MTC makes content available to the public through its ArcGIS Online and Open Data sites.
This section covers content promoted to the Open Data site. Requirements and process related to public sharing of content through ArcGIS Online are found at Publishing and Sharing Content with ArcGIS Online. The terms data and resource are interchangable and encompass spatial features, non-spatial tables, web maps, map applications, feature services, maps (PDF and images), etcetera that can be accessed, viewed, and/or downloaded by the public.
For the most part, resources that are developed/created by Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) staff and used to produce a final/adopted document, plan, or policy released/implemented by the Commission are acceptable for sharing to the public. The exception regards the inability of the MTC to distribute proprietary, licensed data to the public, regardless of whether is was used to produce a final/adopted document, plan, or policy.
While there is a preference for regional data sets, resources produced for subregional geographies can be posted as well. If a subregional resource is a subset of a regional data set, only the regional version will be distributed, unless the size of the resource would be better distributed in multiple parts.
Resources obtained from a third-party that are included in the Enterprise Database, or files used by MTC staff, in an unmodified form will not be distributed as a public resource by the MTC. The only exception to this prohibition relates to a resource used to produce a final/adopted document, plan, or policy released/implemented by the Commission in its original state. Its use to create the document, plan, or policy places it in the public sphere to the extent that its original licensing, as applied by the third-party creator/originator, allows. That stated, while such a resource could be made available to the public through visual services that match their use in an MTC product, the resource itself will not be made available for download. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission WILL NOT distribute third-party resources!
Third-party resources that qualify for posting as a public service can only be made available as a feature layer, web map, or both, and it must be presented as it is in the published document, plan, or policy. In order to provide public access to the resource itself, download and/or contact information for the resource producer will be provided in the data service documentation.