Improved version of FavDish android application from Android 11 Jetpack Masterclass Udemy Course by Denis Panjuta. This project is a playground for me. I will keep experimenting and modifying the code as I learn more. Check the master branch if code is not visible to you.
- Cleaner and non-repetitive code
- Replaced deprecated APIs
- More translatable
- Filtering dishes shows filter category on the actionbar
- Removed RxJava with Kotlin coroutines
- Glide
- Retrofit
- Live Data
- Palette
- Room Database
- Navigation Component
- Work Manager
- Dexter
- View Binding
FavDish using the Spoonacular API for constructing RESTful API. spoonacular API provides a RESTful API interface to highly detailed objects built from thousands of lines of data related to Food.
Sign Up Spoonacular API website and get your free API key. Create API.kt file and put your API key value! Now you can use this app ✨