Analyze C. elegans neuron activity
based on networkx 3.0
- name:str| Name of the neuron
- cat:str | Category of 'sensory','interneuron','motorneuron'
- transmitter,co_transmitter:str | neuron transmitter
- pre,post:list | list of pre/post neuron synapses (see "Class Synapse")
- ej:list | list of gap junctions (see "Class GapJunc")
- pre/post:str | name of pre/post synaptic neurons
- transmitter/co_transmitter":str | neuron transmitter of the post synaptic cell
- weight:float | 1/(number of synapses between pre-post neurons)
- ele:bool | is electric synapse or not
define this class for the switch of the weight of gap junction
class GapJunc(Synapse):
- gap_weight:float | factor(default=1) * self.weight
- neurons:dict | dictionary {name:class Neuron}
- G:MultiDiGraph | networkx MultiDiGraph of all synapse
- G_ej:MultiDiGraph | networkx MultiDiGraph of gap junction
- G_chem:MultiDiGraph | networkx MultiDiGraph of chemical synapse
append a novel neuron list to the attribute-neurons
construct the self.G/self.G_ej/self.G_chem
plot self.G with gap junction colored 'deepskyblue' and chemical synapses colored 'coral'
plot self.G_ej/self.G_chem
return a copy of the network with a neuron deleted
return a copy of the network constructed with the selected neurons in the name_lst