CVRP is traditionally solved by using exact algorithms or heuristics. Exact algorithms require long running times but provide optimal solutions. Heuristics are quick, but do not guarantee optimality and requires specialist knowledge. The goal of this project is to prune edges of the CVRP that are not part of the optimal solution to decrease the running times while maintaining optimality for exact algorithms. This project aims to leverage classification as it is efficient, scalable, and does not lose optimality. As the problem is NP-hard, any reduction in the problem size will result in evident improvements in the run time given a large enough problem. Classification models learn through features that capture the essence of whether an edge is part of the optimal solution. The best performing model then classifies the edges of unseen CVRP instances to prune away edges that are not part of the solution. The results showcased the best performing model, the random forest, is able to generalise and prune at least half of the edges of unseen CVRP instances, decrease the running time, and maintain optimality. Furthermore, for certain instances, it reduced the running time from 300 seconds to less than 10 seconds after pruning while maintaining optimality. It demonstrates the proposed method in this project is efficient, scalable, does not lose optimality, and reduces the running time of exact algorithms. Read the full thesis here
- Scikit-learn
- LocalSolver
- Gurobi
- Python
- SciPy
- NumPy
- Pandas
- NetworkX
- Jupyter
- Matplotlib
- Imbalanced-learn
- Mlxtend
- CVRP Instances
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- LocalSolver version 10. Ensure LocalSolver license is on your machine. Visit their to request a free license and follow the steps to install their software.
- Gurobi version 9.1. Ensure Gurobi license is on your machine. Visit their site to request a free license and follow the steps to install their software.
- Jupyter notebook.
- Python version 3.9.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install the Python modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
From the root of the project, run:
jupyter notebook
to access the machine learning model notebook /Modules/ipynb/Model.ipynb. It contains the evaluation charts about the training and testing of the model.
Run the code from an IDE or alternatively, from the CLI:
to execute the script.
It is important to note that choosing which function to run involves switching feature flags manually. This is done in
Lets say we want to prune an instance and assuming the training data is the most up to date (it is provided as a CSV as data.csv), use these feature flags to generate the test data of the instance to prune.
generate_training_data = False
generate_test_data = True
solve_pruned = False
solve_unpruned = False
The test instance should be placed in /Instances/Instances - Prune and its respective solution in /Instances/Solutions - Prune.
Then run /Modules/ipynb/Model.ipynb to train the models and prune the instance (this takes some time). You are able to vary the decision threshold under the prune section of the notebook by replacing the THRESHOLD:
decision_function = np.where(rf_clf.predict_proba(extracted_X_val)[:,1] >= THRESHOLD, 1, 0)
Next, use these feature flags to run ( the solver on the unpruned instance:
generate_training_data = False
generate_test_data = False
solve_pruned = True
solve_unpruned = False
This only needs to be done once to measure the objective function value and running time. The optimal objective function value is found in the last line of the solution file called 'Cost':
Route #1: 21 31 19 17 13 7 26
Route #2: 12 1 16 30
Route #3: 27 24
Route #4: 29 18 8 9 22 15 10 25 5 20
Route #5: 14 28 11 4 23 3 2 6
Cost 784
Finally, use these feature flags to run ( on the pruned instance:
generate_training_data = False
generate_test_data = False
solve_pruned = False
solve_unpruned = True
As you vary the threshold of the pruned instance in Model.ipynb, you can execute to run on the newly pruned instance to measure the objective function value and running time.
Unfortunately, each instance has different performances so the evaluation of the performances of both the unpruned and prune instance was manually recorded.
Braddy Yeoh - [email protected]
I would like to deeply thank and appreciate the following people:
- Dr. Deepak Ajwani for his expert knowledge and amazing help.
- James Fitzpatrick for his advice on this project.
- Alan Fahey, my SAP manager, for his support, especially during difficult times.
- Robin Lee for letting me use his compute server.
- My friends and family for their support.