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Rust WASM Snake Game

Play Link:

A weirdly designed snake game in rust & WebAssembley, primarily aimed for retained mode rendering targeting canvas. Two non-browser targets are also included in ./non_browser.


  • Snake movements are animated and smoothed over
  • Variable render speed, hold down direction keys to accelerate (opposite direction key to deaccelerate)

  • VIM key bindings supported (h,j,k,l)
  • no_std
  • Retained rendering; a game of life like appoach to game states
  • Perhaps too over-engineered, trying to explore various fun and unique abstractions afforded by rust
  • Minimal world model completely decoupled from drawing code, easily ported over to other environments and rendering targets (although in trying to run it with piston, retained rendering doesn't quite work..)
    • ..and enabled writing unit tests nicely like so:
fn test_death() {
    let snake_string = indoc!(
    let afterwards = indoc!(

    let mut world: World<SmallRng, Bounding> = World::from_ascii(snake_string);

    while let Ok(_) = world.step(None) {}

    assert_matches!(world.step(None), Err(UpdateError::CollideBody));

    assert_eq!(&afterwards, &world.grid.to_string());

Similar Projects

Other snakesssssss (with rust and wasm):


Stuff to Install

  1. wasm32-unknown-unknown target and wasm-bindgen-cli
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
cargo +nightly install wasm-bindgen-cli
  1. node and yarn
  2. (optional) wasm-opt install from:



make dev

Build (cargo release build, no_std, wee_alloc, webpack --mode=production and wasm-opt)

# serve ./docs


cargo test

Brief Overview

The core structure of this game is World (mod: world), its side-effects/outputs are:

enum WorldUpdate {
    SetBlock { block: Block, at: Coordinate },
    Clear { prev_block: Block, at: Coordinate },
    SetWorldSize(u16, u16),

enum UpdateError {
    HeadDetached,  // panics, game bug, should not happen
    TailDetached,  // panics, game bug, should not happen

type Result<T> = ::std::result<T, UpdateError>;

World itself is just:

struct World<R: Rng, BB: BoundingBehavior = Wrapping> {
    fn initialize(&'a mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item=WorldUpdate> {
        // ...

    fn tear_down(&mut self) {
        // ...

    fn step(&mut self, cmd: Option<Direction>) -> Result<Option<WorldUpdate>> {
        // ...

It's complete devoid of drawing code and does not concern itself with game start/stop and other game loop level controls. This allowed itself to be reused for very different runtimes (browser, terminal etc., Although when trying to adapt it to a piston_window, not exposing its internal state really drove things into a corner).

initialize returns an Iterator of WorldUpdate, this simplifies things for renderers, as they only need to deal with WorldUpdate data type alone, and do not need to worry about behaving differently during initialization vs. normal game play.

This formulation of game world is abstracted out as a trait (generic lifetime ``mallowsinitialize` to return a iterator that borrows the struct itself).

trait Stateful<'m> {
    type Cmd;
    type Init: IntoIterator<Item = Self::Update> + 'm;
    type Update;
    type Error: Into<GameOver>;

    fn initialize(&'m mut self) -> Self::Init;

    fn step(
        &mut self,
        cmd: Option<Self::Cmd>,
    ) -> Result<Option<Self::Update>, Self::Error>;

    fn tear_down(&mut self);

Two other addons that implement this trait are RenderSpeed and Dead, responsible for controlling acceleration and gameover/restart respectively. In the end all things are glued together with provided combinator methods on Stateful trait :

    let world: World<SmallRng, Wrapping> = WorldBuilder::new()
        .set_snake(1, 1)
        .build_with_seed([123; 16]);

    let game = world
        .zip_with(RenderSpeed::new(Direction::East), VariableFrame::pack)
        .alternating::<Key, _>(Dead::new())

This same code is pretty much reused for piston_snake and terminal_snake as well, just using different Env (than CanvasEnv) implementations there.

Game loop is provided by js side:

#[wasm_bindgen(module = "./game-loop")]
extern "C" {
    type GameLoop;

    fn new(run: &Closure<FnMut(u8)>) -> GameLoop;

    fn start(this: &GameLoop) -> bool;

    fn stop(this: &GameLoop) -> bool;

js class GameLoop takes a closure from wasm, and run it on a requestAnimationFrame loop, supplying a u8 for pressed key code in each tick.

Finally game update code is packaged as a Generator. Since rust does not allow sending data into generator (unlike javaScript and python), a channel-like "Sender" is also returned to feed in data/commands (it's just a Rc<RefCell<InputBuffer<_>>> under the hood), but I imagine in a multi-threaded context by using std::sync::mpsc::channel , this pattern would still work.

let (tx, mut generator) = game.new_game();

let each_tick = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |key: u8| {
    let key = Key::from(key);


    unsafe {
}) as Box<FnMut(_)>);

let game_loop = GameLoop::new(&each_tick);


The returned generator uses Generator yield syntax to encode a simple state machine that alternates between rendering ticks and game logic tick. Getting this piece to compile (and not leak memory) took me a long time to figure out, but it was a pretty good exercise to understand rust ownership model on a deeper level.

While this architecture is largely unnecessary for such a simple game (and probably does not scale to real world games at all) - going about in in a very generic and modular way and having everything tied together in the end was still very satisfying.