Library to transform content from JSX or JSON to JSON. The output format can be consumed by tessellate-bundler. For example:
"type": "div",
"props": {
"id": 1
"children": []
import transform from 'tessellate-transform'
const file = {
content: '...', // content string
extname: '...' // .jsx | .json
const options = { ... }
const object = transform(file, options)
tessellate-transform [OPTIONS] FILE
--type-prefix Prefix for React class names. [string]
--json-map JSON property mapping file. [file]
--root Type of surrounding root element. [string]
String to directly prepend before each type
property. Can be used for Node module names.
If provided, wraps the resulting JSON in another node with the given string as type.
Mapping rules for JSON to Tessellate JSON:
"typeKeys": [],
"childrenKeys": [],
"literalKeys": [],
"ignoreKeys": [],
"typeMap": {}
- typeKeys: keys of properties to use as
- childrenKeys: keys of properties to use as
- literalKeys: keys of properties to use as literal
- ignoreKeys: keys of properties to ignore
- typeMap: map of type property values to other type property values