版本 | 描述 |
onAxisPointerValueChanged | public Action<Axis, double> onAxisPointerValueChanged 坐标轴变更数据索引时回调。参数:axis, dataIndex/dataValue |
onDraw | public Action<VertexHelper> onDraw 自定义绘制回调。在绘制Serie前调用。 |
onDrawAfterSerie | public Action<VertexHelper, Serie> onDrawAfterSerie 自定义Serie绘制回调。在每个Serie绘制完后调用。 |
onDrawBeforeSerie | public Action<VertexHelper, Serie> onDrawBeforeSerie 自定义Serie绘制回调。在每个Serie绘制完前调用。 |
onDrawTop | public Action<VertexHelper> onDrawTop 自定义Top层绘制回调。在绘制Tooltip前调用。 |
onDrawUpper | public Action<VertexHelper> onDrawUpper 自定义Upper层绘制回调。在绘制Tooltip前调用。 |
onInit | public Action onInit 图表的初始化完成回调。 |
onLegendClick | public Action<Legend, int, string, bool> onLegendClick 点击图例按钮回调。参数:legendIndex, legendName, show |
onLegendEnter | public Action<Legend, int, string> onLegendEnter 鼠标进入图例回调。参数:legendIndex, legendName |
onLegendExit | public Action<Legend, int, string> onLegendExit 鼠标退出图例回调。参数:legendIndex, legendName |
onPointerClickBar | public Action<PointerEventData, int> onPointerClickBar 点击柱形图柱条回调。参数:eventData, dataIndex |
onPointerClickPie | public Action<PointerEventData, int, int> onPointerClickPie 点击饼图区域回调。参数:PointerEventData,SerieIndex,SerieDataIndex |
onPointerEnterPie | public Action<int, int> onPointerEnterPie 鼠标进入和离开饼图区域回调,SerieDataIndex为-1时表示离开。参数:PointerEventData,SerieIndex,SerieDataIndex |
onSerieClick | v3.6.0 | public Action<SerieEventData> onSerieClick 鼠标点击Serie回调。 |
onSerieDown | v3.6.0 | public Action<SerieEventData> onSerieDown 鼠标按下Serie回调。 |
onSerieEnter | v3.6.0 | public Action<SerieEventData> onSerieEnter 鼠标进入Serie回调。 |
onSerieExit | v3.6.0 | public Action<SerieEventData> onSerieExit 鼠标离开Serie回调。 |
onUpdate | public Action onUpdate 图表的Update回调。 |
AddChartComponent() | public MainComponent AddChartComponent(Type type) | |
AddChartComponent<T>() | public T AddChartComponent<T>() where T : MainComponent | |
AddChartComponentWhenNoExist<T>() | public T AddChartComponentWhenNoExist<T>() where T : MainComponent | |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, DateTime time, double yValue, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 添加(time,y)数据到指定的系列中。 |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, double data, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 添加一个数据到指定的系列中。 |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, double indexOrTimestamp, double open, double close, double lowest, double heighest, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) | |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, double xValue, double yValue, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 添加(x,y)数据到指定系列中。 |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, List<double> multidimensionalData, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 添加多维数据(x,y,z...)到指定的系列中。 |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, params double[] multidimensionalData) 添加多维数据(x,y,z...)到指定的系列中。 |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(string serieName, DateTime time, double yValue, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 添加(time,y)数据到指定的系列中。 |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(string serieName, double data, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) If serieName doesn't exist in legend,will be add to legend. |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(string serieName, double indexOrTimestamp, double open, double close, double lowest, double heighest, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) | |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(string serieName, double xValue, double yValue, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 添加(x,y)数据到指定系列中。 |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(string serieName, List<double> multidimensionalData, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 添加多维数据(x,y,z...)到指定的系列中。 |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(string serieName, params double[] multidimensionalData) 添加多维数据(x,y,z...)到指定的系列中。 |
AddLink() | public SerieDataLink AddLink(int serieIndex, string sourceId, string targetId, double value = 0) 添加一个关系图的关系数据。 |
AddSerie<T>() | public T AddSerie<T>(string serieName = null, bool show = true, bool addToHead = false) where T : Serie | |
AddXAxisData() | public void AddXAxisData(string category, int xAxisIndex = 0) 添加一个类目数据到指定的x轴。 |
AddXAxisIcon() | public void AddXAxisIcon(Sprite icon, int xAxisIndex = 0) 添加一个图标到指定的x轴。 |
AddYAxisData() | public void AddYAxisData(string category, int yAxisIndex = 0) 添加一个类目数据到指定的y轴。 |
AddYAxisIcon() | public void AddYAxisIcon(Sprite icon, int yAxisIndex = 0) 添加一个图标到指定的y轴。 |
AnimationEnable() | public void AnimationEnable(bool flag) 是否启用Serie动画。 |
AnimationFadeIn() | public void AnimationFadeIn(bool reset = true) 开始所有Serie的渐入动画。 |
AnimationFadeOut() | public void AnimationFadeOut() 开始所有Serie的渐出动画。 |
AnimationPause() | public void AnimationPause() 暂停所有Serie的动画。 |
AnimationReset() | public void AnimationReset() 重置所有Serie的动画。 |
AnimationResume() | public void AnimationResume() 继续所有Serie的动画。 |
CanAddChartComponent() | public bool CanAddChartComponent(Type type) | |
CanAddSerie() | public bool CanAddSerie(Type type) | |
CanAddSerie<T>() | public bool CanAddSerie<T>() where T : Serie | |
CancelTooltip() | v3.7.0 | public void CancelTooltip() 取消Tooltip. |
CanMultipleComponent() | public bool CanMultipleComponent(Type type) | |
ClampInChart() | public void ClampInChart(ref Vector3 pos) | |
ClampInGrid() | public Vector3 ClampInGrid(GridCoord grid, Vector3 pos) | |
ClearComponentData() | v3.4.0 | public virtual void ClearComponentData() 清空所有组件的数据。 |
ClearData() | public virtual void ClearData() 清空所有组件和Serie的数据。注意:Serie只是清空数据,不会移除Serie。 |
ClearSerieData() | v3.4.0 | public virtual void ClearSerieData() 清空所有serie的数据。 |
ClearSerieLinks() | v3.10.0 | public virtual void ClearSerieLinks() 清空所有serie的link数据。 |
ClickLegendButton() | public void ClickLegendButton(int legendIndex, string legendName, bool show) 点击图例按钮 |
ConvertSerie() | public bool ConvertSerie(Serie serie, Type type) | |
ConvertSerie<T>() | public bool ConvertSerie<T>(Serie serie) where T : Serie | |
ConvertXYAxis() | public void ConvertXYAxis(int index) 转换X轴和Y轴的配置 |
EnsureChartComponent<T>() | v3.6.0 | public T EnsureChartComponent<T>() where T : MainComponent 确保图表有该组件,如果没有则添加。注意:有可能添加不成功。 |
GenerateDefaultSerieName() | public string GenerateDefaultSerieName() | |
GetAllSerieDataCount() | public int GetAllSerieDataCount() | |
GetChartBackgroundColor() | public Color32 GetChartBackgroundColor() | |
GetChartComponent<T>() | public T GetChartComponent<T>(int index = 0) where T : MainComponent | |
GetChartComponentNum() | public int GetChartComponentNum(Type type) | |
GetChartComponentNum<T>() | public int GetChartComponentNum<T>() where T : MainComponent | |
GetChartComponents<T>() | public List<MainComponent> GetChartComponents<T>() where T : MainComponent | |
GetData() | public double GetData(int serieIndex, int dataIndex, int dimension = 1) | |
GetData() | public double GetData(string serieName, int dataIndex, int dimension = 1) | |
GetDataZoomOfAxis() | public DataZoom GetDataZoomOfAxis(Axis axis) | |
GetDataZoomOfSerie() | public void GetDataZoomOfSerie(Serie serie, out DataZoom xDataZoom, out DataZoom yDataZoom) | |
GetGrid() | public GridCoord GetGrid(Vector2 local) | |
GetGridOfDataZoom() | public GridCoord GetGridOfDataZoom(DataZoom dataZoom) | |
GetItemColor() | public Color32 GetItemColor(Serie serie) | |
GetItemColor() | public Color32 GetItemColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) | |
GetItemColor() | public Color32 GetItemColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, int colorIndex) | |
GetLegendRealShowNameColor() | public Color32 GetLegendRealShowNameColor(string name) | |
GetLegendRealShowNameIndex() | public int GetLegendRealShowNameIndex(string name) | |
GetMarkColor() | v3.4.0 | public Color32 GetMarkColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) 获得Serie的标识颜色。 |
GetOrAddChartComponent<T>() | public T GetOrAddChartComponent<T>() where T : MainComponent | |
GetPainter() | public Painter GetPainter(int index) | |
GetSerie() | public Serie GetSerie(int serieIndex) | |
GetSerie() | public Serie GetSerie(string serieName) | |
GetSerie<T>() | public T GetSerie<T>() where T : Serie | |
GetSerie<T>() | public T GetSerie<T>(int serieIndex) where T : Serie | |
GetSerieBarGap<T>() | public float GetSerieBarGap<T>() where T : Serie | |
GetSerieBarRealCount<T>() | public int GetSerieBarRealCount<T>() where T : Serie | |
GetSerieIndexIfStack<T>() | public int GetSerieIndexIfStack<T>(Serie currSerie) where T : Serie | |
GetSerieSameStackTotalValue<T>() | public double GetSerieSameStackTotalValue<T>(string stack, int dataIndex) where T : Serie | |
GetSeriesMinMaxValue() | public virtual void GetSeriesMinMaxValue(Axis axis, int axisIndex, out double tempMinValue, out double tempMaxValue) | |
GetSerieTotalGap<T>() | public float GetSerieTotalGap<T>(float categoryWidth, float gap, int index) where T : Serie | |
GetSerieTotalWidth<T>() | public float GetSerieTotalWidth<T>(float categoryWidth, float gap, int realBarCount) where T : Serie | |
GetTitlePosition() | public Vector3 GetTitlePosition(Title title) | |
GetVisualMapOfSerie() | public VisualMap GetVisualMapOfSerie(Serie serie) | |
GetXDataZoomOfSerie() | public DataZoom GetXDataZoomOfSerie(Serie serie) | |
GetXLerpColor() | public Color32 GetXLerpColor(Color32 areaColor, Color32 areaToColor, Vector3 pos, GridCoord grid) | |
GetYLerpColor() | public Color32 GetYLerpColor(Color32 areaColor, Color32 areaToColor, Vector3 pos, GridCoord grid) | |
HasChartComponent() | public bool HasChartComponent(Type type) | |
HasChartComponent<T>() | public bool HasChartComponent<T>() | |
HasSerie() | public bool HasSerie(Type type) | |
HasSerie<T>() | public bool HasSerie<T>() where T : Serie | |
Init() | public void Init(bool defaultChart = true) | |
InitAxisRuntimeData() | public virtual void InitAxisRuntimeData(Axis axis) { } | |
InsertSerie() | public void InsertSerie(Serie serie, int index = -1, bool addToHead = false) | |
InsertSerie<T>() | public T InsertSerie<T>(int index, string serieName = null, bool show = true) where T : Serie | |
Internal_CheckAnimation() | public void Internal_CheckAnimation() | |
IsActiveByLegend() | public virtual bool IsActiveByLegend(string legendName) 获得指定图例名字的系列是否显示。 |
IsAllAxisCategory() | public bool IsAllAxisCategory() 纯类目轴。 |
IsAllAxisValue() | public bool IsAllAxisValue() 纯数值坐标轴(数值轴或对数轴)。 |
IsInAnyGrid() | public bool IsInAnyGrid(Vector2 local) | |
IsInChart() | public bool IsInChart(float x, float y) | |
IsInChart() | public bool IsInChart(Vector2 local) 坐标是否在图表范围内 |
IsSerieName() | public bool IsSerieName(string name) | |
MoveDownSerie() | public bool MoveDownSerie(int serieIndex) | |
MoveUpSerie() | public bool MoveUpSerie(int serieIndex) | |
OnAfterDeserialize() | public void OnAfterDeserialize() | |
OnBeforeSerialize() | public void OnBeforeSerialize() | |
OnBeginDrag() | public override void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnDataZoomRangeChanged() | public virtual void OnDataZoomRangeChanged(DataZoom dataZoom) | |
OnDrag() | public override void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnEndDrag() | public override void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnLegendButtonClick() | public virtual void OnLegendButtonClick(int index, string legendName, bool show) | |
OnLegendButtonEnter() | public virtual void OnLegendButtonEnter(int index, string legendName) | |
OnLegendButtonExit() | public virtual void OnLegendButtonExit(int index, string legendName) | |
OnPointerClick() | public override void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnPointerDown() | public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnPointerEnter() | public override void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnPointerExit() | public override void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnPointerUp() | public override void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnScroll() | public override void OnScroll(PointerEventData eventData) | |
RefreshBasePainter() | public void RefreshBasePainter() | |
RefreshChart() | public void RefreshChart() 在下一帧刷新整个图表。 |
RefreshChart() | public void RefreshChart(int serieIndex) 在下一帧刷新图表的指定serie。 |
RefreshChart() | public void RefreshChart(Serie serie) 在下一帧刷新图表的指定serie。 |
RefreshDataZoom() | public void RefreshDataZoom() 在下一帧刷新DataZoom |
RefreshGraph() | public override void RefreshGraph() | |
RefreshPainter() | public void RefreshPainter(int index) | |
RefreshPainter() | public void RefreshPainter(Serie serie) | |
RefreshTopPainter() | public void RefreshTopPainter() | |
RefreshUpperPainter() | public void RefreshUpperPainter() | |
RemoveAllChartComponent() | public void RemoveAllChartComponent() | |
RemoveAllSerie() | v3.2.0 | public virtual void RemoveAllSerie() 移除所有的Serie。当确认只需要移除Serie时使用该接口,其他情况下一般用RemoveData()。 |
RemoveChartComponent() | public bool RemoveChartComponent(MainComponent component) | |
RemoveChartComponent() | public bool RemoveChartComponent(Type type, int index = 0) | |
RemoveChartComponent<T>() | public bool RemoveChartComponent<T>(int index = 0) | |
RemoveChartComponents() | public int RemoveChartComponents(Type type) | |
RemoveChartComponents<T>() | public int RemoveChartComponents<T>() | |
RemoveData() | public virtual void RemoveData() 清空所有组件数据,并移除所有Serie。一般在图表重新初始化时使用。 注意:组件只清空数据部分,参数会保留不会被重置。 |
RemoveData() | public virtual void RemoveData(string serieName) 清除指定系列名称的数据。 |
RemoveSerie() | public void RemoveSerie(int serieIndex) | |
RemoveSerie() | public void RemoveSerie(Serie serie) | |
RemoveSerie() | public void RemoveSerie(string serieName) | |
RemoveSerie<T>() | public void RemoveSerie<T>() where T : Serie | |
ReplaceSerie() | public bool ReplaceSerie(Serie oldSerie, Serie newSerie) | |
ResetChartStatus() | v3.10.0 | public void ResetChartStatus() 重置图表状态。当设置某些参数后,由于动画影响,可能导致图表状态不正确,此时可以调用该接口重置图表状态。 |
ResetDataIndex() | public bool ResetDataIndex(int serieIndex) 重置serie的数据项索引。避免数据项索引异常。 |
SetBasePainterMaterial() | public void SetBasePainterMaterial(Material material) 设置Base Painter的材质球 |
SetInsertDataToHead() | v3.11.0 | public void SetInsertDataToHead(bool insertDataToHead) 设置数据插入到头部。 |
SetMaxCache() | public void SetMaxCache(int maxCache) 设置可缓存的最大数据量。当数据量超过该值时,会自动删除第一个值再加入最新值。 |
SetPainterActive() | public void SetPainterActive(int index, bool flag) | |
SetSerieActive() | public void SetSerieActive(int serieIndex, bool active) 设置指定系列是否显示。 |
SetSerieActive() | public void SetSerieActive(Serie serie, bool active) | |
SetSerieActive() | public void SetSerieActive(string serieName, bool active) 设置指定系列是否显示。 |
SetSeriePainterMaterial() | public void SetSeriePainterMaterial(Material material) 设置Serie Painter的材质球 |
SetTopPainterMaterial() | public void SetTopPainterMaterial(Material material) 设置Top Painter的材质球 |
SetUpperPainterMaterial() | public void SetUpperPainterMaterial(Material material) 设置Upper Painter的材质球 |
TriggerTooltip() | v3.7.0 | public bool TriggerTooltip(int dataIndex, int serieIndex = 0) 尝试触发指定数据项的Tooltip. |
TriggerTooltip() | v3.7.0 | public bool TriggerTooltip(Vector3 localPosition) 在指定的位置尝试触发Tooltip. |
TryAddChartComponent() | public bool TryAddChartComponent(Type type) | |
TryAddChartComponent<T>() | public bool TryAddChartComponent<T>() where T : MainComponent | |
TryAddChartComponent<T>() | public bool TryAddChartComponent<T>(out T component) where T : MainComponent | |
TryGetChartComponent<T>() | public bool TryGetChartComponent<T>(out T component, int index = 0) | |
UpdateData() | public bool UpdateData(int serieIndex, int dataIndex, double value) 更新指定系列中的指定索引数据。 |
UpdateData() | public bool UpdateData(int serieIndex, int dataIndex, int dimension, double value) 更新指定系列指定索引指定维数的数据。维数从0开始。 |
UpdateData() | public bool UpdateData(int serieIndex, int dataIndex, List<double> multidimensionalData) 更新指定系列指定索引的数据项的多维数据。 |
UpdateData() | public bool UpdateData(string serieName, int dataIndex, double value) 更新指定系列中的指定索引数据。 |
UpdateData() | public bool UpdateData(string serieName, int dataIndex, int dimension, double value) 更新指定系列指定索引指定维数的数据。维数从0开始。 |
UpdateData() | public bool UpdateData(string serieName, int dataIndex, List<double> multidimensionalData) 更新指定系列指定索引的数据项的多维数据。 |
UpdateDataName() | public bool UpdateDataName(int serieIndex, int dataIndex, string dataName) 更新指定系列中的指定索引数据名称。 |
UpdateDataName() | public bool UpdateDataName(string serieName, int dataIndex, string dataName) 更新指定系列中的指定索引数据名称。 |
UpdateLegendColor() | public virtual void UpdateLegendColor(string legendName, bool active) | |
UpdateTheme() | public bool UpdateTheme(ThemeType theme) 切换内置主题。 |
UpdateTheme() | public void UpdateTheme(Theme theme) 切换图表主题。 |
UpdateXAxisData() | public void UpdateXAxisData(int index, string category, int xAxisIndex = 0) 更新X轴类目数据。 |
UpdateXAxisIcon() | public void UpdateXAxisIcon(int index, Sprite icon, int xAxisIndex = 0) 更新X轴图标。 |
UpdateYAxisData() | public void UpdateYAxisData(int index, string category, int yAxisIndex = 0) 更新Y轴类目数据。 |
UpdateYAxisIcon() | public void UpdateYAxisIcon(int index, Sprite icon, int yAxisIndex = 0) 更新Y轴图标。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MaskableGraphic,IPointerDownHandler,IPointerUpHandler, / 子类: BaseChart,UIComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
onBeginDrag | public Action<PointerEventData, BaseGraph> onBeginDrag 鼠标开始拖拽回调。 |
onDrag | public Action<PointerEventData, BaseGraph> onDrag 鼠标拖拽回调。 |
onEndDrag | public Action<PointerEventData, BaseGraph> onEndDrag 鼠标结束拖拽回调。 |
onPointerClick | public Action<PointerEventData, BaseGraph> onPointerClick 鼠标点击回调。 |
onPointerDown | public Action<PointerEventData, BaseGraph> onPointerDown 鼠标按下回调。 |
onPointerEnter | public Action<PointerEventData, BaseGraph> onPointerEnter 鼠标进入回调。 |
onPointerExit | public Action<PointerEventData, BaseGraph> onPointerExit 鼠标退出回调。 |
onPointerUp | public Action<PointerEventData, BaseGraph> onPointerUp 鼠标弹起回调。 |
onScroll | public Action<PointerEventData, BaseGraph> onScroll 鼠标滚动回调。 |
CheckWarning() | public string CheckWarning() 检测警告信息。 |
LocalPointToScreenPoint() | v3.7.0 | public Vector2 LocalPointToScreenPoint(Vector2 localPoint) 图表内坐标转屏幕坐标。 |
LocalPointToWorldPoint() | v3.7.0 | public Vector2 LocalPointToWorldPoint(Vector2 localPoint) 图表内坐标转世界坐标。 |
OnBeginDrag() | public virtual void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnDrag() | public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnEndDrag() | public virtual void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnPointerClick() | public virtual void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnPointerDown() | public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnPointerEnter() | public virtual void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnPointerExit() | public virtual void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnPointerUp() | public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnScroll() | public virtual void OnScroll(PointerEventData eventData) | |
RebuildChartObject() | public void RebuildChartObject() 移除并重新创建所有图表的Object。 |
RefreshAllComponent() | public void RefreshAllComponent() | |
RefreshGraph() | public virtual void RefreshGraph() 在下一帧刷新图形。 |
SaveAsImage() | public void SaveAsImage(string imageType = "png", string savePath = "") 保存图表为图片。 |
ScreenPointToChartPoint() | public bool ScreenPointToChartPoint(Vector2 screenPoint, out Vector2 chartPoint) | |
SetPainterDirty() | public void SetPainterDirty() 重新初始化Painter |
SetSize() | public virtual void SetSize(float width, float height) 设置图形的宽高(在非stretch pivot下才有效,其他情况需要自己调整RectTransform) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent / 子类: AxisLine,AxisMinorSplitLine,AxisMinorTick,AxisSplitLine,AxisTick
API | 版本 | 描述 |
BaseLine() | public BaseLine() | |
BaseLine() | public BaseLine(bool show) : base() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(BaseLine axisLine) | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(Color32 themeColor) | |
GetLength() | public float GetLength(float themeLength) | |
GetType() | public LineStyle.Type GetType(LineStyle.Type themeType) | |
GetWidth() | public float GetWidth(float themeWidth) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie,INeedSerieContainer / 子类: EffectScatter,Scatter
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: Serie
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearComponentDirty() | public static void ClearComponentDirty(ChildComponent component) | |
ClearComponentDirty() | public virtual void ClearComponentDirty() | |
ClearData() | public virtual void ClearData() { } | |
ClearDirty() | public virtual void ClearDirty() | |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public static void ClearVerticesDirty(ChildComponent component) | |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public virtual void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
IsComponentDirty() | public static bool IsComponentDirty(ChildComponent component) | |
IsVertsDirty() | public static bool IsVertsDirty(ChildComponent component) | |
OnAfterDeserialize() | public virtual void OnAfterDeserialize() | |
OnBeforeSerialize() | public virtual void OnBeforeSerialize() { } | |
OnDataUpdate() | public virtual void OnDataUpdate() { } | |
OnRemove() | public virtual void OnRemove() | |
RefreshLabel() | public void RefreshLabel() | |
SetAllDirty() | public virtual void SetAllDirty() | |
SetComponentDirty() | public virtual void SetComponentDirty() | |
SetVerticesDirty() | public virtual void SetVerticesDirty() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: StateStyle,ISerieComponent,ISerieDataComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetRuntimeBorderColor() | public Color32 GetRuntimeBorderColor() | |
GetRuntimeBorderWidth() | public float GetRuntimeBorderWidth() | |
GetRuntimeCornerRadius() | public float[] GetRuntimeCornerRadius() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: CoordSystem,IUpdateRuntimeData,ISerieContainer
API | 版本 | 描述 |
IsPointerEnter() | public bool IsPointerEnter() | |
UpdateRuntimeData() | public void UpdateRuntimeData(BaseChart chart) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie,INeedSerieContainer
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ColorToDotStr() | public static string ColorToDotStr(Color color) | |
ColorToStr() | public static string ColorToStr(Color color) | |
FloatToStr() | public static string FloatToStr(double value, string numericFormatter = "F", int precision = 0) | |
GetSerieLabelName() | public static string GetSerieLabelName(string prefix, int i, int j) | |
GetString() | public static string GetString(string prefix, int suffix) | |
IntToStr() | public static string IntToStr(int value, string numericFormatter = "") | |
NumberToStr() | public static string NumberToStr(double value, string formatter) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ActiveAllObject() | public static void ActiveAllObject(Transform parent, bool active, string match = null) | |
AddIcon() | public static Image AddIcon(string name, Transform parent, IconStyle iconStyle) | |
Cancat() | public static string Cancat(string str1, int i) | |
Cancat() | public static string Cancat(string str1, string str2) | |
ClearEventListener() | public static void ClearEventListener(GameObject obj) | |
CopyArray<T>() | public static bool CopyArray<T>(T[] toList, T[] fromList) | |
CopyList<T>() | public static bool CopyList<T>(List<T> toList, List<T> fromList) | |
DestoryGameObject() | public static void DestoryGameObject(GameObject go) | |
DestoryGameObject() | public static void DestoryGameObject(Transform parent, string childName) | |
DestoryGameObjectByMatch() | public static void DestoryGameObjectByMatch(Transform parent, string containString) | |
DestroyAllChildren() | public static void DestroyAllChildren(Transform parent) | |
EnsureComponent<T>() | public static T EnsureComponent<T>(GameObject gameObject) where T : Component 确保对象有指定的组件,如果没有则添加。 |
EnsureComponent<T>() | public static T EnsureComponent<T>(Transform transform) where T : Component 确保对象有指定的组件,如果没有则添加。 |
GetActualValue() | public static float GetActualValue(float valueOrRate, float total, float maxRate = 1.5f) | |
GetAngle360() | public static float GetAngle360(Vector2 from, Vector2 to) 获得0-360的角度(12点钟方向为0度) |
GetBlurColor() | public static Color32 GetBlurColor(Color32 color, float a = 0.3f) | |
GetColor() | public static Color32 GetColor(string hexColorStr) | |
GetDire() | public static Vector3 GetDire(float angle, bool isDegree = false) | |
GetFullName() | public static string GetFullName(Transform transform) | |
GetHighlightColor() | public static Color32 GetHighlightColor(Color32 color, float rate = 0.8f) | |
GetLastValue() | public static Vector3 GetLastValue(List<Vector3> list) | |
GetMaxCeilRate() | public static double GetMaxCeilRate(double value, double ceilRate) | |
GetMaxDivisibleValue() | public static double GetMaxDivisibleValue(double max, double ceilRate) | |
GetMaxLogValue() | public static double GetMaxLogValue(double value, float logBase, bool isLogBaseE, out int splitNumber) | |
GetMinCeilRate() | public static double GetMinCeilRate(double value, double ceilRate) | |
GetMinDivisibleValue() | public static double GetMinDivisibleValue(double min, double ceilRate) | |
GetMinLogValue() | public static double GetMinLogValue(double value, float logBase, bool isLogBaseE, out int splitNumber) | |
GetOrAddComponent<T>() | public static T GetOrAddComponent<T>(GameObject gameObject) where T : Component | |
GetOrAddComponent<T>() | public static T GetOrAddComponent<T>(Transform transform) where T : Component | |
GetPointList() | public static void GetPointList(ref List<Vector3> posList, Vector3 sp, Vector3 ep, float k = 30f) | |
GetPos() | public static Vector3 GetPos(Vector3 center, float radius, float angle, bool isDegree = false) | |
GetPosition() | public static Vector3 GetPosition(Vector3 center, float angle, float radius) | |
GetSelectColor() | public static Color32 GetSelectColor(Color32 color, float rate = 0.8f) | |
GetVertialDire() | public static Vector3 GetVertialDire(Vector3 dire) | |
HideAllObject() | public static void HideAllObject(GameObject obj, string match = null) | |
HideAllObject() | public static void HideAllObject(Transform parent, string match = null) | |
IsActiveByScale() | public static bool IsActiveByScale(GameObject gameObject) | |
IsActiveByScale() | public static bool IsActiveByScale(Image image) | |
IsActiveByScale() | public static bool IsActiveByScale(Transform transform) | |
IsClearColor() | public static bool IsClearColor(Color color) | |
IsClearColor() | public static bool IsClearColor(Color32 color) | |
IsColorAlphaZero() | public static bool IsColorAlphaZero(Color color) | |
IsEquals() | public static bool IsEquals(double d1, double d2) | |
IsEquals() | public static bool IsEquals(float d1, float d2) | |
IsIngore() | public static bool IsIngore(Vector3 pos) | |
IsInRect() | public static bool IsInRect(Vector3 pos, float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax) | |
IsPointInQuadrilateral() | public static bool IsPointInQuadrilateral(Vector3 P, Vector3 A, Vector3 B, Vector3 C, Vector3 D) | |
IsValueEqualsColor() | public static bool IsValueEqualsColor(Color color1, Color color2) | |
IsValueEqualsColor() | public static bool IsValueEqualsColor(Color32 color1, Color32 color2) | |
IsValueEqualsList<T>() | public static bool IsValueEqualsList<T>(List<T> list1, List<T> list2) | |
IsValueEqualsString() | public static bool IsValueEqualsString(string str1, string str2) | |
IsValueEqualsVector2() | public static bool IsValueEqualsVector2(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) | |
IsValueEqualsVector3() | public static bool IsValueEqualsVector3(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) | |
IsZeroVector() | public static bool IsZeroVector(Vector3 pos) | |
ParseFloatFromString() | public static List<float> ParseFloatFromString(string jsonData) | |
ParseStringFromString() | public static List<string> ParseStringFromString(string jsonData) | |
RemoveComponent<T>() | public static void RemoveComponent<T>(GameObject gameObject) | |
RotateRound() | public static Vector3 RotateRound(Vector3 position, Vector3 center, Vector3 axis, float angle) | |
SaveAsImage() | public static Texture2D SaveAsImage(RectTransform rectTransform, Canvas canvas, string imageType = "png", string path = "") | |
SetActive() | public static bool SetActive(GameObject gameObject, bool active) | |
SetActive() | public static bool SetActive(Image image, bool active) | |
SetActive() | public static bool SetActive(Text text, bool active) | |
SetActive() | public static bool SetActive(Transform transform, bool active) 通过设置scale实现是否显示,优化性能,减少GC |
SetBackground() | public static void SetBackground(Image background, Background imageStyle) | |
SetBackground() | public static void SetBackground(Image background, ImageStyle imageStyle) | |
SetColorOpacity() | public static void SetColorOpacity(ref Color32 color, float opacity) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Image
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetHeight() | public float GetHeight() | |
GetPosition() | public Vector3 GetPosition() | |
GetTextHeight() | public float GetTextHeight() | |
GetTextWidth() | public float GetTextWidth() | |
GetWidth() | public float GetWidth() | |
IsActiveByScale() | public bool IsActiveByScale() | |
SetActive() | public void SetActive(bool flag, bool force = false) | |
SetIcon() | public void SetIcon(Image image) | |
SetIconActive() | public void SetIconActive(bool flag) | |
SetIconSize() | public void SetIconSize(float width, float height) | |
SetIconSprite() | public void SetIconSprite(Sprite sprite) | |
SetPadding() | public void SetPadding(float[] padding) | |
SetPosition() | public void SetPosition(Vector3 position) | |
SetRectPosition() | public void SetRectPosition(Vector3 position) | |
SetRotate() | public void SetRotate(float rotate) | |
SetSize() | public void SetSize(float width, float height) | |
SetText() | public bool SetText(string text) | |
SetTextActive() | public void SetTextActive(bool flag) | |
SetTextColor() | public void SetTextColor(Color color) | |
SetTextPadding() | public void SetTextPadding(TextPadding padding) | |
SetTextRotate() | public void SetTextRotate(float rotate) | |
UpdateIcon() | public void UpdateIcon(IconStyle iconStyle, Sprite sprite = null, Color color = default(Color)) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Destroy() | public virtual void Destroy() |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ChartText() | public ChartText() | |
ChartText() | public ChartText(GameObject textParent) | |
GetColor() | public Color GetColor() | |
GetPreferredHeight() | public float GetPreferredHeight() | |
GetPreferredText() | public string GetPreferredText(string content, string suffix, float maxWidth) | |
GetPreferredWidth() | public float GetPreferredWidth() | |
GetPreferredWidth() | public float GetPreferredWidth(string content) | |
GetText() | public string GetText() | |
SetActive() | public void SetActive(bool flag) | |
SetAlignment() | public void SetAlignment(TextAnchor alignment) | |
SetColor() | public void SetColor(Color color) | |
SetFont() | public void SetFont(Font font) | |
SetFont() | public void SetFont(TMP_FontAsset font) | |
SetFontAndSizeAndStyle() | public void SetFontAndSizeAndStyle(TextStyle textStyle, ComponentTheme theme) | |
SetFontSize() | public void SetFontSize(float fontSize) | |
SetFontStyle() | public void SetFontStyle(FontStyle fontStyle) | |
SetLineSpacing() | public void SetLineSpacing(float lineSpacing) | |
SetLocalEulerAngles() | public void SetLocalEulerAngles(Vector3 position) | |
SetLocalPosition() | public void SetLocalPosition(Vector3 position) | |
SetRectPosition() | public void SetRectPosition(Vector3 position) | |
SetSizeDelta() | public void SetSizeDelta(Vector2 sizeDelta) | |
SetText() | public void SetText(string text) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
CheckChart() | public static string CheckChart(BaseChart chart) | |
CheckChart() | public static string CheckChart(BaseGraph chart) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: AnimationStyle,AxisAnimation,AxisName,AxisSplitArea,AreaStyle,ArrowStyle,BaseLine,BorderStyle,IconStyle,ImageStyle,ItemStyle,Level,LevelStyle,LineArrow,LineStyle,Location,MLValue,MarqueeStyle,Padding,StageColor,SymbolStyle,TextLimit,TextStyle,CommentItem,CommentMarkStyle,LabelLine,LabelStyle,MarkAreaData,MarkLineData,StateStyle,VisualMapRange,ViewControl,UIComponentTheme,SerieData,SerieDataLink,ComponentTheme,SerieTheme,ThemeStyle
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearComponentDirty() | public static void ClearComponentDirty(ChildComponent component) | |
ClearComponentDirty() | public virtual void ClearComponentDirty() | |
ClearDirty() | public virtual void ClearDirty() | |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public static void ClearVerticesDirty(ChildComponent component) | |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public virtual void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
IsComponentDirty() | public static bool IsComponentDirty(ChildComponent component) | |
IsVertsDirty() | public static bool IsVertsDirty(ChildComponent component) | |
SetAllDirty() | public virtual void SetAllDirty() | |
SetComponentDirty() | public virtual void SetComponentDirty() | |
SetVerticesDirty() | public virtual void SetVerticesDirty() |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetColor() | public static Color32 GetColor(string hexColorStr) 将字符串颜色值转成Color。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent,IPropertyChanged
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetLabelStyle() | public LabelStyle GetLabelStyle(int index) | |
GetMarkStyle() | public CommentMarkStyle GetMarkStyle(int index) | |
OnChanged() | public void OnChanged() 参数变更时的回调处理。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ComponentHandlerAttribute() | public ComponentHandlerAttribute(Type handler, bool allowMultiple, int order = 3) | |
ComponentHandlerAttribute() | public ComponentHandlerAttribute(Type handler, int order = 3) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetAngleAxis() | public static AngleAxis GetAngleAxis(List<MainComponent> components, int polarIndex) | |
GetRadiusAxis() | public static RadiusAxis GetRadiusAxis(List<MainComponent> components, int polarIndex) | |
GetXAxisOnZeroOffset() | public static float GetXAxisOnZeroOffset(List<MainComponent> components, XAxis axis) | |
GetYAxisOnZeroOffset() | public static float GetYAxisOnZeroOffset(List<MainComponent> components, YAxis axis) | |
IsAnyCategoryOfYAxis() | public static bool IsAnyCategoryOfYAxis(List<MainComponent> components) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent / 子类: BaseAxisTheme,DataZoomTheme,LegendTheme,SubTitleTheme,TitleTheme,TooltipTheme,VisualMapTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ComponentTheme() | public ComponentTheme(ThemeType theme) | |
Copy() | public virtual void Copy(ComponentTheme theme) | |
Reset() | public virtual void Reset(ComponentTheme defaultTheme) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Contains<T>() | public bool Contains<T>() where T : CoordSystem | |
CoordOptionsAttribute() | public CoordOptionsAttribute(Type coord) | |
CoordOptionsAttribute() | public CoordOptionsAttribute(Type coord, Type coord2) | |
CoordOptionsAttribute() | public CoordOptionsAttribute(Type coord, Type coord2, Type coord3) | |
CoordOptionsAttribute() | public CoordOptionsAttribute(Type coord, Type coord2, Type coord3, Type coord4) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent / 子类: RadarCoord,CalendarCoord,GridCoord,GridCoord3D,ParallelCoord,PolarCoord,SingleAxisCoord
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent,IUpdateRuntimeData
DataZoom 组件 用于区域缩放,从而能自由关注细节的数据信息,或者概览数据整体,或者去除离群点的影响。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetBackgroundColor() | public Color32 GetBackgroundColor(Color32 themeColor) | |
GetBorderColor() | public Color32 GetBorderColor(Color32 themeColor) | |
GetFillerColor() | public Color32 GetFillerColor(Color32 themeColor) | |
IsContainsAxis() | public bool IsContainsAxis(Axis axis) | |
IsContainsXAxis() | public bool IsContainsXAxis(int index) | |
IsContainsYAxis() | public bool IsContainsYAxis(int index) | |
IsInEndZoom() | public bool IsInEndZoom(Vector2 pos) 给定的坐标是否在结束活动条触发区域内 |
IsInMarqueeArea() | public bool IsInMarqueeArea(SerieData serieData) | |
IsInMarqueeArea() | public bool IsInMarqueeArea(Vector2 pos) | |
IsInSelectedZoom() | public bool IsInSelectedZoom(int totalIndex, int index, bool invert) | |
IsInSelectedZoom() | public bool IsInSelectedZoom(Vector2 pos) 给定的坐标是否在选中区域内 |
IsInStartZoom() | public bool IsInStartZoom(Vector2 pos) 给定的坐标是否在开始活动条触发区域内 |
IsInZoom() | public bool IsInZoom(Vector2 pos) 给定的坐标是否在缩放区域内 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() | |
UpdateRuntimeData() | public void UpdateRuntimeData(BaseChart chart) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentContext
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
UpdateDataZoomRuntimeStartEndValue() | public static void UpdateDataZoomRuntimeStartEndValue(DataZoom dataZoom, Serie serie) | |
UpdateDataZoomRuntimeStartEndValue<T>() | public static void UpdateDataZoomRuntimeStartEndValue<T>(BaseChart chart) where T : Serie |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ComponentTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Copy() | public void Copy(DataZoomTheme theme) | |
DataZoomTheme() | public DataZoomTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetDateTime() | public static DateTime GetDateTime(double timestamp) | |
GetDateTime() | public static DateTime GetDateTime(int timestamp) | |
GetDefaultDateTimeString() | public static string GetDefaultDateTimeString(int timestamp, double range = 0) | |
GetTimestamp() | public static int GetTimestamp() | |
GetTimestamp() | public static int GetTimestamp(DateTime time) | |
GetTimestamp() | public static int GetTimestamp(string dateTime) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Init() | public void Init(BaseChart chart) | |
Update() | public void Update() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DefaultAnimationAttribute() | public DefaultAnimationAttribute(AnimationType handler) | |
DefaultAnimationAttribute() | public DefaultAnimationAttribute(AnimationType handler, bool enableSerieDataAddedAnimation) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DefaultTooltipAttribute() | public DefaultTooltipAttribute(Tooltip.Type type, Tooltip.Trigger trigger) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddGlobalDefine() | public static void AddGlobalDefine(string symbol) | |
RemoveGlobalDefine() | public static void RemoveGlobalDefine(string symbol) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseScatter
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: StateStyle,ISerieComponent,ISerieDataComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: LabelStyle
API | 版本 | 描述 |
EndLabelStyle() | public EndLabelStyle() |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
NeedFormat() | public static bool NeedFormat(string content) | |
ReplaceAxisLabelContent() | public static void ReplaceAxisLabelContent(ref string content, string numericFormatter, double value) | |
ReplaceAxisLabelContent() | public static void ReplaceAxisLabelContent(ref string content, string value) | |
TrimAndReplaceLine() | public static string TrimAndReplaceLine(string content) | |
TrimAndReplaceLine() | public static string TrimAndReplaceLine(StringBuilder sb) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddEdge() | public GraphEdge AddEdge(string nodeId1, string nodeId2, double value) | |
AddNode() | public GraphNode AddNode(string nodeId, string nodeName, int dataIndex, double value) | |
BreadthFirstTraverse() | public void BreadthFirstTraverse(GraphNode startNode, System.Action<GraphNode> onTraverse) | |
Clear() | public void Clear() | |
DeepFirstTraverse() | public void DeepFirstTraverse(GraphNode startNode, System.Action<GraphNode> onTraverse) | |
EachNode() | public void EachNode(System.Action<GraphNode> onEach) | |
ExpandAllNodes() | public void ExpandAllNodes(bool flag, int level = -1) | |
ExpandNode() | public void ExpandNode(string nodeId, bool flag) | |
GetDepthNodes() | public List<List<GraphNode>> GetDepthNodes() | |
GetEdge() | public GraphEdge GetEdge(string nodeId1, string nodeId2) | |
GetExpandedNodesCount() | public static int GetExpandedNodesCount(List<GraphNode> nodes) | |
GetMaxDepth() | public int GetMaxDepth() | |
GetNode() | public GraphNode GetNode(string nodeId) | |
GetNodeDepth() | // public int GetNodeDepth(GraphNode node) | |
GetNodeDepth() | // public void GetNodeDepth(GraphNode node, ref int depth, int recursiveCount = 0) | |
GetNodeDepth() | public int GetNodeDepth(GraphNode node, int recursiveCount = 0) | |
GetNodesTotalValue() | public static double GetNodesTotalValue(List<GraphNode> nodes) | |
GetRootNodes() | public List<GraphNode> GetRootNodes() | |
GraphData() | public GraphData(bool directed) | |
IsAllNodeInZeroPosition() | public bool IsAllNodeInZeroPosition() | |
Refresh() | public void Refresh() |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GraphEdge() | public GraphEdge(GraphNode node1, GraphNode node2, double value) | |
IsPointInEdge() | public bool IsPointInEdge(Vector2 point) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Expand() | public void Expand(bool flag) | |
GraphNode() | public GraphNode(string id, string name, int dataIndex) | |
IsAllInEdgesCollapsed() | public bool IsAllInEdgesCollapsed() | |
IsAnyInEdgesExpanded() | public bool IsAnyInEdgesExpanded() | |
ToString() | public override string ToString() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: CoordSystem,IUpdateRuntimeData,ISerieContainer
Drawing grid in rectangular coordinate. Line chart, bar chart, and scatter chart can be drawn in grid.
API | 版本 | 描述 |
BoundaryPoint() | public bool BoundaryPoint(Vector3 sp, Vector3 ep, ref List<Vector3> point) 给定的线段和Grid边界的交点 |
BoundaryPoint() | public bool BoundaryPoint(Vector3 sp, Vector3 ep, ref Vector3 point) 给定的线段和Grid边界的交点 |
Clamp() | v3.7.0 | public void Clamp(ref Vector3 pos) 将位置限制在网格内。 |
ClampX() | v3.7.0 | public void ClampX(ref Vector3 pos) 将位置的X限制在网格内。 |
ClampY() | v3.7.0 | public void ClampY(ref Vector3 pos) 将位置的Y限制在网格内。 |
Contains() | public bool Contains(float x, float y) 给定的位置是否在网格内。 |
Contains() | public bool Contains(Vector3 pos) 给定的位置是否在网格内。 |
Contains() | v3.7.0 | public bool Contains(Vector3 pos, bool isYAxis) 给定的位置是否在网格内。 |
ContainsX() | v3.7.0 | public bool ContainsX(float x) 给定的x是否在网格内。 |
ContainsY() | v3.7.0 | public bool ContainsY(float y) 给定的y是否在网格内。 |
IsPointerEnter() | public bool IsPointerEnter() 指针是否在网格内。 |
NotAnyIntersect() | v3.10.0 | public bool NotAnyIntersect(Vector3 sp, Vector3 ep) 判断给定的线段是否与Grid边界是否完全不会相交。 |
UpdateRuntimeData() | public void UpdateRuntimeData(BaseChart chart) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: CoordSystem,IUpdateRuntimeData,ISerieContainer
Drawing grid in rectangular coordinate. Line chart, bar chart, and scatter chart can be drawn in grid.
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clamp() | public void Clamp(ref Vector3 pos) 将位置限制在网格内。 |
Contains() | public bool Contains(Vector3 pos) 给定的位置是否在网格内。 |
IsLeft() | public bool IsLeft() The opening of the coordinate system faces to the left. 坐标系开口朝向左边。 |
IsPointerEnter() | public bool IsPointerEnter() 指针是否在网格内。 |
NotAnyIntersect() | public bool NotAnyIntersect(Vector3 sp, Vector3 ep) 判断给定的线段是否与Grid边界是否完全不会相交。 |
UpdateRuntimeData() | public void UpdateRuntimeData(BaseChart chart) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentContext
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentContext
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent,IUpdateRuntimeData
API | 版本 | 描述 |
UpdateRuntimeData() | public void UpdateRuntimeData(BaseChart chart) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentContext
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie,INeedSerieContainer
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
热力图主要通过颜色去表现数值的大小,必须要配合 visualMap 组件使用。 可以应用在直角坐标系以及地理坐标系上,这两个坐标系上的表现形式相差很大,直角坐标系上必须要使用两个类目轴。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DefaultCountHeatmapChart() | public void DefaultCountHeatmapChart() 默认计数热力图。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public IconStyle Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(IconStyle iconStyle) | |
Reset() | public void Reset() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
IgnoreDoc() | public IgnoreDoc() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent,ISerieComponent,ISerieDataComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public ImageStyle Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(ImageStyle imageStyle) | |
Reset() | public void Reset() |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddIndicator() | public RadarCoord.Indicator AddIndicator(string name, double min, double max) | |
AddIndicator() | public void AddIndicator(RadarCoord.Indicator indicator) | |
AddIndicatorList() | v3.3.0 | public void AddIndicatorList(List<string> nameList, double min = 0, double max = 0) |
ClearData() | public override void ClearData() | |
GetFormatterIndicatorContent() | public string GetFormatterIndicatorContent(int indicatorIndex) | |
GetFormatterIndicatorContent() | public string GetFormatterIndicatorContent(string indicatorName) | |
GetIndicator() | public RadarCoord.Indicator GetIndicator(int indicatorIndex) | |
GetIndicatorMax() | public double GetIndicatorMax(int index) | |
GetIndicatorMin() | public double GetIndicatorMin(int index) | |
GetIndicatorName() | public string GetIndicatorName(int indicatorIndex) | |
GetIndicatorPosition() | public Vector3 GetIndicatorPosition(int index) | |
IsInIndicatorRange() | public bool IsInIndicatorRange(int index, double value) | |
IsInRange() | public bool IsInRange(double value) | |
IsPointerEnter() | public bool IsPointerEnter() | |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() | |
UpdateIndicator() | public bool UpdateIndicator(int indicatorIndex, string name, double min, double max) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: Bar,SimplifiedBar,Candlestick,SimplifiedCandlestick,Heatmap,Line,SimplifiedLine,Parallel,Radar,BaseScatter
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetKeyDown() | public static bool GetKeyDown(KeyCode keyCode) | |
GetTouch() | public static Touch GetTouch(int v) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Reset() | public void Reset() | |
SetColor() | public void SetColor(ref bool needInteract, Color32 color) | |
SetColor() | public void SetColor(ref bool needInteract, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) | |
SetPosition() | public void SetPosition(ref bool needInteract, Vector3 pos) | |
SetValue() | public void SetValue(ref bool needInteract, float value, bool highlight, float rate = 1.3f) | |
SetValue() | public void SetValue(ref bool needInteract, float value, bool previousValueZero = false) | |
SetValueAndColor() | public void SetValueAndColor(ref bool needInteract, float value, Color32 color) | |
SetValueAndColor() | public void SetValueAndColor(ref bool needInteract, float value, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) | |
ToString() | public override string ToString() | |
TryGetColor() | public bool TryGetColor(ref Color32 color, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) | |
TryGetColor() | public bool TryGetColor(ref Color32 color, ref Color32 toColor, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) | |
TryGetPosition() | public bool TryGetPosition(ref Vector3 pos, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) | |
TryGetValue() | public bool TryGetValue(ref float value, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) | |
TryGetValueAndColor() | public bool TryGetValueAndColor(ref float value, ref Color32 color, ref Color32 toColor, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) | |
TryGetValueAndColor() | public bool TryGetValueAndColor(ref float value, ref Vector3 pos, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) | |
TryGetValueAndColor() | public bool TryGetValueAndColor(ref float value, ref Vector3 pos, ref Color32 color, ref Color32 toColor, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: Location,Comment,Legend,Title
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: AreaStyle,ImageStyle,LineArrow,LabelLine,LabelStyle,BlurStyle,EmphasisStyle,SelectStyle,TitleStyle
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: RadarCoord,CalendarCoord,GridCoord,GridCoord3D,ParallelCoord,PolarCoord
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: AreaStyle,ImageStyle,ItemStyle,LineStyle,SerieSymbol,LabelLine,LabelStyle,BlurStyle,EmphasisStyle,SelectStyle,TitleStyle
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: SimplifiedBar,SimplifiedCandlestick,SimplifiedLine
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent,ISerieDataComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetBorderColor() | public Color32 GetBorderColor(Color32 defaultColor) | |
GetBorderColor0() | public Color32 GetBorderColor0(Color32 defaultColor) | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor() | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(Color32 defaultColor) | |
GetColor0() | public Color32 GetColor0() | |
GetColor0() | public Color32 GetColor0(Color32 defaultColor) | |
GetGradientColor() | public Color32 GetGradientColor(float value, Color32 defaultColor) | |
GetToColor() | public Color32 GetToColor() | |
IsNeedCorner() | public bool IsNeedCorner() | |
IsNeedGradient() | public bool IsNeedGradient() | |
Reset() | public void Reset() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: SingleAxis,DataZoom,CalendarCoord,GridCoord,GridLayout,GridCoord3D,ParallelCoord
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetJsonArray<T>() | public static T[] GetJsonArray<T>(string json) | |
GetJsonObject<T>() | public static T GetJsonObject<T>(string json) | |
GetWebJson<T>() | public static IEnumerator GetWebJson<T>(string url, Action<T[]> callback) | |
GetWebJson<T>() | public static IEnumerator GetWebJson<T>(string url, Action<T> callback) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent,ISerieComponent,ISerieDataComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetEndSymbolOffset() | public Vector3 GetEndSymbolOffset() | |
GetStartSymbolOffset() | public Vector3 GetStartSymbolOffset() | |
Reset() | public void Reset() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent,ISerieComponent,ISerieDataComponent / 子类: AxisLabel,EndLabelStyle,TitleStyle
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public virtual LabelStyle Clone() | |
Copy() | public virtual void Copy(LabelStyle label) | |
GetColor() | public Color GetColor(Color defaultColor) | |
GetFormatterContent() | public virtual string GetFormatterContent(int labelIndex, double value, double minValue, double maxValue, bool isLog = false) | |
GetFormatterContent() | public virtual string GetFormatterContent(int labelIndex, string category) | |
GetFormatterDateTime() | public string GetFormatterDateTime(int labelIndex, double value, double minValue, double maxValue) | |
GetOffset() | public Vector3 GetOffset(float radius) | |
IsAutoSize() | public bool IsAutoSize() | |
IsDefaultPosition() | public bool IsDefaultPosition(Position position) | |
IsInside() | public bool IsInside() 是否在内部。 |
Reset() | public void Reset() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ScriptableObject
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetCandlestickDimensionName() | public string GetCandlestickDimensionName(int i) | |
GetDay() | public string GetDay(int day) | |
GetMonthAbbr() | public string GetMonthAbbr(int month) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
List<string>() | public List<string> dayOfMonth = new List<string>() | |
List<string>() | public List<string> dayOfWeek = new List<string>() | |
List<string>() | public List<string> dayOfWeekAbbr = new List<string>() | |
List<string>() | public List<string> monthAbbr = new List<string>() | |
List<string>() | public List<string> months = new List<string>() |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
IsFixedWidthHeight() | public static bool IsFixedWidthHeight(RectTransform rt) | |
IsStretchPivot() | public static bool IsStretchPivot(RectTransform rt) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent,IPropertyChanged
图例组件。 图例组件展现了不同系列的标记,颜色和名字。可以通过点击图例控制哪些系列不显示。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddData() | public void AddData(string name) 添加图例。 |
ClearComponentDirty() | public override void ClearComponentDirty() | |
ClearData() | public override void ClearData() 清空。 |
ContainsData() | public bool ContainsData(string name) 是否包括由指定名字的图例 |
GetColor() | public Color GetColor(int index) | |
GetData() | public string GetData(int index) 获得指定索引的图例。 |
GetIcon() | public Sprite GetIcon(int index) 获得指定索引的图例按钮。 |
GetIndex() | public int GetIndex(string legendName) 获得指定图例的索引。 |
GetPosition() | public Vector3 GetPosition(int index, Vector3 defaultPos) | |
OnChanged() | public void OnChanged() 参数变更时的回调处理。 |
RemoveButton() | public void RemoveButton() 移除所有图例按钮。 |
RemoveData() | public void RemoveData(string name) 移除指定名字的图例。 |
SetButton() | public void SetButton(string name, LegendItem item, int total) 给图例绑定按钮。 |
UpdateButtonColor() | public void UpdateButtonColor(string name, Color color) 更新图例按钮颜色。 |
UpdateContentColor() | public void UpdateContentColor(string name, Color color) 更新图例文字颜色。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentContext
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
CheckDataHighlighted() | public static int CheckDataHighlighted(Serie serie, string legendName, bool heighlight) | |
CheckDataShow() | public static bool CheckDataShow(Serie serie, string legendName, bool show) | |
GetContentColor() | public static Color GetContentColor(BaseChart chart, int legendIndex, string legendName, Legend legend, ThemeStyle theme, bool active) | |
GetIconColor() | public static Color GetIconColor(BaseChart chart, Legend legend, int readIndex, string legendName, bool active) | |
ResetItemPosition() | public static void ResetItemPosition(Legend legend, Vector3 chartPos, float chartWidth, float chartHeight) | |
SetLegendBackground() | public static void SetLegendBackground(Legend legend, ImageStyle style) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetIconColor() | public Color GetIconColor() | |
GetIconRect() | public Rect GetIconRect() | |
SetActive() | public void SetActive(bool active) | |
SetBackground() | public void SetBackground(ImageStyle imageStyle) | |
SetButton() | public void SetButton(Button button) | |
SetContent() | public bool SetContent(string content) | |
SetContentBackgroundColor() | public void SetContentBackgroundColor(Color color) | |
SetContentColor() | public void SetContentColor(Color color) | |
SetContentPosition() | public void SetContentPosition(Vector3 offset) | |
SetIcon() | public void SetIcon(Image icon) | |
SetIconActive() | public void SetIconActive(bool active) | |
SetIconColor() | public void SetIconColor(Color color) | |
SetIconImage() | public void SetIconImage(Sprite image) | |
SetIconSize() | public void SetIconSize(float width, float height) | |
SetObject() | public void SetObject(GameObject obj) | |
SetPosition() | public void SetPosition(Vector3 position) | |
SetText() | public void SetText(ChartText text) | |
SetTextBackground() | public void SetTextBackground(Image image) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ComponentTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Copy() | public void Copy(LegendTheme theme) | |
LegendTheme() | public LegendTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie,INeedSerieContainer
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) | |
ConvertSerie() | public static Line ConvertSerie(Serie serie) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent,ISerieComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
折线图是用折线将各个数据点标志连接起来的图表,用于展现数据的变化趋势。可用于直角坐标系和极坐标系上。 设置 areaStyle 后可以绘制面积图。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DefaultAreaLineChart() | public void DefaultAreaLineChart() 默认面积折线图。 |
DefaultDashLineChart() | public void DefaultDashLineChart() 默认虚线折线图。 |
DefaultLogLineChart() | public void DefaultLogLineChart() 默认对数轴折线图。 |
DefaultSmoothAreaLineChart() | public void DefaultSmoothAreaLineChart() 默认平滑面积折线图。 |
DefaultSmoothLineChart() | public void DefaultSmoothLineChart() 默认平滑折线图。 |
DefaultStackAreaLineChart() | public void DefaultStackAreaLineChart() 默认堆叠面积折线图。 |
DefaultStackLineChart() | public void DefaultStackLineChart() 默认堆叠折线图。 |
DefaultStepLineChart() | public void DefaultStepLineChart() 默认阶梯折线图。 |
DefaultTimeLineChart() | public void DefaultTimeLineChart() 默认时间折线图。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetDataAverageRate() | public static int GetDataAverageRate(Serie serie, float axisLength, int maxCount, bool isYAxis) | |
GetLineWidth() | public static float GetLineWidth(ref bool interacting, Serie serie, float defaultWidth) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent,ISerieDataComponent
线条样式。 注: 修改 lineStyle 中的颜色不会影响图例颜色,如果需要图例颜色和折线图颜色一致,需修改 itemStyle.color,线条颜色默认也会取该颜色。 toColor,toColor2可设置水平方向的渐变,如需要设置垂直方向的渐变,可使用VisualMap。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public LineStyle Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(LineStyle lineStyle) | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor() | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(Color32 themeColor) | |
GetGradientColor() | public Color32 GetGradientColor(float value, Color32 defaultColor) | |
GetLength() | public float GetLength(float themeLength) | |
GetType() | public Type GetType(Type themeType) | |
GetWidth() | public float GetWidth(float themeWidth) | |
IsNeedGradient() | public bool IsNeedGradient() | |
IsNotSolidLine() | public bool IsNotSolidLine() | |
LineStyle() | public LineStyle() | |
LineStyle() | public LineStyle(float width) | |
LineStyle() | public LineStyle(LineStyle.Type type) | |
LineStyle() | public LineStyle(LineStyle.Type type, float width) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute / 子类: ListForComponent,ListForSerie
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ListFor() | public ListFor(Type type) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ListFor
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ListForComponent() | public ListForComponent(Type type) : base(type) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ListFor
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ListForSerie() | public ListForSerie(Type type) : base(type) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearAll() | public static void ClearAll() | |
Get() | public static List<T> Get() | |
Release() | public static void Release(List<T> toRelease) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent,IPropertyChanged
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetPosition() | public Vector3 GetPosition(float chartWidth, float chartHeight) 返回在坐标系中的具体位置 |
IsBottom() | public bool IsBottom() | |
IsCenter() | public bool IsCenter() | |
IsTop() | public bool IsTop() | |
OnChanged() | public void OnChanged() 属性变更时更新textAnchor,minAnchor,maxAnchor,pivot |
UpdateRuntimeData() | public void UpdateRuntimeData(float chartWidth, float chartHeight) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: IComparable / 子类: Axis,Background,Comment,DataZoom,Legend,MarkArea,MarkLine,Settings,Title,Tooltip,VisualMap,GridLayout,CoordSystem
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearComponentDirty() | public virtual void ClearComponentDirty() | |
ClearData() | public virtual void ClearData() { } | |
ClearDirty() | public virtual void ClearDirty() | |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public virtual void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
CompareTo() | public int CompareTo(object obj) | |
OnRemove() | public virtual void OnRemove() | |
Reset() | public virtual void Reset() { } | |
ResetStatus() | public virtual void ResetStatus() { } | |
SetAllDirty() | public virtual void SetAllDirty() | |
SetComponentDirty() | public virtual void SetComponentDirty() | |
SetDefaultValue() | public virtual void SetDefaultValue() { } | |
SetVerticesDirty() | public virtual void SetVerticesDirty() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: AxisContext,DataZoomContext,LegendContext,RadarCoordContext,VisualMapContext,GridCoordContext,GridLayoutContext,GridCoord3DContext,ParallelCoordContext,PolarCoordContext
class in XCharts.Runtime / 子类: AxisHandler<T>,MainComponentHandler<T>
API | 版本 | 描述 |
BeforceSerieUpdate() | public virtual void BeforceSerieUpdate() { } | |
CheckComponent() | public virtual void CheckComponent(StringBuilder sb) { } | |
DrawBase() | public virtual void DrawBase(VertexHelper vh) { } | |
DrawTop() | public virtual void DrawTop(VertexHelper vh) { } | |
DrawUpper() | public virtual void DrawUpper(VertexHelper vh) { } | |
InitComponent() | public virtual void InitComponent() { } | |
OnBeginDrag() | public virtual void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnDrag() | public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnEndDrag() | public virtual void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnPointerClick() | public virtual void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnPointerDown() | public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnPointerEnter() | public virtual void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnPointerExit() | public virtual void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnPointerUp() | public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnScroll() | public virtual void OnScroll(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnSerieDataUpdate() | public virtual void OnSerieDataUpdate(int serieIndex) { } | |
RemoveComponent() | public virtual void RemoveComponent() { } | |
Update() | public virtual void Update() { } |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentHandler
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
Marquee style. It can be used for the DataZoom component. 选取框样式。可用于DataZoom组件。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
onEnd | public Action<DataZoom> onEnd 自定义选取框结束选取时的回调。 |
onGoing | public Action<DataZoom> onGoing 自定义选取框选取进行时的回调。 |
onStart | public Action<DataZoom> onStart 自定义选取框开始选取时的回调。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Abs() | public static double Abs(double d) | |
Approximately() | public static bool Approximately(double a, double b) | |
Clamp() | public static double Clamp(double d, double min, double max) | |
Clamp01() | public static double Clamp01(double value) | |
GetPrecision() | public static int GetPrecision(double value) | |
IsInteger() | public static bool IsInteger(double value) | |
Lerp() | public static double Lerp(double a, double b, double t) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetValue() | public float GetValue(float total) 根据类型获取值。 |
MLValue() | public MLValue(float value) | |
MLValue() | public MLValue(Type type, float value) |
class in / 子类: XLog
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: new()
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearAll() | public void ClearAll() | |
Get() | public T Get() | |
new() | public class ObjectPool<T> where T : new() | |
ObjectPool() | public ObjectPool(UnityAction<T> actionOnGet, UnityAction<T> actionOnRelease, bool newIfEmpty = true) | |
Release() | public void Release(T element) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent / 子类: TextPadding
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Padding() | public Padding() { } | |
Padding() | public Padding(float top, float right, float bottom, float left) | |
SetPadding() | public void SetPadding(float top, float right, float bottom, float left) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MaskableGraphic
API | 版本 | 描述 |
onPopulateMesh | public Action<VertexHelper, Painter> onPopulateMesh | |
CheckRefresh() | public void CheckRefresh() | |
Init() | public void Init() | |
Refresh() | public void Refresh() | |
SetActive() | public void SetActive(bool flag, bool isDebugMode = false) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie,INeedSerieContainer
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Axis
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: CoordSystem,IUpdateRuntimeData,ISerieContainer
Drawing grid in rectangular coordinate. Line chart, bar chart, and scatter chart can be drawn in grid.
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Contains() | public bool Contains(float x, float y) | |
Contains() | public bool Contains(Vector3 pos) | |
IsPointerEnter() | public bool IsPointerEnter() | |
UpdateRuntimeData() | public void UpdateRuntimeData(BaseChart chart) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentContext
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) | |
ConvertSerie() | public static Pie ConvertSerie(Serie serie) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DefaultAreaRosePieChart() | public void DefaultAreaRosePieChart() 默认面积玫瑰饼图。 |
DefaultDonutPieChart() | public void DefaultDonutPieChart() 默认甜甜圈饼图。 |
DefaultLabelDonutPieChart() | public void DefaultLabelDonutPieChart() 默认带标签甜甜圈饼图。 |
DefaultLabelPieChart() | public void DefaultLabelPieChart() 默认带标签饼图。 |
DefaultRadiusRosePieChart() | public void DefaultRadiusRosePieChart() 默认玫瑰饼图。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseAxisTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
PolarAxisTheme() | public PolarAxisTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) { } |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DefaultHeatmapPolarChart() | public void DefaultHeatmapPolarChart() 默认极坐标色块图。 |
DefaultRadialBarPolarChart() | public void DefaultRadialBarPolarChart() 默认径向柱状极坐标图。 |
DefaultTangentialBarPolarChart() | public void DefaultTangentialBarPolarChart() 默认切向柱状极坐标图。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: CoordSystem,ISerieContainer
极坐标系组件。 极坐标系,可以用于散点图和折线图。每个极坐标系拥有一个角度轴和一个半径轴。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Contains() | public bool Contains(Vector3 pos) | |
IsPointerEnter() | public bool IsPointerEnter() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentContext
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetClass<T>() | public static bool SetClass<T>(ref T currentValue, T newValue, bool notNull = false) where T : class | |
SetColor() | public static bool SetColor(ref Color currentValue, Color newValue) | |
SetColor() | public static bool SetColor(ref Color32 currentValue, Color32 newValue) | |
SetStruct<T>() | public static bool SetStruct<T>(ref T currentValue, T newValue) where T : struct |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie,INeedSerieContainer
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseAxisTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
RadarAxisTheme() | public RadarAxisTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DefaultCircleRadarChart() | public void DefaultCircleRadarChart() 默认圆形雷达图。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: CoordSystem,ISerieContainer
Radar coordinate conponnet for radar charts. 雷达图坐标系组件,只适用于雷达图。
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentContext
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Axis
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() 极坐标系的径向轴。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseAxisTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
RadiusAxisTheme() | public RadiusAxisTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) { } |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DeepCloneSerializeField() | public static object DeepCloneSerializeField(object obj) | |
InvokeListAdd() | public static void InvokeListAdd(object obj, FieldInfo field, object item) | |
InvokeListAddTo<T>() | public static void InvokeListAddTo<T>(object obj, FieldInfo field, Action<T> callback) | |
InvokeListClear() | public static void InvokeListClear(object obj, FieldInfo field) | |
InvokeListCount() | public static int InvokeListCount(object obj, FieldInfo field) | |
InvokeListGet<T>() | public static T InvokeListGet<T>(object obj, FieldInfo field, int i) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
RequireChartComponentAttribute() | public RequireChartComponentAttribute(Type requiredComponent) | |
RequireChartComponentAttribute() | public RequireChartComponentAttribute(Type requiredComponent, Type requiredComponent2) | |
RequireChartComponentAttribute() | public RequireChartComponentAttribute(Type requiredComponent, Type requiredComponent2, Type requiredComponent3) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) | |
GetDataTotal() | public override double GetDataTotal(int dimension, SerieData serieData = null) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DefaultMultipleRingChart() | public void DefaultMultipleRingChart() 默认多圆环图。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetAllAssemblyTypes() | public static IEnumerable<Type> GetAllAssemblyTypes() | |
GetAllTypesDerivedFrom() | public static IEnumerable<Type> GetAllTypesDerivedFrom(Type type) | |
GetAllTypesDerivedFrom<T>() | public static IEnumerable<Type> GetAllTypesDerivedFrom<T>() | |
GetAttribute<T>() | public static T GetAttribute<T>(this MemberInfo type, bool check = true) where T : Attribute | |
GetAttribute<T>() | public static T GetAttribute<T>(this Type type, bool check = true) where T : Attribute | |
HasSubclass() | public static bool HasSubclass(Type type) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseScatter
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DefaultBubbleChart() | public void DefaultBubbleChart() 默认气泡图。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: StateStyle,ISerieComponent,ISerieDataComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseSerie,IComparable / 子类: SerieHandler<T>,Bar,SimplifiedBar,Candlestick,SimplifiedCandlestick,Heatmap,Line,SimplifiedLine,Parallel,Pie,Radar,Ring,BaseScatter
API | 版本 | 描述 |
onClick | public Action<SerieEventData> onClick 点击系列时的回调。 |
onDown | public Action<SerieEventData> onDown 鼠标按下时的回调。 |
onEnter | public Action<SerieEventData> onEnter 鼠标进入时的回调。 |
onExit | public Action<SerieEventData> onExit 鼠标离开时的回调。 |
AddChildData() | public SerieData AddChildData(SerieData parent, double value, string name, string id) | |
AddChildData() | public SerieData AddChildData(SerieData parent, List<double> value, string name, string id) | |
AddChildData() | public void AddChildData(SerieData parent, SerieData serieData) | |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(double indexOrTimestamp, double open, double close, double lowest, double heighest, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 添加 (open, close, lowest, heighest) 数据 |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(List<double> valueList, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 将一组数据添加到系列中。 如果数据只有一个,默认添加到维度Y中。 |
AddData() | public SerieData AddData(params double[] values) 添加任意维数据到系列中。 |
AddExtraComponent<T>() | public T AddExtraComponent<T>() where T : ChildComponent, ISerieComponent | |
AddLink() | public virtual SerieDataLink AddLink(string sourceId, string targetId, double value = 0) 添加一个关系图的关系数据。 |
AddSerieData() | public virtual void AddSerieData(SerieData serieData) | |
AddXYData() | public SerieData AddXYData(double xValue, double yValue, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 添加(x,y)数据到维度X和维度Y |
AddYData() | public SerieData AddYData(double value, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) 添加一个数据到维度Y(此时维度X对应的数据是索引) |
AnimationEnable() | public void AnimationEnable(bool flag) 启用或取消初始动画 |
AnimationFadeIn() | public void AnimationFadeIn() 渐入动画 |
AnimationFadeOut() | public void AnimationFadeOut() 渐出动画 |
AnimationPause() | public void AnimationPause() 暂停动画 |
AnimationReset() | public void AnimationReset() 重置动画 |
AnimationRestart() | public void AnimationRestart() 重置动画 |
AnimationResume() | public void AnimationResume() 继续动画 |
CanAddComponent() | public bool CanAddComponent(Type type) | |
CanAddComponent<T>() | public bool CanAddComponent<T>() where T : ChildComponent, ISerieComponent | |
ClearComponentDirty() | public override void ClearComponentDirty() | |
ClearData() | public override void ClearData() 清空所有数据 |
ClearDirty() | public override void ClearDirty() | |
ClearHighlight() | public void ClearHighlight() 清除所有数据的高亮标志 |
ClearLinks() | public void ClearLinks() 清空所有Link数据 |
ClearSerieNameDirty() | public void ClearSerieNameDirty() | |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public override void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
Clone() | public Serie Clone() | |
Clone<T>() | public T Clone<T>() where T : Serie | |
CompareTo() | public int CompareTo(object obj) | |
EnsureComponent() | public ISerieComponent EnsureComponent(Type type) | |
EnsureComponent<T>() | public T EnsureComponent<T>() where T : ChildComponent, ISerieComponent 确保系列有该组件。如果没有,则添加。 |
GetBarWidth() | public float GetBarWidth(float categoryWidth, int barCount = 0, float defaultRate = 0.6f) | |
GetComponent() | public ISerieComponent GetComponent(Type type) | |
GetComponent<T>() | public T GetComponent<T>() where T : ChildComponent, ISerieComponent | |
GetData() | public double GetData(int index, int dimension, DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得指定index指定维数的数据 |
GetDataList() | public List<SerieData> GetDataList(DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得系列的数据列表 |
GetDataTotal() | public virtual double GetDataTotal(int dimension, SerieData serieData = null) | |
GetSerieData() | public SerieData GetSerieData(int index, DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得指定索引的数据项 |
GetSerieData() | public SerieData GetSerieData(SerieData parent, string id) | |
GetSerieData() | public SerieData GetSerieData(string id, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetXYData() | public void GetXYData(int index, DataZoom dataZoom, out double xValue, out double yVlaue) 获得指定索引的维度X和维度Y的数据 |
GetYCurrData() | public double GetYCurrData(int index, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetYData() | public double GetYData(int index, DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得维度Y索引对应的数据 |
GetYData() | public void GetYData(int index, out double yData, out string dataName, DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得维度Y索引对应的数据和数据名 |
IsIgnoreIndex() | public bool IsIgnoreIndex(int index, int dimension = 1) | |
IsIgnorePoint() | public bool IsIgnorePoint(int index) | |
IsIgnoreValue() | public bool IsIgnoreValue(double value) | |
IsIgnoreValue() | public bool IsIgnoreValue(SerieData serieData, double value) | |
IsIgnoreValue() | public bool IsIgnoreValue(SerieData serieData, int dimension = 1) | |
IsLegendName() | public bool IsLegendName(string legendName) | |
IsMinShowLabelValue() | public bool IsMinShowLabelValue(double value) | |
IsMinShowLabelValue() | public bool IsMinShowLabelValue(int index, int dimension = 1) | |
IsMinShowLabelValue() | public bool IsMinShowLabelValue(SerieData serieData, int dimension = 1) | |
IsPerformanceMode() | public bool IsPerformanceMode() 是否为性能模式。性能模式下不绘制Symbol,不刷新Label,不单独设置数据项配置。 |
IsSerie<T>() | public bool IsSerie<T>() where T : Serie | |
IsSerieDataLegendName() | public bool IsSerieDataLegendName(string legendName) | |
IsSerieLegendName() | public bool IsSerieLegendName(string legendName) | |
IsUseCoord<T>() | public bool IsUseCoord<T>() where T : CoordSystem | |
RemoveAllComponents() | public void RemoveAllComponents() 移除所有额外组件。 |
RemoveComponent() | public void RemoveComponent(Type type) | |
RemoveComponent<T>() | public void RemoveComponent<T>() where T : ISerieComponent | |
RemoveData() | public void RemoveData(int index) 移除指定索引的数据 |
ResetDataIndex() | public bool ResetDataIndex() 重置数据项索引。避免部分数据项的索引异常。 |
ResetInteract() | public void ResetInteract() | |
SetAllDirty() | public override void SetAllDirty() | |
SetCoord<T>() | public bool SetCoord<T>() where T : CoordSystem | |
SetHighlight() | public void SetHighlight(int index, bool flag) 设置指定索引的数据为高亮状态 |
SetVerticesDirty() | public override void SetVerticesDirty() | |
UpdateData() | public bool UpdateData(int index, int dimension, double value) 更新指定索引指定维数的数据 |
UpdateData() | public bool UpdateData(int index, List<double> values) 更新指定索引的数据项数据列表 |
UpdateDataName() | public bool UpdateDataName(int index, string name) | |
UpdateXYData() | public bool UpdateXYData(int index, double xValue, double yValue) 更新指定索引的维度X和维度Y的数据 |
UpdateYData() | public bool UpdateYData(int index, double value) 更新指定索引的维度Y数据 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Contains() | public bool Contains(Type type) | |
Contains<T>() | public bool Contains<T>() where T : ISerieComponent | |
SerieComponentAttribute() | public SerieComponentAttribute() | |
SerieComponentAttribute() | public SerieComponentAttribute(Type type1) | |
SerieComponentAttribute() | public SerieComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2) | |
SerieComponentAttribute() | public SerieComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3) | |
SerieComponentAttribute() | public SerieComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4) | |
SerieComponentAttribute() | public SerieComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5) | |
SerieComponentAttribute() | public SerieComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5, Type type6) | |
SerieComponentAttribute() | public SerieComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5, Type type6, Type type7) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Contains() | public bool Contains(Type type) | |
Contains<T>() | public bool Contains<T>() where T : Serie | |
SerieConvertAttribute() | public SerieConvertAttribute(Type serie) | |
SerieConvertAttribute() | public SerieConvertAttribute(Type serie, Type serie2) | |
SerieConvertAttribute() | public SerieConvertAttribute(Type serie, Type serie2, Type serie3) | |
SerieConvertAttribute() | public SerieConvertAttribute(Type serie, Type serie2, Type serie3, Type serie4) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearComponentDirty() | public override void ClearComponentDirty() | |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public override void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
EnsureComponent() | v3.6.0 | public ISerieDataComponent EnsureComponent(Type type) 确保数据项有指定类型的组件,如果没有则添加。 |
EnsureComponent<T>() | v3.6.0 | public T EnsureComponent<T>() where T : ChildComponent, ISerieDataComponent 确保数据项有指定类型的组件,如果没有则添加。 |
GetAddAnimationData() | public double GetAddAnimationData(double min, double max, float animationDuration = 500f, bool unscaledTime = false) | |
GetComponent<T>() | public T GetComponent<T>() where T : ChildComponent, ISerieDataComponent 获取数据项的指定类型的组件,如果不存在则返回null。 |
GetCurrData() | public double GetCurrData(int index, AnimationStyle animation, bool inverse = false, bool loop = false) | |
GetCurrData() | public double GetCurrData(int index, AnimationStyle animation, bool inverse, double min, double max, bool loop = false) | |
GetCurrData() | public double GetCurrData(int index, float dataAddDuration = 500f, float animationDuration = 500f, bool unscaledTime = false, bool inverse = false) | |
GetCurrData() | public double GetCurrData(int index, float dataAddDuration, float animationDuration, bool inverse, double min, double max, bool unscaledTime, bool loop = false) | |
GetData() | public double GetData(int index, bool inverse = false) | |
GetData() | public double GetData(int index, double min, double max) | |
GetFirstData() | public double GetFirstData(bool unscaledTime, float animationDuration = 500f) | |
GetLabelHeight() | public float GetLabelHeight() | |
GetLabelWidth() | public float GetLabelWidth() | |
GetLastData() | public double GetLastData() | |
GetMaxData() | public double GetMaxData(bool inverse = false) 最大值。 |
GetMinData() | public double GetMinData(bool inverse = false) 最小值。 |
GetMinMaxData() | public void GetMinMaxData(int startDimensionIndex, bool inverse, out double min, out double max) | |
GetOrAddComponent<T>() | public T GetOrAddComponent<T>() where T : ChildComponent, ISerieDataComponent | |
GetPreviousData() | public double GetPreviousData(int index, bool inverse = false) | |
GetTotalData() | public double GetTotalData() | |
IsDataChanged() | public bool IsDataChanged() | |
IsInPolygon() | public bool IsInPolygon(Vector2 p) | |
List<string>() | public static List<string> extraFieldList = new List<string>() 系列中的一个数据项。可存储数据名和1-n维个数据。 |
OnAdd() | public void OnAdd(AnimationStyle animation, double startValue = 0) | |
RemoveAllComponent() | public void RemoveAllComponent() | |
RemoveComponent() | public void RemoveComponent(Type type) | |
RemoveComponent<T>() | public void RemoveComponent<T>() where T : ISerieDataComponent | |
Reset() | public void Reset() | |
SetIconActive() | public void SetIconActive(bool flag) | |
SetLabelActive() | public void SetLabelActive(bool flag) | |
SetPolygon() | public void SetPolygon(params Vector2[] points) | |
SetPolygon() | public void SetPolygon(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3, Vector2 p4) | |
SetPolygon() | public void SetPolygon(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3, Vector2 p4, Vector2 p5) | |
UpdateData() | public bool UpdateData(int dimension, double value) | |
UpdateData() | public bool UpdateData(int dimension, double value, bool updateAnimation, bool unscaledTime, float animationDuration = 500f) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Contains() | public bool Contains(Type type) | |
Contains<T>() | public bool Contains<T>() where T : ISerieComponent | |
SerieDataComponentAttribute() | public SerieDataComponentAttribute() | |
SerieDataComponentAttribute() | public SerieDataComponentAttribute(Type type1) | |
SerieDataComponentAttribute() | public SerieDataComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2) | |
SerieDataComponentAttribute() | public SerieDataComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3) | |
SerieDataComponentAttribute() | public SerieDataComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4) | |
SerieDataComponentAttribute() | public SerieDataComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5) | |
SerieDataComponentAttribute() | public SerieDataComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5, Type type6) | |
SerieDataComponentAttribute() | public SerieDataComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5, Type type6, Type type7) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Reset() | public void Reset() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Contains() | public bool Contains(string field) | |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() | public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() | |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() | public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1) | |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() | public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2) | |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() | public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2, string field3) | |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() | public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2, string field3, string field4) | |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() | public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2, string field3, string field4, string field5) | |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() | public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2, string field3, string field4, string field5, string field6) | |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() | public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2, string field3, string field4, string field5, string field6, string field7) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Reset() | public void Reset() |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Get() | public static SerieEventData Get(Vector3 pos, int serieIndex, int dataIndex, int dimension, double value) | |
Release() | public static void Release(SerieEventData toRelease) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AfterUpdate() | public virtual void AfterUpdate() { } | |
BeforeUpdate() | public virtual void BeforeUpdate() { } | |
CheckComponent() | public virtual void CheckComponent(StringBuilder sb) { } | |
DrawBase() | public virtual void DrawBase(VertexHelper vh) { } | |
DrawSerie() | public virtual void DrawSerie(VertexHelper vh) { } | |
DrawTop() | public virtual void DrawTop(VertexHelper vh) { } | |
DrawUpper() | public virtual void DrawUpper(VertexHelper vh) { } | |
ForceUpdateSerieContext() | public virtual void ForceUpdateSerieContext() { } | |
InitComponent() | public virtual void InitComponent() { } | |
OnBeginDrag() | public virtual void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnDataUpdate() | public virtual void OnDataUpdate() { } | |
OnDrag() | public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnEndDrag() | public virtual void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnLegendButtonClick() | public virtual void OnLegendButtonClick(int index, string legendName, bool show) { } | |
OnLegendButtonEnter() | public virtual void OnLegendButtonEnter(int index, string legendName) { } | |
OnLegendButtonExit() | public virtual void OnLegendButtonExit(int index, string legendName) { } | |
OnPointerClick() | public virtual void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnPointerDown() | public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnPointerEnter() | public virtual void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnPointerExit() | public virtual void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnPointerUp() | public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
OnScroll() | public virtual void OnScroll(PointerEventData eventData) { } | |
RefreshLabelInternal() | public virtual void RefreshLabelInternal() { } | |
RefreshLabelNextFrame() | public virtual void RefreshLabelNextFrame() { } | |
RemoveComponent() | public virtual void RemoveComponent() { } | |
Update() | public virtual void Update() { } | |
UpdateSerieContext() | public virtual void UpdateSerieContext() { } |
class in / 子类: SerieHandler<T>
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: [SerieHandler where T](#seriehandler where t),Serie
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AfterUpdate() | public override void AfterUpdate() | |
BeforeUpdate() | public override void BeforeUpdate() | |
DrawLabelLineSymbol() | public void DrawLabelLineSymbol(VertexHelper vh, LabelLine labelLine, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, Color32 defaultColor) | |
ForceUpdateSerieContext() | public override void ForceUpdateSerieContext() | |
GetPointerItemDataDimension() | public override int GetPointerItemDataDimension() | |
GetPointerItemDataIndex() | public override int GetPointerItemDataIndex() | |
GetSerieDataAutoColor() | public virtual Color GetSerieDataAutoColor(SerieData serieData) | |
GetSerieDataLabelOffset() | public virtual Vector3 GetSerieDataLabelOffset(SerieData serieData, LabelStyle label) | |
GetSerieDataLabelPosition() | public virtual Vector3 GetSerieDataLabelPosition(SerieData serieData, LabelStyle label) | |
GetSerieDataTitlePosition() | public virtual Vector3 GetSerieDataTitlePosition(SerieData serieData, TitleStyle titleStyle) | |
InitComponent() | public override void InitComponent() | |
OnLegendButtonClick() | public override void OnLegendButtonClick(int index, string legendName, bool show) | |
OnLegendButtonEnter() | public override void OnLegendButtonEnter(int index, string legendName) | |
OnLegendButtonExit() | public override void OnLegendButtonExit(int index, string legendName) | |
OnPointerClick() | public override void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) | |
OnPointerDown() | public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) | |
RefreshEndLabelInternal() | public virtual void RefreshEndLabelInternal() | |
RefreshLabelInternal() | public override void RefreshLabelInternal() | |
RefreshLabelNextFrame() | public override void RefreshLabelNextFrame() | |
RemoveComponent() | public override void RemoveComponent() | |
Update() | public override void Update() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SerieHandlerAttribute() | public SerieHandlerAttribute(Type handler) | |
SerieHandlerAttribute() | public SerieHandlerAttribute(Type handler, bool allowMultiple) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
CloneSerie<T>() | public static T CloneSerie<T>(Serie serie) where T : Serie | |
CopySerie() | public static void CopySerie(Serie oldSerie, Serie newSerie) | |
GetAllMinMaxData() | public static void GetAllMinMaxData(Serie serie, double ceilRate = 0, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetAreaStyle() | public static AreaStyle GetAreaStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) | |
GetAverageData() | public static double GetAverageData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetBlurStyle() | public static BlurStyle GetBlurStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) | |
GetEmphasisStyle() | public static EmphasisStyle GetEmphasisStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) | |
GetItemColor() | public static Color32 GetItemColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, int index, SerieState state = SerieState.Auto, bool opacity = true) | |
GetItemFormatter() | public static string GetItemFormatter(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, string defaultFormatter = null) | |
GetItemMarker() | public static string GetItemMarker(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, string defaultMarker = null) | |
GetItemStyle() | public static ItemStyle GetItemStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, SerieState state = SerieState.Auto) | |
GetLineColor() | public static Color32 GetLineColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, int index, SerieState state = SerieState.Auto) | |
GetLineStyle() | public static LineStyle GetLineStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) | |
GetMaxData() | public static double GetMaxData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetMaxSerieData() | public static SerieData GetMaxSerieData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetMedianData() | public static double GetMedianData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetMinData() | public static double GetMinData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetMinMaxData() | public static void GetMinMaxData(Serie serie, out double min, out double max, DataZoom dataZoom = null, int dimension = 0) 获得系列所有数据的最大最小值。 |
GetMinSerieData() | public static SerieData GetMinSerieData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) | |
GetNumericFormatter() | public static string GetNumericFormatter(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, string defaultFormatter = null) | |
GetSelectStyle() | public static SelectStyle GetSelectStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) | |
GetSerieLabel() | public static LabelStyle GetSerieLabel(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, SerieState state = SerieState.Auto) | |
GetSerieLabelLine() | public static LabelLine GetSerieLabelLine(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, SerieState state = SerieState.Auto) | |
GetSerieState() | public static SerieState GetSerieState(Serie serie) | |
GetSerieState() | public static SerieState GetSerieState(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, bool defaultSerieState = false) | |
GetSerieState() | public static SerieState GetSerieState(SerieData serieData) | |
GetSerieSymbol() | public static SerieSymbol GetSerieSymbol(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, SerieState state = SerieState.Auto) | |
GetStateStyle() | public static StateStyle GetStateStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, SerieState state) | |
GetSysmbolSize() | public static float GetSysmbolSize(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, float defaultSize, SerieState state = SerieState.Auto, bool checkAnimation = false) | |
GetTitleStyle() | public static TitleStyle GetTitleStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) | |
IsAllZeroValue() | public static bool IsAllZeroValue(Serie serie, int dimension = 1) 系列指定维数的数据是否全部为0。 |
IsDownPoint() | public static bool IsDownPoint(Serie serie, int index) | |
UpdateCenter() | public static void UpdateCenter(Serie serie, BaseChart chart) 更新运行时中心点和半径 |
UpdateFilterData() | public static void UpdateFilterData(Serie serie, DataZoom dataZoom) 根据dataZoom更新数据列表缓存 |
UpdateMinMaxData() | public static void UpdateMinMaxData(Serie serie, int dimension, double ceilRate = 0, DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得指定维数的最大最小值 |
UpdateRect() | public static void UpdateRect(Serie serie, Vector3 chartPosition, float chartWidth, float chartHeight) | |
UpdateSerieRuntimeFilterData() | public static void UpdateSerieRuntimeFilterData(Serie serie, bool filterInvisible = true) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
CanShowLabel() | public static bool CanShowLabel(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, LabelStyle label, int dimesion) | |
GetLabelColor() | public static Color GetLabelColor(Serie serie, ThemeStyle theme, int index) | |
SetGaugeLabelText() | public static void SetGaugeLabelText(Serie serie) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearAll() | public static void ClearAll() | |
Release() | public static void Release(GameObject element) | |
ReleaseAll() | public static void ReleaseAll(Transform parent) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetLastStackSerie() | public static Serie GetLastStackSerie(List<Serie> series, Serie serie) 获得上一个同堆叠且显示的serie。 |
GetLegalSerieNameList() | public static List<string> GetLegalSerieNameList(List<Serie> series) | |
GetMaxSerieDataCount() | public static int GetMaxSerieDataCount(List<Serie> series) | |
GetMinAnimationDuration() | public static float GetMinAnimationDuration(List<Serie> series) | |
GetNameColor() | public static Color GetNameColor(BaseChart chart, int index, string name) | |
GetStackSeries() | public static void GetStackSeries(List<Serie> series, ref Dictionary<int, List<Serie>> stackSeries) 获得堆叠系列列表 |
IsAnyClipSerie() | public static bool IsAnyClipSerie(List<Serie> series) 是否有需裁剪的serie。 |
IsLegalLegendName() | public static bool IsLegalLegendName(string name) | |
IsPercentStack<T>() | public static bool IsPercentStack<T>(List<Serie> series) where T : Serie 是否时百分比堆叠 |
IsPercentStack<T>() | public static bool IsPercentStack<T>(List<Serie> series, string stackName) where T : Serie 是否时百分比堆叠 |
IsStack() | public static bool IsStack(List<Serie> series) 是否由数据堆叠 |
IsStack<T>() | public static bool IsStack<T>(List<Serie> series, string stackName) where T : Serie 是否堆叠 |
UpdateSerieNameList() | public static void UpdateSerieNameList(BaseChart chart, ref List<string> serieNameList) 获得所有系列名,不包含空名字。 |
UpdateStackDataList() | public static void UpdateStackDataList(List<Serie> series, Serie currSerie, DataZoom dataZoom, List<List<SerieData>> dataList) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: SymbolStyle,ISerieDataComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetSize() | public float GetSize(List<double> data, float themeSize) 根据指定的sizeType获得标记的大小 |
Reset() | public override void Reset() | |
ShowSymbol() | public bool ShowSymbol(int dataIndex, int dataCount) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Copy() | public void Copy(SerieTheme theme) | |
SerieTheme() | public SerieTheme(ThemeType theme) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Copy() | public void Copy(Settings settings) | |
Reset() | public override void Reset() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie,INeedSerieContainer,ISimplifiedSerie
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) | |
ConvertSerie() | public static SimplifiedBar ConvertSerie(Serie serie) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie,INeedSerieContainer,ISimplifiedSerie
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) | |
ConvertSerie() | public static SimplifiedCandlestick ConvertSerie(Serie serie) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Serie,INeedSerieContainer,ISimplifiedSerie
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddDefaultSerie() | public static Serie AddDefaultSerie(BaseChart chart, string serieName) | |
ConvertSerie() | public static SimplifiedLine ConvertSerie(Serie serie) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseChart
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Attribute
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Since() | public Since(string version) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Axis,IUpdateRuntimeData
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() | |
UpdateRuntimeData() | public void UpdateRuntimeData(BaseChart chart) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: CoordSystem
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
StageColor() | public StageColor(float percent, Color32 color) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent / 子类: BlurStyle,EmphasisStyle,SelectStyle
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearComponentDirty() | public override void ClearComponentDirty() | |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public override void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
Reset() | public void Reset() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ComponentTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SubTitleTheme() | public SubTitleTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) |
class in XUGL
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DrawPath() | public static void DrawPath(VertexHelper vh, string path) | |
DrawPath() | public static void DrawPath(VertexHelper vh, SVGPath path) | |
Test() | public static void Test(VertexHelper vh) |
class in XUGL
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddSegment() | public void AddSegment(SVGPathSeg seg) | |
Draw() | public void Draw(VertexHelper vh) | |
Parse() | public static SVGPath Parse(string path) |
class in XUGL
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SVGPathSeg() | public SVGPathSeg(SVGPathSegType type) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent / 子类: SerieSymbol
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(Color32 defaultColor) | |
Reset() | public virtual void Reset() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
文本字符限制和自适应。当文本长度超过设定的长度时进行裁剪,并将后缀附加在最后。 只在类目轴中有效。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Clone() | public TextLimit Clone() | |
Copy() | public void Copy(TextLimit textLimit) | |
GetLimitContent() | public string GetLimitContent(string content) | |
SetRelatedText() | public void SetRelatedText(ChartText txt, float labelWidth) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Padding
API | 版本 | 描述 |
TextPadding() | public TextPadding() { } | |
TextPadding() | public TextPadding(float top, float right, float bottom, float left) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Copy() | public void Copy(TextStyle textStyle) | |
GetAlignment() | public TextAnchor GetAlignment(TextAnchor defaultAlignment) | |
GetColor() | public Color GetColor(Color defaultColor) | |
GetFontSize() | public int GetFontSize(ComponentTheme defaultTheme) | |
TextStyle() | public TextStyle() { } | |
TextStyle() | public TextStyle(int fontSize) | |
TextStyle() | public TextStyle(int fontSize, FontStyle fontStyle) | |
TextStyle() | public TextStyle(int fontSize, FontStyle fontStyle, Color color) | |
TextStyle() | public TextStyle(int fontSize, FontStyle fontStyle, Color color, int rorate) | |
UpdateAlignmentByLocation() | public void UpdateAlignmentByLocation(Location location) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ScriptableObject
API | 版本 | 描述 |
CheckWarning() | public void CheckWarning(StringBuilder sb) | |
CloneTheme() | public Theme CloneTheme() 克隆主题。 |
CopyTheme() | public bool CopyTheme(ThemeType theme) | |
CopyTheme() | public void CopyTheme(Theme theme) 复制主题的所有配置。 |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(int index) 获得调色盘对应系列索引的颜色值。 |
GetColor() | public static Color32 GetColor(string hexColorStr) 将字符串颜色值转成Color。 |
GetColorStr() | public string GetColorStr(int index) 获得指定索引的十六进制颜色值字符串。 |
GetHashCode() | public override int GetHashCode() | |
ResetTheme() | public bool ResetTheme() 重置,清除所有自定义配置。 |
ResetToDarkTheme() | public static void ResetToDarkTheme(Theme theme) 暗主题。 |
ResetToDefaultTheme() | public static void ResetToDefaultTheme(Theme theme) 默认主题。 |
SetColorPalette() | public void SetColorPalette(List<string> hexColorStringList) | |
SetDefaultFont() | public void SetDefaultFont() | |
SyncFontToSubComponent() | public void SyncFontToSubComponent() | |
SyncTMPFontToSubComponent() | public void SyncTMPFontToSubComponent() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
CheckWarning() | public void CheckWarning(StringBuilder sb) | |
GetBackgroundColor() | public Color32 GetBackgroundColor(Background background) | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(int index) 获得调色盘对应系列索引的颜色值。 |
GetColor() | public static Color32 GetColor(string hexColorStr) 将字符串颜色值转成Color。 |
GetColorStr() | public string GetColorStr(int index) 获得指定索引的十六进制颜色值字符串。 |
SyncSharedThemeColorToCustom() | public void SyncSharedThemeColorToCustom() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent,IPropertyChanged
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ClearComponentDirty() | public override void ClearComponentDirty() | |
OnChanged() | public void OnChanged() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: LabelStyle,ISerieDataComponent,ISerieComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ComponentTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
TitleTheme() | public TitleTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
onClickIndex | public System.Action<int> onClickIndex Tooltip为Click触发时,点击的X轴索引的回调。 |
AddSerieDataIndex() | public void AddSerieDataIndex(int serieIndex, int dataIndex) | |
ClearComponentDirty() | public override void ClearComponentDirty() | |
ClearData() | public override void ClearData() | |
ClearSerieDataIndex() | public void ClearSerieDataIndex() | |
GetContentLabelStyle() | public LabelStyle GetContentLabelStyle(int index) | |
IsActive() | public bool IsActive() 提示框是否显示 |
isAnySerieDataIndex() | public bool isAnySerieDataIndex() | |
IsSelected() | public bool IsSelected() 当前提示框是否选中数据项 |
IsSelected() | public bool IsSelected(int index) 指定索引的数据项是否被提示框选中 |
IsTriggerAxis() | public bool IsTriggerAxis() | |
IsTriggerItem() | public bool IsTriggerItem() | |
KeepTop() | public void KeepTop() 保持Tooltiop显示在最顶上 |
SetActive() | public void SetActive(bool flag) 设置Tooltip组件是否显示 |
SetContentActive() | public void SetContentActive(bool flag) 设置文本框是否显示 |
UpdateContentPos() | public void UpdateContentPos(Vector2 pos, float width, float height) 更新文本框位置 |
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetItemNumericFormatter() | public static string GetItemNumericFormatter(Tooltip tooltip, Serie serie, SerieData serieData) | |
GetLineColor() | public static Color32 GetLineColor(Tooltip tooltip, Color32 defaultColor) | |
IsIgnoreFormatter() | public static bool IsIgnoreFormatter(string itemFormatter) | |
LimitInRect() | public static void LimitInRect(Tooltip tooltip, Rect chartRect) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ComponentTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Copy() | public void Copy(TooltipTheme theme) | |
TooltipTheme() | public TooltipTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
CreateView() | public static TooltipView CreateView(Tooltip tooltip, ThemeStyle theme, Transform parent) | |
GetCurrentPos() | public Vector3 GetCurrentPos() | |
GetTargetPos() | public Vector3 GetTargetPos() | |
Refresh() | public void Refresh() | |
SetActive() | public void SetActive(bool flag) | |
Update() | public void Update() | |
UpdatePosition() | public void UpdatePosition(Vector3 pos) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XUGL
UGUI 图形库
API | 版本 | 描述 |
DrawDiamond() | public static void DrawDiamond(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float size, Color32 color) Draw a diamond. 画菱形(钻石形状) |
DrawDiamond() | public static void DrawDiamond(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float size, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) Draw a diamond. 画菱形(钻石形状) |
DrawDiamond() | public static void DrawDiamond(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float xRadius, float yRadius, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) | |
DrawEllipse() | public static void DrawEllipse(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float w, float h, Color32 color, float smoothness = 1) | |
DrawEmptyDiamond() | public static void DrawEmptyDiamond(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float tickness, Color32 color) | |
DrawEmptyDiamond() | public static void DrawEmptyDiamond(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float tickness, Color32 color, Color32 emptyColor) | |
DrawEmptyTriangle() | public static void DrawEmptyTriangle(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 pos, float size, float tickness, Color32 color) | |
DrawEmptyTriangle() | public static void DrawEmptyTriangle(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 pos, float size, float tickness, Color32 color, Color32 backgroundColor) | |
DrawLine() | public static void DrawLine(VertexHelper vh, List<Vector3> points, float width, Color32 color, bool smooth, bool closepath = false) | |
DrawLine() | public static void DrawLine(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, float width, Color32 color) Draw a line. 画直线 |
DrawLine() | public static void DrawLine(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, float width, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) Draw a line. 画直线 |
DrawMinus() | public static void DrawMinus(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float radius, float tickness, Color32 color) 绘制减号 |
DrawPlus() | public static void DrawPlus(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float radius, float tickness, Color32 color) 绘制加号 |
DrawPolygon() | public static void DrawPolygon(VertexHelper vh, List<Vector3> points, Color32 color) 填充任意多边形(目前只支持凸多边形) |
DrawRectangle() | public static void DrawRectangle(VertexHelper vh, Rect rect, Color32 color) | |
DrawRectangle() | public static void DrawRectangle(VertexHelper vh, Rect rect, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) | |
DrawRectangle() | public static void DrawRectangle(VertexHelper vh, Rect rect, float border, Color32 color) | |
DrawRectangle() | public static void DrawRectangle(VertexHelper vh, Rect rect, float border, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) | |
DrawRectangle() | public static void DrawRectangle(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, float radius, Color32 color) Draw a rectangle. 画带长方形 |
DrawSquare() | public static void DrawSquare(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float radius, Color32 color) Draw a square. 画正方形 |
DrawSvgPath() | public static void DrawSvgPath(VertexHelper vh, string path) | |
DrawTriangle() | public static void DrawTriangle(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 pos, float size, Color32 color) | |
DrawTriangle() | public static void DrawTriangle(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 pos, float size, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) |
class in XUGL / 继承自: MaskableGraphic
class in XUGL
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetAngle360() | public static float GetAngle360(Vector2 from, Vector2 to) 获得0-360的角度(12点钟方向为0度) |
GetBezier() | public static Vector3 GetBezier(float t, Vector3 sp, Vector3 cp, Vector3 ep) | |
GetBezier2() | public static Vector3 GetBezier2(float t, Vector3 sp, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 ep) | |
GetBezierList() | public static List<Vector3> GetBezierList(Vector3 sp, Vector3 ep, int segment, Vector3 cp) | |
GetDire() | public static Vector3 GetDire(float angle, bool isDegree = false) | |
GetIntersection() | public static bool GetIntersection(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 p4, ref List<Vector3> intersection) 获得两直线的交点 |
GetIntersection() | public static bool GetIntersection(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 p4, ref Vector3 intersection) 获得两直线的交点 |
GetPos() | public static Vector3 GetPos(Vector3 center, float radius, float angle, bool isDegree = false) | |
GetVertialDire() | public static Vector3 GetVertialDire(Vector3 dire) | |
IsClearColor() | public static bool IsClearColor(Color color) | |
IsClearColor() | public static bool IsClearColor(Color32 color) | |
IsPointInPolygon() | public static bool IsPointInPolygon(Vector3 p, List<Vector2> polyons) | |
IsPointInPolygon() | public static bool IsPointInPolygon(Vector3 p, List<Vector3> polyons) | |
IsPointInPolygon() | public static bool IsPointInPolygon(Vector3 p, params Vector3[] polyons) | |
IsPointInTriangle() | public static bool IsPointInTriangle(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 check) | |
IsValueEqualsColor() | public static bool IsValueEqualsColor(Color color1, Color color2) | |
IsValueEqualsColor() | public static bool IsValueEqualsColor(Color32 color1, Color32 color2) | |
IsValueEqualsList<T>() | public static bool IsValueEqualsList<T>(List<T> list1, List<T> list2) | |
IsValueEqualsString() | public static bool IsValueEqualsString(string str1, string str2) | |
IsValueEqualsVector2() | public static bool IsValueEqualsVector2(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) | |
IsValueEqualsVector3() | public static bool IsValueEqualsVector3(Vector3 v1, Vector2 v2) | |
IsValueEqualsVector3() | public static bool IsValueEqualsVector3(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) | |
IsZeroVector() | public static bool IsZeroVector(Vector3 pos) | |
RotateRound() | public static Vector3 RotateRound(Vector3 position, Vector3 center, Vector3 axis, float angle) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: BaseGraph
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetAllDirty() | public override void SetAllDirty() | |
SetDataDirty() | v3.9.0 | public void SetDataDirty() |
SetVerticesDirty() | public override void SetVerticesDirty() | |
UpdateTheme() | public bool UpdateTheme(ThemeType theme) 切换内置主题。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
GetBackgroundColor() | public Color32 GetBackgroundColor(Background background) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddColors() | public void AddColors(List<Color32> colors) | |
AddColors() | public void AddColors(List<string> colors) | |
ClearComponentDirty() | public override void ClearComponentDirty() | |
ClearVerticesDirty() | public override void ClearVerticesDirty() | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(double value) | |
GetColor() | public Color32 GetColor(double xValue, double yValue, double zValue, byte alpha = 255) | |
GetIndex() | public int GetIndex(double value) | |
GetValue() | public double GetValue(Vector3 pos, Rect chartRect) | |
IsInRangeMaxRect() | public bool IsInRangeMaxRect(Vector3 local, Rect chartRect, float triangleLen) | |
IsInRangeMinRect() | public bool IsInRangeMinRect(Vector3 local, Rect chartRect, float triangleLen) | |
IsInRangeRect() | public bool IsInRangeRect(Vector3 local, Rect chartRect) | |
IsInRect() | public bool IsInRect(Vector3 local, Rect chartRect, float triangleLen = 20) | |
IsInSelectedValue() | public bool IsInSelectedValue(double value) | |
IsPiecewise() | public bool IsPiecewise() |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MainComponentContext
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AutoSetLineMinMax() | public static void AutoSetLineMinMax(VisualMap visualMap, Serie serie, bool isY, Axis axis, Axis relativedAxis) | |
GetDimension() | public static int GetDimension(VisualMap visualMap, int defaultDimension) | |
IsNeedAreaGradient() | public static bool IsNeedAreaGradient(VisualMap visualMap) | |
IsNeedGradient() | public static bool IsNeedGradient(VisualMap visualMap) | |
IsNeedLineGradient() | public static bool IsNeedLineGradient(VisualMap visualMap) | |
SetMinMax() | public static void SetMinMax(VisualMap visualMap, double min, double max) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ChildComponent
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Contains() | public bool Contains(double value, double minMaxRange) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ComponentTheme
API | 版本 | 描述 |
Copy() | public void Copy(VisualMapTheme theme) | |
VisualMapTheme() | public VisualMapTheme(ThemeType theme) : base(theme) |
class in XCharts.Runtime
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Axis
直角坐标系 grid 中的 x 轴。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() 直角坐标系 grid 中的 x 轴。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Axis
直角坐标系 grid 中的 x 轴。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() 直角坐标系 grid 中的 x 轴。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddChart() | public static void AddChart(BaseChart chart) | |
ContainsChart() | public static bool ContainsChart(BaseChart chart) | |
ContainsChart() | public static bool ContainsChart(string chartName) | |
GetChart() | public static BaseChart GetChart(string chartName) | |
GetCharts() | public static List<BaseChart> GetCharts(string chartName) | |
GetPackageFullPath() | public static string GetPackageFullPath() | |
GetRepeatChartNameInfo() | public static string GetRepeatChartNameInfo(BaseChart chart, string chartName) | |
IsRepeatChartName() | public static bool IsRepeatChartName(BaseChart chart, string chartName = null) | |
RemoveAllChartObject() | public static void RemoveAllChartObject() | |
RemoveChart() | public static void RemoveChart(string chartName) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: UnityEditor.EditorWindow
API | 版本 | 描述 |
ShowPackageImporterWindow() | public static void ShowPackageImporterWindow() |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
OnDestroy() | public void OnDestroy() { } | |
OnGUI() | public void OnGUI() | |
XCResourcesImporter() | public XCResourcesImporter() { } |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: ScriptableObject
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddCustomTheme() | public static bool AddCustomTheme(Theme theme) | |
ExistAssetFile() | public static bool ExistAssetFile() | |
GetSettingAssetPath() | public static string GetSettingAssetPath() |
class in XCharts.Runtime
API | 版本 | 描述 |
AddTheme() | public static void AddTheme(Theme theme) | |
CheckReloadTheme() | public static void CheckReloadTheme() | |
ContainsTheme() | public static bool ContainsTheme(string themeName) | |
ExportTheme() | public static bool ExportTheme(Theme theme) | |
ExportTheme() | public static bool ExportTheme(Theme theme, string themeNewName) | |
GetAllThemeNames() | public static List<string> GetAllThemeNames() | |
GetTheme() | public static Theme GetTheme(string themeName) | |
GetTheme() | public static Theme GetTheme(ThemeType type) | |
GetThemeAssetPath() | public static string GetThemeAssetPath(string themeName) | |
GetThemeList() | public static List<Theme> GetThemeList() | |
LoadTheme() | public static Theme LoadTheme(string themeName) | |
LoadTheme() | public static Theme LoadTheme(ThemeType type) | |
ReloadThemeList() | public static void ReloadThemeList() 重新加载主题列表 |
SwitchTheme() | public static void SwitchTheme(BaseChart chart, string themeName) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: MonoBehaviour
API | 版本 | 描述 |
CanLog() | public static bool CanLog(int level) | |
ClearAllLog() | public static void ClearAllLog() | |
Debug() | public static void Debug(string log) | |
EnableLog() | public static void EnableLog(int logType) | |
Error() | public static void Error(string log) | |
FlushLog() | public static void FlushLog() | |
GetNowTime() | public static string GetNowTime(string formatter = null) | |
GetTimestamp() | public static ulong GetTimestamp() | |
Info() | public static void Info(string log) | |
Log() | public static void Log(string log) | |
LogError() | public static void LogError(string log) | |
LogWarning() | public static void LogWarning(string log) | |
Proto() | public static void Proto(string log) | |
Vital() | public static void Vital(string log) | |
Warning() | public static void Warning(string log) |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Axis
直角坐标系 grid 中的 y 轴。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() 直角坐标系 grid 中的 y 轴。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Axis
直角坐标系 grid 中的 y 轴。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() 直角坐标系 grid 中的 y 轴。 |
class in XCharts.Runtime / 继承自: Axis
直角坐标系 grid 中的 y 轴。
API | 版本 | 描述 |
SetDefaultValue() | public override void SetDefaultValue() 直角坐标系 grid 中的 y 轴。 |