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Project 0 Getting Started: Instructions

This is due August 30 2024. (See late policy at the bottom)

Summary: In this project, you will set up your GPU development tools and verify that you can build, run, and do performance analysis.

This project contains:

  1. CUDA: A simple program that demonstrates CUDA and OpenGL functionality and interoperability, testing that CUDA has been properly installed. If the machine you are working on has CUDA and OpenGL 4.0 support, then when you run the program, you should see either one or two colors depending on your graphics card.
  2. WebGL: A guide to enable WebGL support on your machine.
  3. WebGPU: A guide to choose a browser that supports WebGPU

If your machine fails any of these (CUDA, WebGL), use the CETS Virtual Lab or SIGLAB's computers for your development. Your submission will require certain screenshots.

Part 1: Setup your Development Environment

CIS 5650 projects require a compatible NVIDIA GPU. As some of you may not have an NVIDIA GPU in your personal computers, we have made them available through the CETS Virtual Lab.

Follow the Hardware and Software Setup pages on the course website to set up your development environment.


  • Before you get started: if you have multiple Visual Studio and/or CMake versions, you will probably run into trouble. Either uninstall extra versions (if possible) or ensure that the correct Visual Studio and CMake versions are being chosen.
  • If you are running into a lot of trouble, a clean installation of Visual Studio 2022, CMake, and CUDA can help fix any problems if other methods don't work.
  • If you have driver issues or random crashing: uninstalling and reinstalling drivers usually works

Setup you Git Environment

  1. You will need Git installed. Some computers including CETS Virtual Lab may have Git installed. To check if Git is installed, open Command Prompt/Git Bash/Terminal and run git. To install Git:
    • Windows: Git
    • Linux: apt install git on Debian/Ubuntu
  2. If you haven't used Git, you'll need to set up a few things.
    • On Windows: In order to use Git commands, you can use Git Bash. You can right-click in a folder and open Git Bash there.
    • On Linux: Open a terminal.
    • Configure git with some basic options by running these commands:
      • git config --global push.default simple
      • git config --global "YOUR NAME"
      • git config --global "[email protected]"
      • (Or, you can use your own address, but remember that it will be public!)
  3. Clone from GitHub onto your machine:
    • Navigate to the directory where you want to keep your 5650 projects, then clone your fork.
      • git clone the clone URL from your GitHub fork homepage.

Note: Do not clone projects directly from the CIS5650-Fall-2024 GitHub organization. Be sure to fork the project on GitHub first to your own account and then clone it using your fork.

Getting Started with GitHub Resources:

Part 2.1: Project Instructions - CUDA

Part 2.1.1: Build and Run CUDA Getting Started

Build and run the project and follow the instructions below to complete your README.

In your README, report the Compute Capability of your CUDA-compatible GPU (sometimes called sm). Here is the list of CUDA-compatible GPUs along with their Compute Capabilities.

  • cuda-getting-started/src/ contains the source code.
  • cuda-getting-started/external/ contains the Windows binaries and headers for GLEW and GLFW.

CMake note: Do not change any build settings or add any files to your project directly (in Visual Studio, Nsight, etc.) Instead, edit the cuda-getting-started/src/CMakeLists.txt file. Any files you add must be added here. If you edit it, just rebuild your VS/Nsight project to make it update itself.


  1. In Git Bash, navigate to your cloned project directory.
  2. Create a build directory: mkdir build
    • (This "out-of-source" build makes it easy to delete the build directory and try again if something goes wrong with the configuration.)
  3. Navigate into that directory: cd build
  4. Open the CMake GUI to configure the project:
    • cmake-gui .. or "C:\Program Files (x86)\cmake\bin\cmake-gui.exe" ..
      • Don't forget the .. part! This tells CMake that the CMakeLists.txt file is in the parent directory of build.
    • Make sure that the "Source" directory points to the directory cuda-getting-started.
    • Click Configure.
      • Select your Visual Studio version (2019 or 2017), and x64 for your platform. (NOTE: you must use x64, as we don't provide libraries for Win32.)
    • Click Generate.
  5. If generation was successful, there should now be a Visual Studio solution (.sln) file in the build directory that you just created. Open this with Visual Studio.
  6. Build. (Note that there are Debug and Release configuration options.)
  7. Run. Make sure you run the cis5650_ target (not ALL_BUILD) by right-clicking it and selecting "Set as StartUp Project".
    • If you have switchable graphics (NVIDIA Optimus), you may need to force your program to run with only the NVIDIA card. In NVIDIA Control Panel, under "Manage 3D Settings," set "Multi-display/Mixed GPU acceleration" to "Single display performance mode".

Nsight Visual Studio Menus

  • If you don't see the Nsight Menu in the top panel then it's located inside the Extensions Menu, considering you have setup your environment correctly.*
  • Enable Nsight menu to appear in the top Navigation panel instead of the Extensions Menu
    • Click the Extensions button located at the top Panel
    • Click on Customize Menu.. button located in the 'Extensions' drop down menu. This will open up the Customise Dialog Box.
    • Un-check Nsight Developer Tools Inegration and Nsight Visual Studio Edition located in the Extensions Menu of the Customise Dialog Box.
    • Restart Visual Studio.


Command Line

To get started, first use these command line instructions to build and run the project.

cd Project0-Getting-Started
cd cuda-getting-started
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8

FAQ & Troubleshooting for Linux

  • CMake throws No CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER could be found. error.
    • Confirm that you have installed CUDA correctly. Check /usr/local/ directory for CUDA installation.
    • Add /usr/local/cuda/bin to your PATH environment variable.
    • If you set up the environment path correctly export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}, note that simply typing the export command is a temporary change for your current bash terminal. The PATH variable won't be updated permanently. For permanent change, add it to your shell configuration file, e.g. ~/.profile (on Ubuntu).
    • Note: If you changed installation directory, then use the appropriate CUDA Toolkit directory.
  • The compilation throws linker errors for GLX.
    • Ensure the right libraries (dev versions) are installed for mesa and glx for your distribution.

Nsight Visual Studio Code Edition

Nsight Visual Studio Code Edition is the recommended Visual IDE for CIS5650.

  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Install the Nsight Visual Studio Code Edition extension for VS Code from the marketplace.
  3. Install the CMake and CMake Tools extensions for VS Code from the marketplace.
  4. Using File -> Open Folder, open the cuda-getting-started folder.
  5. On the left hand pane, open the CMake tab (CMake logo with a wrench).
  6. Under Project Status, perform a mouse over. This will reveal a few icons. Click the Delete Cache and Reconfigure icon. This will open a command pane. In this, select the GCC option or Unspecified.
    • Upon successful completion, this will populate the Project Outline.
  7. In the Project Outline, right click cis5650_getting_started and select Build.
    • This will show the Output pane with the compilation log.
    • You can optionally set the Set as Build Target to make it the default build target.
  8. Right click cis5650_getting_started again, and this time select Run in Terminal. This will start the executable in the terminal and open the window.

Nsight Eclipse

You can optionally use NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse Edition as the IDE and visual debugger for CUDA. The steps to set this up are:

  1. Download and install Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers from The suggested steps are, but you can follow different resources too.
  2. To install Nsight Plugin for Eclipse, follow the instructions in

Once you have installed Nsight Eclipse Edition, you are ready to create your project for Eclipse.

  1. Use Cmake to generate your Eclipse project.
    cd Project0-Getting-Started
    mkdir cuda-getting-started-build # Eclipse prefers build directories to be siblings of source
    cd cuda-getting-started-build
    cmake ../cuda-getting-started -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
  2. Open Eclipse. Set the workspace to the one containing your cloned repo.
  3. File->Import...->General->Existing Projects Into Workspace.
    • Select the Project0-Getting-Started directory as the root directory.
  4. Select the cis5650- project in the Projects list. Click Finish.
  5. In the Eclipse IDE Project Explorer, right click the project. Select Build Project.
    • For later use, note that you can select various Debug and Release build configurations under Project->Build Configurations->Set Active....
  6. If you see an errors, try the FAQ above.
  7. From the Run menu, Run. Select "Local C/C++ Application" and select the cis5650_ binary.

Part 2.1.2: Modify the CUDA Project and Take a Screenshot

  1. Search the code for TODO: you'll find one in cuda-getting-started/src/main.cpp on line 13. Change the string to your name, rebuild, and run. (m_yourName = "TODO: YOUR NAME HERE";)
  2. Take a screenshot of the window (including title bar) and save it to the images directory for Part 3.
  3. You're done with some code changes now; make a commit!
    • Make sure to git add the main.cpp file.
    • Use git status to make sure you didn't miss anything.
    • Use git commit to save a version of your code including your changes.Write a short message describing your changes.
    • Use git push to sync your code history to the GitHub server.

Part 2.1.3: Nsight Debugging

CUDA programs that run on the GPU require the Nsight Debugger for inspection. In this section, you'll learn about setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, configuring windows, controlling execution, and more.

Nsight Debugging on Windows using Nsight Visual Studio Edition

  1. Switch your build configuration to "Debug" and Rebuild the solution.
  2. Select the Nsight menu in Visual Studio and select Start CUDA Debugging (Next-Gen).
  3. If prompted, select the Connect Unsecurely option to start Nsight.
  4. Exit the app.
  5. Now place a breakpoint at Line 79 of => if (x <= width && y <= height) {
  6. Restart the CUDA Debugging. This time, the breakpoint should be hit.
    • The Autos and Locals debugging tabs should appear at the bottom. (You can also open this from Debug -> Windows -> Autos/Locals)
    • Notice the values that are in the autos.
  7. The following steps should be done with Nsight CUDA Debugging running.
  8. Go to Nsight menu and select Next Active Warp. Now notice the values that have changed (highlighted in red).
  9. Now, let's try to go to a particular index (pick your own number - anything greater than 1000).
    • Right click the breakpoint and select conditions.
    • The window that pops up should have defaults Conditional Expression and is true.
    • In the third box, put it index == <your number>.
    • Click close.
  10. Now click Continue in the Visual Studio toolbar.
  11. The breakpoint should be hit one more time. This time, the Autos window will should index as your number.
  12. Goto Nsight -> Windows -> Warp Info(if using older versions of Nsight, go to Nsight -> Windows -> CUDA Info -> CUDA Info 1).
    • This window shows information about the kernel, threads, blocks, warps, memory allocations etc. Choose from the drop downs to view each.
    • If using older version of Nsight, you may need to select Warp and keep it that way.
  13. Find the yellow arrow by mapping blockIdx and threadIdx in Autos -> to CTA and Thread respectively under the Shader Info column. Click on the row to highlight it. Take a screenshot of this Autos window and the Warp Info as a image and save it under images.
    • Optionally, you may choose to double click on any one of the boxes in the "Threads" grid and watch the Autos window update the value.
  14. Play around with Nsight debugger as much as you want. The debugger will be your best friend for CUDA Programming.

More documentation for Nsight Visual Studio Edition is available at

Nsight Debugging on Linux using Nsight Visual Studio Code Edition

  1. Open your cuda-getting-started project in Visual Studio Code.
  2. On the left hand pane, open the CMake tab (CMake logo with a wrench).
  3. In the Project Outline, right click cis5650_getting_started and select Set as Launch/Debug Target.
  4. On the left hand pane, open the Run and Debug tab.
  5. Click the Gear icon next to the dropdown.
  6. Set up your launch.json to look like this, then save the file.
        // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
        // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
        // For more information, visit:
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
                "name": "CUDA C++: Launch",
                "type": "cuda-gdb",
                "request": "launch",
                "program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/bin/cuda-getting-started"
  7. Click the Debug button. Select CUDA C++: Launch option if required.
  8. Exit the app after it has run for a few seconds. You can use the Debug Console to monitor any command line output.
  9. Now place a breakpoint at Line 79 of => if (x <= width && y <= height) {
  10. Restart the Debugging. This time, the breakpoint should be hit.
    • The Variables debugging tabs should appear at the top left (default configuration).
    • You can also add your work variables to watch in the Watch pane.
    • Notice the values that are in the autos.
  11. More steps to inspect your code can be found at
  12. Play around with Nsight debugger as much as you want. The debugger will be your best friend for CUDA Programming.

Nsight Debugging on Linux using Nsight Eclipse Edition

  1. Open your cuda-getting-started project in Nsight Eclipse Edition.
    • In the Project Explorer view, select your project to debug. Make sure the project executable is compiled and no error markers are shown on the project.
  2. Right click on the project and go to Debug As > NVIDIA CUDA GDB Debugger menu.
  3. You will be offered to switch perspective when you run debugger for the first time. Click “Yes”. Perspective is a window layout preset specifically designed for a particular task.
  4. Application will suspend in the main function. At this point there is no GPU code running.
  5. Now place a breakpoint at Line 79 of => if (x <= width && y <= height) {
  6. Restart the CUDA Debugging. This time, the breakpoint should be hit.
  7. Take the time to explore the various debugger windows, CUDA execution information, and variable information.
    • Take look at the CUDA tab. This shows all the executing threads, blocks, warps, and kernels. You can also toggle between the Show kernels and Show GPUs mode using the icons in the top right of the CUDA tab.
    • Open the Expressions window from Window -> Show View -> Expressions. Once opened, add variables you want to watch or evaluate in the fields. For example, try blockIdx and threadIdx. You can also add components to these structs, for example blockIdx.x.
      • You can also use these for conditional breakpoints to jump to a specific block or thread.
    • Back in the CUDA tab, you can clock on any Block / Warp combination and double click it. This will move the execution of the breakpoint to that specific thread / warp / block.
  8. Play around with Nsight debugger as much as you want. The debugger will be your best friend for CUDA Programming.

More document for Nsight Eclipse Edition is available at

Now you can carry on running the executable and other profiler and debug steps.

Part 2.1.4: Nsight Systems

NVIDIA Nsight Systems is a system-wide performance analysis tool designed to visualize an application’s algorithms, identify the largest opportunities to optimize, and tune to scale efficiently across any quantity or size of CPUs and GPUs, from large servers to our smallest systems-on-a-chip (SoCs).

Full Nsight Systems User Guide is available at

Nsight Systems on Windows & Linux

  1. From Start Menu, open "Nsight Systems"
  2. Create a new project if needed.
  3. From *Select target for profiling`, select your local computer.
  4. Under Target application -> Command line with arguments, enter the full path to the compiled executable (from your previous build).
    • You may optionally do multiple runs with different options selected to explore the capabilities of Nsight Systems.
  5. Run the program for a few seconds, then close it. Then wait for Systems to generate the report.
  6. Go through the Analysis Summary and the Timeline.
  7. Take a screenshot of this tab and save it to images, for Part 3.

Part 2.1.5: Nsight Compute

NVIDIA Nsight Compute is an interactive profiler for CUDA and NVIDIA OptiX that provides detailed performance metrics and API debugging via a user interface and command-line tool. Users can run guided analysis and compare results with a customizable and data-driven user interface, as well as post-process and analyze results in their own workflows.

Full Nsight Compute documentation is available at

NOTE: Enable NVIDIA GPU Performance Counters using

Nsight Compute on Windows & Linux

  1. From Windows Start Menu, open "Nsight Compute"
  2. Create a new project if needed.
  3. Click Start Activity.
  4. In the pop up window
    1. Select the Application Executable as the compiled executable (from your previous build).
    2. Set the path for the Output File. It is common to use the .ncp-rep as extension, but you can use anything, eg. .txt.
    • Optionally, set the Working Directory.
    • Optionally, you can run this multiple times with different filter, metrics, etc.
  5. Click Launch.
    • You may need to enable ports in your firewall. If you see error regarding GPU Performance Counters, see the note above.
  6. Run the program for a few seconds, then close it. Then wait for Compute to generate the report.
  7. Browse the report in Compute. The more you explore, the more it will be helpful later.
  8. Take a screenshot of the Summary and Details tab and save it to images, for Part 3.

Part 2.2: Project Instructions - WebGL

  1. Download Google Chrome if not already installed
  2. Check that you have WebGL support
  3. If step 2 doesn't show WebGL compatibility, then try the following:
    • Enabling WebGL
      • Go to chrome://settings (in the address bar)
      • Click the Advanced button at the bottom of the page
      • In the System section, ensure the Use hardware acceleration when available checkbox is checked (you'll need to relaunch Chrome for any changes to take effect)
      • Go to chrome://flags
      • Ensure that Disable WebGL is not activated (you'll need to relaunch Chrome for any changes to take effect)
        • In newer versions, this option of Disable WebGL will not be available, you will instead have to search for WebGL 2.0 (or some different version)
        • If an option appears as Default, changed it to Enabled
        • You should also change Override software rendering list to Enabled
    • Checking WebGL status
      • Go to chrome://gpu
      • Inspect the WebGL item in the Graphics Feature Status list. The status will be one of the following:
        • Hardware accelerated - WebGL is enabled and hardware-accelerated (running on the graphics card).
        • Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable - WebGL is enabled, but running in software.
        • Unavailable - WebGL is not available in hardware or software.

Take a screenshot the output of or chrome:\\gpu and save it to \images. Your submission must show that WebGL works on your machine (or any machine you plan to develop on, e.g: Moore or SIGLAB machines).

Part 2.3: Project Instructions - WebGPU

  1. Download Google Chrome if not already installed
  2. Check that you have WebGPU support
    • If you have multiple GPUs on your computer (eg. Intel and NVIDIA), then look at the Adapter Info. Use your device settings to change the GPU and then refresh the page to see if the GPU has updated.
  3. If step 2 doesn't show WebGPU compatibility, then follow the instruction in

Take a screenshot the output of or any one of and save it to \images. Your submission must show that WebGPU works on your machine (or any machine you plan to develop on, e.g: Moore or SIGLAB machines).

Part 3: Write-up

  1. Update ALL of the TODOs at the top of this README:
  2. Add, commit, and push your screenshots and README.
    • Make sure your README looks good on GitHub!
  3. If you have modified either of the CMakeLists.txt at all (aside from the list of SOURCE_FILES), mention it explicitly.


If you are using a private fork and do not want to make a public pull request, contact the staff to submit. You still must submit before the due date.

Open a GitHub pull request so that we can see that you have finished. The title should be "Project 0: YOUR NAME". The template of the comment section of your pull request is attached below, you can do some copy and paste:

  • Repo Link
  • (Briefly) Mentions features that you've completed. Especially those bells and whistles you want to highlight
    • Feature 0
    • Feature 1
    • ...
  • Feedback on the project itself, if any.

And you're done!


  • Due at midnight on the due date
  • Submitted using GitHub
  • Late Policy
    • Up to 1 week late: 50% deduction
    • Use up to 4 bonus days over the semester to extend the due date without penalty
    • Examples
      • Extend 4 projects by 1 day each
      • OR: Extend 1 project by 4 days
      • OR: Extend 2 projects by 2 days each
  • Can't be used for the final project