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Yuriy Lesyuk edited this page Apr 18, 2020 · 60 revisions

AHR Apigee Hybrid Runtime Control Utility

AHR Logo

The current goal is to

  • do a couple of structural refactorings and stabilze ahr-*-ctl interfaces;
  • then proof-read and fine-tune multi-region instructions;
  • then refactor singe-zone and multi-zone to the latest command syntax.

* AHR-the-utility logo alludes to another AHR, Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor, protein that in humans is encoded by the AHR gene. See "You AhR What You Eat: Linking Diet and Immunity" [1]; 3

There is a number of traits that draw the parallel between ahr the utility and ahr the protein.

  • It is useful during CI/CD Ops development. "In terms of evolution, the oldest physiological role of Ahr is in development."

  • It complements kubectl, istioctl, and apigeectl in its adaptive function. "The adaptive response is manifested as the induction of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes"

  • It helps dealing with toxic aspects of bugs and errors while troubleshooting and debugging. "Extensions of the adaptive response are the toxic responses elicited by Ahr activation." [2]

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