You need to first install and configure supernode and dfdaemon.
Proxy rules are configured in /etc/dragonfly/dfdaemon.yml
# Requests that match the regular expressions will be proxied with dfget,
# otherwise they'll be proxied directly. Requests will be handled by the first
# matching rule.
# proxy all http image layer download requests with dfget
- regx: blobs/sha256.*
# proxy requests directly, without dfget
- regx: no-proxy-reg
direct: true
# change http requests to some-registry to https, and proxy them with dfget
- regx: some-registry/
use_https: true
# If an https request's host matches any of the hijacking rules, dfdaemon will
# decrypt the request with given key pair and proxy it with the proxy rules.
cert: df.crt
key: df.key
# match hosts by regular expressions. certificate will be validated normally
- regx: host-1
# ignore certificate errors
- regx: host-2
insecure: true
# use the given certificate for validation
- regx: host-3
certs: ["server.crt"]
You can use dfdaemon like any other HTTP proxy. For example on linux and
macOS, you can use the HTTP_PROXY
environment variables.
openssl x509 -in <(openssl s_client -showcerts -servername xxx -connect xxx:443 -prexit 2>/dev/null)