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{"GXBCD": 1, "NO_AIC": 2, "SERVER": 3, "qwertyuiopasd.bla": 4, "GCC: (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project) 9.2.0": 5, ".text": 6, ".data": 7, "GetProcAddress": 8, "GetModuleHandleA": 9, "!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.": 10, "CloseHandle": 11, "GetCurrentThreadId": 12, "ExitProcess": 13, "WriteFile": 14, "LoadLibraryA": 15, "Sleep": 16, "RegCloseKey": 17, "GetTickCount": 18, "ReadFile": 19, "GetModuleFileNameA": 20, "SetFilePointer": 21, "CreateFileA": 22, "WideCharToMultiByte": 23, "GetCurrentProcessId": 24, "MessageBoxA": 25, "TerminateProcess": 26, "GetFileSize": 27, "WaitForSingleObject": 28, "LocalAlloc": 29, "RegOpenKeyExA": 30, "CreateThread": 31, "RegQueryValueExA": 32, "# GETTEXT POISON #": 33, "InterlockedIncrement": 34, "VirtualQuery": 35, "LocalFree": 36, "GetCommandLineA": 37, "GetVersion": 38, "RtlUnwind": 39, "GetForegroundWindow": 40, "TranslateMessage": 41, "GetVersionExA": 42, "memset": 43, "lstrlenA": 44, "ShowWindow": 45, "CoInitialize": 46, "CoCreateInstance": 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"CallWindowProcA": 98, "sprintf": 99, "IsBadReadPtr": 100, "OpenMutexA": 101, "sscanf": 102, "IsBadWritePtr": 103, "raise": 104, "ExpandEnvironmentStringsA": 105, "GlobalMemoryStatus": 106, "ADVAPI32.DLL": 107, "printf": 108, "SetSecurityInfo": 109, "GetThreadDesktop": 110, "GetSecurityInfo": 111, "SetThreadDesktop": 112, "OLEAUT32.DLL": 113, "SetEntriesInAclA": 114, "CRTDLL.DLL": 115, "__GetMainArgs": 116, "GDI32.DLL": 117, "MoveWindow": 118, "WININET.DLL": 119, "CreateDesktopA": 120, "FindNextUrlCacheEntryA": 121, "FindFirstUrlCacheEntryA": 122, "SysAllocString": 123, "DeleteUrlCacheEntry": 124, "_sleep": 125, "ole32.DLL": 126, "CreateFontA": 127, "vsprintf": 128, ".aajaic": 129, " ": 130, "88>.81<": 131, " }": 132, "c:\\KINGKONG\\whistler_desktop\\usa\\CONTEXTSENSITIVE\\wordpad\\wordp_cs.rtf": 133, "size_t overflow: %I64u * %I64u": 134, "strbuf.h": 135, "BUG: strbuf_setlen() beyond buffer": 136, "kernel32.dll": 137, "GetLastError": 138, "@UbVB": 139, "A!B*?": 140, "AUPs%KPn2gRx": 141, "5I)oF=": 142, "GeXATp\\": 143, " */": 144, " /**": 145, ".rsrc": 146, "VirtualAlloc": 147, "FreeLibrary": 148, ".file": 149, "LeaveCriticalSection": 150, "EnterCriticalSection": 151, "FindClose": 152, "GCC: (GNU) 7.4.0": 153, "./strbuf.h": 154, "GetStdHandle": 155, "GCC: (Rev3, Built by MSYS2 project) 9.1.0": 156, "DeleteCriticalSection": 157, "MultiByteToWideChar": 158, "InitializeCriticalSection": 159, "KERNEL32.dll": 160, "user32.dll": 161, "VirtualFree": 162, "GetCurrentProcess": 163, "FindFirstFileA": 164, "UnhandledExceptionFilter": 165, "tEXtSoftware": 166, ".rdata": 167, "refs/heads/": 168, "quiet": 169, "QueryPerformanceCounter": 170, "TObject": 171, "SetEndOfFile": 172, "Integer": 173, " }": 174, "USER32.dll": 175, "advapi32.dll": 176, "</tr>": 177, "InterlockedDecrement": 178, "oleaut32.dll": 179, "ADVAPI32.dll": 180, "</assembly>": 181, "HeapAlloc": 182, "Adobe": 183, "GetLocaleInfoA": 184, "HeapFree": 185, "ole32.dll": 186, "verbose": 187, "<assembly 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"StretchBlt": 414, "GetExitCodeProcess": 415, "bad allocation": 416, "GetDiskFreeSpaceA": 417, "GetStringTypeW": 418, "HeapSize": 419, "GetKeyboardState": 420, "GetCursorPos": 421, " }": 422, "CreateDIBSection": 423, "LineTo": 424, "closesocket": 425, "stdin": 426, "SetCapture": 427, "socket": 428, "ReleaseCapture": 429, "GetSubMenu": 430, "gethostbyname": 431, "GetDIBits": 432, "version": 433, "SetViewportOrgEx": 434, "wsock32.dll": 435, "delete": 436, "CoTaskMemAlloc": 437, "DuplicateHandle": 438, "GCC: (GNU) 9.1.0": 439, "GetKeyState": 440, "SetActiveWindow": 441, "TrackPopupMenu": 442, " <requestedPrivileges>": 443, "_strnicmp": 444, "shell32.dll": 445, "PtInRect": 446, "GetObjectA": 447, "strcmp": 448, "SetThreadPriority": 449, "SetMenu": 450, "_XcptFilter": 451, "CharUpperBuffA": 452, "accept": 453, "htons": 454, "|$8H3}": 455, "GetPixel": 456, "SaveDC": 457, "GetKeyboardLayout": 458, "D$hH3E": 459, "<key>com.apple.print.ticket.creator</key>": 460, "<key>com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray</key>": 461, "<key>com.apple.print.ticket.client</key>": 462, "<key>com.apple.print.ticket.modDate</key>": 463, "<key>com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag</key>": 464, "Classes": 465, "FreeResource": 466, "D$(H3E": 467, "MoveToEx": 468, "DestroyIcon": 469, "UnregisterClassA": 470, "GetMenuItemCount": 471, "August": 472, "April": 473, "October": 474, "September": 475, "March": 476, "January": 477, "December": 478, "November": 479, "February": 480, "CreateBitmap": 481, " <trustInfo xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3\">": 482, "UnhookWindowsHookEx": 483, "SysAllocStringLen": 484, "SysReAllocStringLen": 485, "DestroyMenu": 486, "GetMenu": 487, "FileTimeToDosDateTime": 488, "FormatMessageW": 489, "listen": 490, " i": 491, "WindowFromPoint": 492, "SystemParametersInfoA": 493, "select": 494, "GetFullPathNameA": 495, "]KMR]K": 496, "GZCRXO": 497, "0123456789abcdef": 498, "RestoreDC": 499, "VerQueryValueA": 500, "%I64u": 501, "GlobalHandle": 502, 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"WinHelpA": 683, "strcpy": 684, "DeleteMenu": 685, "GetEnhMetaFileBits": 686, "ImageList_Destroy": 687, "%s/.git": 688, "DrawTextA": 689, "VariantClear": 690, "DrawIcon": 691, "FrameRect": 692, "color": 693, "__p__commode": 694, "GetWinMetaFileBits": 695, "SHLWAPI.dll": 696, "SetWinMetaFileBits": 697, "fetch": 698, "unknown": 699, "GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries": 700, "FindNextFileW": 701, "apply": 702, "ImageList_Create": 703, "ntdll.dll": 704, "FindFirstFileW": 705, "EqualRect": 706, "GdiFlush": 707, "CopyEnhMetaFileA": 708, "DrawFrameControl": 709, "InsertMenuA": 710, "mouse_event": 711, ".idata$4": 712, "Photoshop 3.0": 713, ".idata$6": 714, "kernel32": 715, "RegisterClipboardFormatA": 716, "CompareStringW": 717, "DrawIconEx": 718, "EnumThreadWindows": 719, "MiCCPPhotoshop ICC profile": 720, "ly|B\"": 721, "command": 722, "[1;31m": 723, "be verbose": 724, "GetVersionExW": 725, "ShowCursor": 726, "GetScrollInfo": 727, "__getmainargs": 728, "String": 729, "recurse-submodules": 730, "MapVirtualKeyA": 731, "GetScrollPos": 732, "never": 733, "ignore": 734, "GetMenuStringA": 735, "GetMenuItemInfoA": 736, "local": 737, "DrawEdge": 738, "color: #993300;": 739, "FlsFree": 740, "depth": 741, "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy": 742, "DestroyCursor": 743, "IsProcessorFeaturePresent": 744, " </method>": 745, " * See nsIWebContentConverterService": 746, "FlsSetValue": 747, "DrawFocusRect": 748, ".?AVexception@std@@": 749, "GetScrollRange": 750, "FlsGetValue": 751, "SetCursorPos": 752, "ImageList_Remove": 753, "Print Info": 754, "FlsAlloc": 755, ".rdata$zzzdbg": 756, "`h````": 757, "InsertMenuItemA": 758, "Entering %s": 759, "pattern": 760, "CorExitProcess": 761, "stdout": 762, "Error": 763, ".idata$2": 764, "GetProcessWindowStation": 765, "FindWindowExA": 766, "GetClassInfoA": 767, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot": 768, "DispatchMessageW": 769, "_lock": 770, "GetKeyboardLayoutList": 771, "PEC2^O": 772, "LoadKeyboardLayoutA": 773, "0123456789": 774, "@.rsrc": 775, "exclude": 776, ".rsrc$02": 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"&\"D\"Q": 828, "CharLowerBuffA": 829, " </message>": 830, "VariantCopy": 831, "object": 832, " (%s)": 833, "Times New Roman": 834, "GetCurrentDirectoryW": 835, "PeekNamedPipe": 836, ".00cfg": 837, "UnmapViewOfFile": 838, "ImageList_DragLeave": 839, "PECompact2": 840, "ImageList_DragMove": 841, "wg_V`": 842, "90sk$M": 843, "GetFullPathNameW": 844, "ImageList_EndDrag": 845, "ImageList_DragEnter": 846, "SafeArrayPtrOfIndex": 847, "ImageList_BeginDrag": 848, "start": 849, "fprintf": 850, "column": 851, ".CRT$XCA": 852, "Unknown exception": 853, "GetTempPathW": 854, "_adjust_fdiv": 855, "COMCTL32.dll": 856, ".\\ssl\\s3_clnt.c": 857, "Exception": 858, "lineNumber": 859, ".CRT$XCZ": 860, "_unlock": 861, "CreateDirectoryW": 862, "DefFrameProcA": 863, "SendMessageW": 864, "ActivateKeyboardLayout": 865, ".CRT$XIA": 866, ".CRT$XIZ": 867, "DragMode": 868, "GCC: (GNU) 6.3.0": 869, "Label1": 870, "action": 871, "CreateIcon": 872, "VariantCopyInd": 873, "whitespace": 874, ".CRT$XIAA": 875, 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