Welcome to your next-level Dating application. Let’s be honest..swiping right and left is getting pretty boring. Connect() is perfect for those in tech industries and people who work remotely. Meet local people in your area, chat in real-time once you find a match, and use our new “.Serious()” feature to see how serious your matches are! Let us help you .Connect() the dots to your match!
⦿ Demo Video
⦿ Find love with Connect
⦿ Application Details
⦿ Screenshots
⦿ Technology Used
⦿ User Story
⦿ Future Development
⦿ Requirements
⦿ Helpful Links
⦿ Connect With Us
![Connect](insert gif)
Deployed Link: insert link
Github Repo Link: https://github.com/tmgorogers/Connect-Dating-App
[Presentation Link](insert link)
⁍ Login/Signup page
- User can create a profile
- If user already has a profile, you can login in to the homepage and the user can select next action from there
⁍ My Profile page
- Displays all user details from profile picture, to location, to preferences etc...
⁍ Home page
- Home page provides the user with simple direction to start swiping on their next love match
- From the hompage the user can navigate through a variety of options to view profile, edit, get help, swipe or browse a list of all their matches
⁍ Swipe page
- The swipe page uses a tinder card clone to provide an awesome user interactive feature
- Simply swipe right or left to say 'yes' or 'no' to the potential matches
⁍ Browse page
- Browse page is directly tied to our swipe features
- Any mutual match (i.e. you swipe right and another user swipes right) and this page will display the list of matches, allowing you to filter through based on various specifications
⁍ Settings page
- Settings will be specific to user profile
- Settings features will include profile picture update, password change, match preferences etc...
⁍ Help page
- The help page provides a user-friendly help form which connects directly to one of our contributor emails
- If there are any issues going on with the application, the user can alert us
⁍ Inbox page
- The inbox page is also tied directly to the swipe page
- Any mutual match will be able to "Connect" with one another and direct message each other from here.
insert images
AS A employee in the tech industry or stay-at-home role
I WANT TO "Connect" with people of similiar interest
SO THAT I can socialize and find more day-to-day people interaction
AS WELL AS have a chance to find true love
OR maybe just another friend
SO THAT I can find more purpose in every day
- Facebook or third-party authentication with sign up
- Connect API for 'Find a Date spot' feature
- Expand socket.io messaging features to include video chat
Must use ReactJS in some way
Must use a Node and Express Web Server
Must be backed by a MySQL or MongoDB database with a Sequelize or Mongoose ORM
Must have both GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data
Must deploy this application using Heroku with data. Follow our guide on deploying MERN applications to Heroku to do so.
Must utilize at least 2 libraries, packages, or technologies that we haven't discussed
Must have a polished front end/UI
Must have a folder structure that meets the MVC paradigm
Must meet good quality coding standards (indentation, scoping, naming)
Must protect API keys in Node with environment variables