- Distributed: Takes full advantage of Node, JVM, and thread level parallelism that Spark is famous for.
- Fast: No single node bottlenecks, no round trips to Python. Requests can be routed directly to and from worker JVMs through network switches. Spin up a web service in a matter of seconds.
- Deployable Anywhere: Works anywhere that runs Spark such as Databricks, HDInsight, AZTK, DSVMs, local, or on your own cluster. Usable from Spark, PySpark, and SparklyR.
- Lightweight: No dependence on additional (costly) Kafka or Kubernetes clusters.
- Idiomatic: Uses the same API as batch and structured streaming.
- Flexible: Spin up and manage several services on a single Spark cluster. Synchronous and Asynchronous service management and extensibility. Deploy any spark job that is expressible as a structured streaming query. Use serving sources/sinks with other Spark data sources/sinks for more complex deployments.
import mmlspark
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col, length
serving_source = "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.HTTPSourceProvider"
serving_sink = "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.HTTPSinkProvider"
df = spark.readStream.format(serving_source) \
.option("host", "localhost") \
.option("port", 8888) \
.option("name", "my_api") \
server = df.withColumn("newCol", length(col("value"))) \
.writeStream \
.format(serving_sink) \
.option("name", "my_api") \
.queryName("my_query") \
.option("replyCol", "newCol") \
.option("checkpointLocation", "file:///path/to/checkpoints") \
import mmlspark
from mmlspark import CNTKModel
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col
serving_source = "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.HTTPSourceProvider"
serving_sink = "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.HTTPSinkProvider"
df = spark.readStream.format(serving_source) \
.option("host", "localhost") \
.option("port", 8888) \
.option("name", "my_api") \
# See notebook examples for how to create and save several
# examples of CNTK models
network = CNTKModel.load("file:///path/to/my_cntkmodel.mml")
transformed_df = network.transform(df)
server = transformed_df \
.writeStream \
.format(serving_sink) \
.option("name", "my_api") \
.queryName("my_query") \
.option("replyCol", network.getOutputCol()) \
.option("checkpointLocation", "file:///path/to/checkpoints") \
MMLSpark serving adds special streaming sources sinks to turn any structured streaming job into a web service. MMLSpark serving comes with two deployment options that vary based on the load balancing used:
You can deploy head node load balancing with the HTTPSource
classes. This mode spins up a queue on the head node,
distributes work across partitions, then collects response data back to
the head node. All HTTP requests are kept and replied to on the head
node. This mode allows for more complex windowing, repartitioning, and
SQL operations. This option is also idea for rapid setup and testing,
as it doesn't require any additional load balancing or network
switches.A diagram of this configuration can be seen below:
You can configure MMLSpark serving for a custom load balancer using the
and DistributedHTTPSink
classes. This mode
spins up servers on each executor JVM. Each server will feed its
executor's partitions in parallel. This mode is key for high throughput
and low latency as data does not need to be transferred to and from the
head node. This deployment results in several web services that all
route into the same spark computation. You can deploy an external load
balancer to unify the executor's services under a single IP address.
Support for automatic load balancer management and deployment is
targeted for the next release of MMLSpark. A diagram of this
configuration can be seen below:
Queries that involve data movement across workers, such as a nontrivial SQL join, need special consideration. The user must ensure that the right machine replies to each request. One can route data back to the originating partition with a broadcast join. In the future, request routing will be automatically handled by the sink.