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为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。
- A-Programmers-Guide-to-English 重新认识英语这门语言 ❤️ 预计 1 天
- 从 0 开始学习英语语法 构成英语的基石:语法 ❤️ 预计 1 天
- 每日英语听写 Daily English Dictation 1-400 「听写」对于「听和说」是最有效的方式 ❤️ 预计 18 天,进度是每天至少 2-5 节,每次听写尽量写出来具体的内容,可以总结生词/概述所学/复盘
- ❤️ 最后 1 天复盘总结。
Hello friends! I'm WODECHE, but you can also call me Ache. I'm a community operator at LXDAO and a Web3 enthusiast. English is an essential skill in the Web3 industry, and I want to improve my speaking and listening through this 21-day co-learning activity.
Yes 100%
Registered for EICL1st and created my personal .md file, where I added my self-introduction.
N0 1: Mother Tresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Cacutta,India she was 87 years old
Received 与 a 连在一起的时候连读成 receiveda , Cacutta 地名
No 2: Jerry,what time do you have ? I have 5 o'clock
7Hs: He,her,him,his,had,has,have 在语速较快时,H 不发音
No 3: There are 3 things I've learned never to discuss with people:Relogion,Politics and (the)greate pumpkin
No 4: don't ever let somebody tell you , you can't do so(something) stong :s n l Weak : d t h 跟着strong 字母后面的 weak 字母通常不发音
No.5 我听到的:I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and all bubble gum 实际的:I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubblegum!
** No.6 ** The secret of life is just to live every moment
** No.7 ** 我听到的:Another road trader has cost bank billions 实际的:Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions
Rogue : means cheat、dishonest cost a 会连读成 costa
** No.8 ** German Rolf Buchholz is the man with the most piercings,he's got 453
is the 会连读成 is zuh with the 会连读成 with zuh
** No.9 ** 听了八遍:A satellite that was carried to space abord shutter to discover 20 years ago was about to fall to earth but nobody knows where the break will hit 实际的:A satellite that was carried to space aboard the shuttle Discover is about to fall to Earth,but nobody knows where the debris will hit satellite 卫星 aboard debris : broken pieces 残片,碎屑
** No.10 ** WIH : It's a luffty probably impossible goal A : It's a lofty probably impossible goal
lofty: really high 高远的,高耸的,崇高的
** No.11 ** WIH:New York swapt the xx Bay Rays by identical 4-2 scores in a day night double-header Wednesday A: New York swept the Tempa Bay Rays by indentical 4-2 scores in a day-night double-header wendnesday Tempa Bay : 弗罗里达州城市
** No.12 ** WIH: Jim Hanson , Creator of the muppets from kemit the frog to semi street is born in green ville Mississippi A: Jim Henson, creator of the muppets from Kermit the Frog to Sesame Street is born in Greenville, Missippi muppets:
Double-header: 2 games in 1 day
** No.12 ** WIH: Aisian Tiger mosquitos are native to the tropics of Southeast Asia but in the past few years they've spread all across the southeastern united states
**No.13 ** WIH : cats reputedly have 9 lives and he clearly wanted to spend at least one of them here in new york city
**No.15 ** WIH : The Frantic Pacing scene changes every 11 seconds on average often lead kids zoom out and spon up unable to concentrate A: The frantic pacing —— scene changes e very 11 seconds on average —— often leaves kids zoned out and spun up unable to concentrate
pancing means speed , Frantic means lost control ,creazy Zoned out means 走神 spun up , spin up 的 破折号后面是形容 frantic pacing
** No.16 ** WIH:better soaped and flooded the Philappines is being hitten by second typhoon in a week A: Battered, soaked and flooded; the Philippines is being hit by it's 2nd typhoon in a week
Battered :连击 , batter的过去分词 Soaked: 浸泡,soak的过去分词
** No.17 ** WIH: A few years ago they were thought to be useless - pass their prime ,not now A: a few years ago they were thought to be useless - past their prime - not now
past their : 连读成 Pasare 所以听不到 t 这个音
stray dogs : 流浪狗 animal shelter:动物收容所 euthanasia:安乐死
** No.18 ** WIH:If you're breathing it is not too late , get up and get going
** No.19 **
WIH: A 67 year old grandpa had been found alive after being stuck for 6 days at the bottom of a revin A: A 67-year-old grandpa has been found alive after being stuck for 6 days at the bottom of a ravine.
ravine: 沟壑、深谷
** No.20 ** WIH : Saturday a ultrallight plane crashed to a Ferris wheel had a normal Festival in Australia yet somehow no one on the amusement ride nor the plane was hurt A: Saturday, an ultralight plane crashed to a Ferris wheel at a rural festival in Australia, yet somehow no one on the amusement ride nor the plaine was hurt
ultrallight plane:超轻飞机 Ferris wheel :摩天轮 rural :乡村的 urban :城市的 amusement ride: 游乐设施
** No.21 ** WIH: Heidi won the world over with her cute but slightly confused look A: Heidi won the world over with her forever cute but slightly confused look
Opossum:负鼠 Heidi cross-eyed won the world over :赢得了全世界的喜爱
** No.22 ** WIH:The project to put them online is expected to be completed by 2016 A: A Dead Sea Scrolls:死海文书 archaelogy:
** No.23 ** WIH: A large SAT cheating scandel has been uncoverd at prostageous long island high school,This college student is accused of taking SAT exam for at least 6 students A: An alleged SAT cheating scandal has been uncovered at prestigious Long Island high school. THis college studen is accused of taking the College entrance exam for at least 6 students
alleged: 声称的、有嫌疑的、未经证实的
I hope LXDAO will grouw to become a pretigious DAO in the Web3 spae in the future
** No.24 **
WIH : Saint Louis takes the world series opener on a cool night , it was 49 degrees at the start of the game A: St louis takes the world series opener on a cool night , It's was 49 degress at the start of the game Opener: First game of the series
** No.25 **
WIH : a searched for the missing throughout the night under generate power of flood lights has family members wait on the mountains of debris suming tears A: They searched for the missing throughout the night under generator-power flood lightes as family members waited by the mounds of debris some in tears
** No.26 **
WIH : It's kind of thing that you look forward to instead of you knows some workout dread - and you think it is work ,and this is just fun A: It's the kind of thing you look forward to instead of , you know, some workouts you dread and you think of it as work ,and this is just fun
look forward to : be excited to do dread:恐惧、害怕
** No.27 ** WIH: Superhero costumes as usual are big this year, especially from recent movies like Thor,The green latern A: Superhero costumes, as usual, are big this year --- especially from recent movies like Thor and the green latern
** No.28** WIH: It's a pain , cause the fridge I dumped today then foods gone A: It's a pain , cuz my friedge is ... I dumped it today , and the food's gone
** No.29** WIH: He says he was simply going by the book when it come to landing with no wheel , and he xx pilots was trained for this type of incidents. A:He says he was simply going by the book when it comes to landing without gear, and that he and his fellow pilots train for this type(s) of incidents
by the book: according to the rules
** No.30 ** WIH:It's the vegetable some love and hate. now a new breed of broccoli - super broccoli developed in Britain may protect against heart diseases even some kinds of cancer A: It is the vegetable some love to hate ! But now a new breed of broccoli- super broccoli - developed in Britain may protect against heart disease even some kinds of cancer
love to hate :爱恨交集 "heart disease" 通常作为一个整体概念来描述心脏相关的疾病,而不是指多个具体的疾病类型,所以用单数形式更合适
** No.31 ** WIH: ?????xx camp was shut down Saturday, site on healthy conditions and the attraction of drug dealers and thiefs
A: Mayor Sam Adams ordered that the camp be shut down Saturday citing unealthy conditions and the attraction of drug dealers and thieves
听了五遍都听不出开头在讲什么。 thief 的复数 thieves Citing:引用, State the reasons
** No.32 ** WIH: a primary goverment reporter predict it takes 30 years or more to safely decommision fecility and it could be decades before nearby recidents to reforce to flee can return to the area
A: A preliminary governmemt report predicts it'll take 30 years or more to safely decommission the facility and it could be decades before nearby residents who were forced to flee can return to the area;
preliminary : a begining 初步的
** No.33 ** WIH :I was lifting chairs out of the way broken glass other xx items I dont' want get into but It's was traffic to say at least A: I was lifting, you know,chairs out of the way, broken glass , other sanitary items I don't want to get into, but , it was horrific to say the least
sanitary items :公共卫生垃圾(尿布、厕纸。。。)
** No.34 ** WIH:Toyota is recalling more than half a million vehicles for problems that can make them difficult to steel A:Toyota is recalling more than half a million vehicles for problems that [could] make them difficult to [steer]
steer 操控
** No.35 **
WIH : It's great It some has new long process to get here A:It's great, it's be a liftle bit nerve-wracking and it's been a long process to get here
nerve-wracking :使人伤脑筋的,使人紧张的
全损音质+新西兰口音 = 听了个寂寞
** No.36 ** WIH:When the famlily left Vietnam by boat gone to Thailand , the boat was accepted by pilots , after years of tring the father located his son in Thailand A:When then family left Vietnam by boat bound for Thailand , the boad was intercepted by pirates, after years of trying , the father located his sn in Thailand
bound for : 驶往,开往 intercepted :拦截,抢截
** No.37 ** WIH:A going mess sxxx traffic along the busy Pensovnia term pike are leaking oil on the tankers spread driveway across 40 miles streach of the east bound side A: A gooey mess snarls traffic along the busy Pennsylvania Turnpike . A leaking valve on a Tanker spread driveway sealant across a 40-mile stretch of the eastbound side
gooey:黏黏乎乎的 snarls:搞乱 Turnpike:收费公路 driveway sealant:公路密封剂
** No.38 **
THe music is being played at a church in Germani , and well, it really lives up to it's name ,since it started their habit happeed 11 chore changes and next one is schduled until july 2012
听写笔记的方法和演示,以 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U7411a7xG 为例,仅参考:
- 不看字幕,听写发音内容,不会的没关系,尽量写即可
- 反复听几遍,然后继续把内容进行完善,直到无法继续写出来
Mother terisa, who received a noble pice prize from her work on behalf of the pool of india 87 years old.
反复几遍直到听不出:Mother terisa, who received a Noble Pace Prize from her work on behalf of poor and dies of dia cacke in India, she was 87 years old.
- 到第二天或者查看答案,进行对比和完善总结,把不会的单词进行记录,跟读句子进行训练。
第二节答案:Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta India. She was 87 years old.
- Teresa:人名,死记硬背
- Nobel Peace Prize:诺贝尔和平奖。Pace 的发音跟 Peace 有区别,Pace 是步伐、速度的意思。
- Calcutta:加尔各答,死记硬背