This is a web service to configure ESP8266 connect WiFi network with DHCP.
This program is based on esp8266/Arduino and inspired by these projects
First of all, you should upload this sketch using esp8266/Arduino (updated Sep 09, 2015 or later).
Then follow this instructions to connect WiFi network.
- Connect the module's access point SSID 'esp-????' directly.
- module ID 'esp-????': '????' is determined by MAC address.
- Open '' and set the SSID and Password of your WiFi network.
- Reboot the module to connect the WiFi network and get DHCP address.
- The module can be accessed by name 'esp-????.local' using mDNS(Bonjour).
Or, you can find the assigned IP address in '' via direct connecting 'esp-????' as AP.
When you want to change the Module name, open '/module_id' and change the module ID. If you submit blank ID, the default ID 'esp-????' will be used.
When you want to update this sketch via Web, open '/update' and upload a compiled sketch file named '*.bin' by a FORM in the page.
It can be monitored its process via serial port (9600 baud). You can watch the debug-prints like followings.
scan done
2 networks found
1: wifi-1 (-52)*
2: wifi-2 (-52)*
Module ID: esp-ecd4
loading WiFiConf
SSID: ssid
PASS: password
Waiting for WiFi to connect
Connect timed out
Name: esp-ecd4.local
Server started
mDNS responder started