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sjasmplus v1.13.0

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@z00m128 z00m128 released this 06 May 16:46
· 978 commits to master since this release
  • [may break old sources] DEVICE: each assembling pass resets also
    "device". To work with "device" memory (savesna/savetap/...) you
    must select the device (and slot and pages) before producing machine
    code which you want to work with (SAVESNA/SAVETAP/...).
    If only single DEVICE is used in whole source batch, then the setting
    is "global" and will be applied to all lines of source (in 2nd+ pass).
  • [may break old sources] ZXSPECTRUM128 based devices map into slots
    by default banks {7, 5, 2, 0}. (was {0, 5, 2, 7} in older versions)
  • [may break old sources] ZXSPECTRUM128 based devices have sysvars and
    stack set up as in "USR 0" mode (ZXSPECTRUM48 system variables and
    default stack content).
  • [may break old sources] MAP+FIELD directives removed (STRUCT is better and working)
  • MMU directive (fusing SLOT + PAGE and extending them)
  • SAVEDEV directive (similar to SAVEBIN)
  • SAVENEX directive (for ZX Spectrum Next)
  • INCBIN: support for negative offset/length values, support for MMU wrapping
  • INCBIN: support for file chunks of 64+ki size (usable with MMU)
  • Fixed: INCTRD offset, binary STDOUT on windows, SAVETRD/SAVEHOB filenames
  • Fixed: LUA used inside macros, LUA get_word, LUA error reporting
  • parser: added C++(like) numeric literals
  • ZXSPECTRUMNEXT device added
  • refactoring of label/define implementation = less memory leaks, more correct
    "label.mem_page" values, "Unreal" labels dump is more correct too
  • docs: now the CSS file is actually used, and default style modified a bit
  • new MACRO examples, syntax-highlight file for KDE5 editors (Kate)