A bit like clip's degenerate one-trick cousin.
slip is a Clojure+Script IOC micro-library which builds a system of objects. It transforms a pure-data system specification into a pure-data interceptor-chain description and then runs an asynchronous interceptor-chain to create a system map. Errors during construction of the system map cause the operation to be unwound gracefully, avoiding leaving any objects in unknown states.
There are a few IOC libs around for Clojure and ClojureScript - Component, Mount, Integrant and Clip. See Clip's README for a detailed comparison of the features of these libs.
Only Clip attempts to deal with asynchronous (i.e. promise returning) factory functions. Slip takes a similar approach to Clip and deals well with asynchronous factories, but it uses a different extension mechanism - avoiding code-as-data difficulties on ClojureScript, but making other trade-offs in the process.
Slip builds system maps. A system map will have keyword keys and is
built according to a system specification - a SystemSpec
, which is governed
by a
Malli schema.
A SystemSpec
is a collection of ObjectSpec
s. An ObjectSpec
how to create and destroy an individual object in a system map.
Each ObjectSpec
- the<object-key>
- a keyword key for the object in the system map:slip/factory
- optional<factory-key>
keyword - identifies a lifecycle method for creating and destroying the object. Defaults to<object-key>
- aDataSpec
template for data provided to lifecycle methods- the templates supports keyword-maps, vectors, references to other system objects and literal values.
A SystemSpec
can be given in map form, with implicit :slip/key
{:foo {:slip/data #slip/ref [:config :foo]}
:bar {:slip/factory :barfac
:slip/data {:f #slip/ref :foo
:cfg #slip/ref [:config :bar]}}}
or, equivalently, a system can be specified in a vector form with explicit
[{:slip/key :foo :slip/data #slip/ref [:config :foo]}
{:slip/key :bar
:slip/factory :barfac
:slip/data {:f #slip/ref :foo
:cfg #slip/ref [:config :bar]}}]
Objects in a system map are created and destroyed by the factory lifecycle
methods. There are two lifecycle methods, start
and stop
, and method
dispatch is on an ObjectSpec
s <factory-key>
(which defaults to the <object-key>
). The lifecycle method implementations
should either return constructed objects directly, or return a promise of
the constructed object.
For a given <factory-key>
, a start
method is
required, but a stop
method is optional (so need not be provided when no
resource cleanup is necessary).
The lifecycle method signatures are:
(defmulti start (fn [<factory-key> <data>]))
(defmulti stop (fn [<factory-key> <data> <object>]))
and an application should provide implementations of these methods for each type of object to be managed.
The <data>
parameter for lifecycle methods is built according
to the :slip/data
template from an ObjectSpec
templates are expanded with any #slip/ref
replaced with the value referred to from
the (under-construction) system map - thus a DAG of objects can
be created.
Slip identifies object dependencies and
will start
objects in such an order that all dependencies
can be met.
If a reference points to a nil
location in the
system map then an error will be thrown. If nil
is a valid value
for the reference then using a #slip/ref?
will not cause an error.
(require '[promesa.core :as p])
(require '[slip.multimethods :as mm])
(require '[slip.core :as slip])
(def sys-spec
{:config {:slip/data {:foo 100 :bar 200}}
:foo {:slip/data #slip/ref [:config :foo]}
:bar {:slip/factory :barfac
:slip/data {:f #slip/ref :foo
:cfg #slip/ref [:config :bar]}}})
(defmethod mm/start :config
[k d]
(defmethod mm/start :foo
[k d]
(p/delay 0 d))
(defmethod mm/start :barfac
[k {f :f
cfg :cfg
:as d}]
{:foo f
:bar-cfg cfg}))
(slip/defsys sys sys-spec)
(def app @(slip/start! sys))
;; => {:config {:foo 100, :bar 200}, :foo 100, :bar {:foo 100, :bar-cfg 200}}
;; see the full system-map including the :slip/start and
;; :slip/stop interceptor-chain definitions
@(slip/system-map sys)
;; => {:config {:foo 100, :bar 200},
:foo 100,
:bar {:foo 100, :bar-cfg 200},
#:slip{:data {:foo 100, :bar 200},
:key :config}}
#:slip{:data #slip/ref [:config :foo],
:key :foo}}
#:slip{:factory :barfac,
{:f #slip/ref [:foo],
:cfg #slip/ref [:config :bar]},
:key :bar}}],
:stack (),
:history []},
#:slip{:data {:foo 100, :bar 200},
:key :config}}
#:slip{:data #slip/ref [:config :foo],
:key :foo}}
#:slip{:factory :barfac,
{:f #slip/ref [:foo],
:cfg #slip/ref [:config :bar]},
:key :bar}}],
:stack (),
:history []}}
Slip supports a reloaded workflow with the slip.reloaded
namespace (for
Clojure only). The defsys-fns
macro defs a system and some 0-args
versions of start!
, stop!
, reinit!
and the other slip.core
fns -
and adds a reload!
fn which does a stop!
, c.t.n.r/refresh
of the system.
Thus, after a bunch of code changes, a call to @(reload!)
will load the
new code and restart the system.
(ns slip.sample
[slip.multimethods :as slip.mm]
[slip.reloaded :refer [defsys-fns]]))
(defmethod mm/start :config
[k d]
(defmethod mm/start :foo
[k d]
(p/delay 0 d))
(def sys-spec
{:config {:slip/data {:foo 100 :bar 200}}
:foo {:slip/data #slip/ref [:config :foo]}})
(defsys-fns sys-spec)
in the REPL:
(in-ns 'slip.sample')
;; => {:config {:foo 100, :bar 200}, :foo 100}
;; does a (stop!), a c.t.n.r/refresh followed by a (start!)
;; => {:config {:foo 100, :bar 200}, :foo 100}
It's common for JavaScript object factories to return a Promise of their result.
Slip is fully Promise compatible - the interceptor chain is promise-based and
any of the lifecycle fns can return a promise of their result, as the above
examples demonstrate (:foo
fn returns a Promesa delay
You can see exactly what happened during construction of your system by
providing a:slip/debug?
option to start
@(slip/start! sys {:slip/debug? true})
your system will get a :slip/log
key with a detailed breakdown of the
interceptor fns called, with what data and what outcome. To see the log
you will need to access the full system-map ( start!
removes implementation
keys for clairty) - it is acessible with @(slip/system-map sys)
Here's the log for the first example above - each log entry has:
Of particular interest is the <data>
field which shows resolved data
for that object factory.
[{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :slip.interceptors/start,
:slip.interceptors/object #:slip{:data {:foo 100, :bar 200}, :key :config}}
{:foo 100, :bar 200}
[{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :slip.interceptors/start,
#:slip{:data #slip/ref [:config :foo], :key :foo}}
[{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :slip.interceptors/start,
#:slip{:factory :barfac,
:data {:f #slip/ref [:foo], :cfg #slip/ref [:config :bar]},
:key :bar}}
{:f 100, :cfg 200}
[{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :slip.interceptors/start,
#:slip{:factory :barfac,
:data {:f #slip/ref [:foo], :cfg #slip/ref [:config :bar]},
:key :bar}}
[{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :slip.interceptors/start,
#:slip{;; => :data #slip/ref [:config :foo], :key :foo}}
[{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :slip.interceptors/start,
:slip.interceptors/object #:slip{:data {:foo 100, :bar 200}, :key :config}}
Should there be an error during system construction you won't get
the system map back directly - instead you will get an errored
promise, with ex-data
with a ::context
key - which will contain
the interceptor chain context, which has the log.