Below is a small example of how to create and use a YildizClient instance.
"use strict";
const {YildizClient} = require("yildiz-js");
const yildiz = new YildizClient({
prefix: "mydb",
proto: "http",
host: "localhost",
port: 3058,
token: "bla-bla-bla-bla", //optional
disableKeepAlive: false, //optional - disable keep alive pool
enableTimings: false //optional - adds time object to response of yildiz.raw()
timeoutMs: 7500 //optional - timeout in milliseconds for the request
(async () => {
const leftNode = "Simone";
const rightNode = "Holger";
//store hash translation of node string representations
const translatedLeftNode = await yildiz.storeTranslation(leftNode, {}, false);
const translatedRightNode = await yildiz.storeTranslation(rightNode, {}, false);
//translatedLeftNode.identifier === murmurhash3(leftNode)
//create 2 nodes
const storedLeftNode = await yildiz.createNode(translatedLeftNode.identifier, {}, ttld = false, {});
const storedRightNode = await yildiz.createNode(rightNode, {}, ttld = false, {}); //passing strings will translate them (but not translation will be stored!)
//create an edge between nodes
const relation = "loves";
const createResult = await yildiz.createEdge(,, relation, {}, ttld = false, {});
return console.error("Failed to create edge.");
const edge = await yildiz.getEdge(,, relation);
//getAllEdgesFromLeft, getAllEdgesFromRight, getAllEdgesForLeftOrRight
const increaseResult = await yildiz.increaseEdgeDepth(,, relation);
const deleteResult = await yildiz.deleteEdge(,, relation);
//the relation creation above can be done faster via relation upserting:
const resultIds = await yildiz.upsertRelation(leftNode, rightNode);