✅ represents all features which have been completed, and ❌ indicates features which are not completed.
- ✅ Login
- ✅ Register
- ❌ Forgot Password
- ✅ Create Project
- ✅ Project listing
- ❌ Edit Project Details
- ❌ Add/Remove user from project
- ✅ Create/Edit Issue
- ❌ Add/Edit Assignee to an Issue
- ❌ Add/Edit Priority of an Issue
- ❌ Markdown support for description & comment
- ❌ Add/Edit/Delete comment to an Issue
- ❌ Upload files
- ✅ List
- ❌ Filter issue by assignee, priority
- ❌ Sorting & Grouping
- ❌ User can update his basic profile details
- ❌ User can update his gravatar email address