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File metadata and controls

231 lines (182 loc) · 8.64 KB


a cassandra connector


  • fully asynchronous
  • simple record-oriented model
  • transparent prepared statement support (just add :prepared? true option)
  • multiple entity denormalization strategies (index-tables with unrolled collections, secondary-tables, MVs)
  • simple automatic index selection for query (overridable with :from option)
  • inter-entity denormalization (after-save and/or after-delete callbacks)
  • materialized view support
  • async callbacks
  • streaming / paging queries
  • client-side streaming joins
  • efficient - doesn't read or write unnecessarily
  • tombstone avoidance - writes only changed columns
  • runs happily with consistency:ONE
  • LWT support
  • migrations (from drift)
  • low-level async API (built directly on alia)
  • table and model based dump and load tools to/from transit


Model API

The model API requires entity models to be defined. An entity model describes a group of related tables all denormalized from a primary table. Various denormalization strategies are supported

  • secondary tables - share all columns with the entity primary table, but may have a different primary key. May be marked as a :view? (in which case cassandra will be responsible for updates)
  • lookup tables - share, at a minimum, columns from the primary table PK, plus any additional index cols. Support collection unrolling for indexing of list/set columns. May be marked as a :view? (in which case cassandra will be responsible for updates)
  • unique-key tables - like lookup tables, but an LWT is used to acquire the additional index cols

Model API calls return Manifold Deferred results, with the -buffered fns returning Deferred<Stream>s of records

(require '[er-cassandra.model :as m])

(m/defentity Users
  {:primary-table {:name :users
                   :key :id}
   ;; materialized views are supported
   :secondary-tables [{:name :users_by_username
                       :key [:username :id]
                       :view? true}]
   :unique-key-tables [{:name :users_by_email
                        :key :email
                        :collection :list}]
   :lookup-tables [{:name :users_by_search_key
                        :key :search_key
                        :collection :set}]})

@(m/upsert session Users  {:id #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f"
                           :username "foo"
                           :name "Foo McFoo"
                           :search_key #{"foo" "mcfoo"}
                           :email ["[email protected]" "[email protected]"]})

;; => << #er_cassandra.model.model_session.ModelInstance{
;;      [{:id #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f",
;;        :created_at nil, :device_id #{},
;;        :search_key #{"foo" "mcfoo"}
;;        :email #{"[email protected]" "[email protected]"},
;;        :name "Foo McFoo", :username "foo"}
;;       nil]} >>

@(m/upsert session Users {:id #uuid "47d3a3a0-40ec-11e5-84fa-b7ba3fcfbef9"
                           :username "foo-too"
                           :name "Foo Too McFoo"
                           :search_key #{"foo" "too" "mcfoo"}
                           :email #{"[email protected]" "[email protected]"}})

;; => << #er_cassandra.model.model_session.ModelInstance{
;;       [{:id #uuid "47d3a3a0-40ec-11e5-84fa-b7ba3fcfbef9",
;;         :created_at nil, :device_id #{},
;;         :email #{"[email protected]"},
;;         :search_key #{"foo" "too" "mcfoo"}
;;         :name "Foo Too McFoo", :username "foo-too"}
;;         {[:email] [#{"[email protected]"}]}]}>>

;; shows that the second upsert failed to acquire the
;; "[email protected]" [:email] unique key

;; select automatically uses lookup or secondary tables to find
;; the primary entity records (if all you want is the secondary table
;; record you can use a Hayt query)
@(m/select-one session Users :email "[email protected]")
@(m/select-one session Users :email "[email protected]")
@(m/select-one session Users :username "foo")

;; select-buffered also uses lookup or secondary tables and
;; joins to return a stream of primary entity records

record API

The record API operations directly correspond to low-level record-oriented cassandra statements.

You can use the session to directly execute CQL strings or Hayt queries

Record API calls return Manifold Deferred results, with the -buffered fns returning Deferred<Stream>s of records

(require '[er-cassandra.session :as s])
(require '[er-cassandra.session.alia :as alia-session])
(require '[er-cassandra.record :as r])
(require '[qbits.hayt :as h])

(def session (alia-session/create-session {:contact-points ["localhost"]
                                           :keyspace "a_keyspace"}))

(r/insert session :users {:id #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f"
                          :username "foo"
                          :name "Foo McFoo"
                          :email #{"[email protected]" "[email protected]"}})

@(r/select session :users :id #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f")
;; => ({:id #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f",
;;      :created_at nil, :device_id #{}, :email #{"[email protected]" "[email protected]"},
;;      :name "Foo McFoo", :username "foo"})

(r/select-buffered session :users :id #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f")
;; like select, but returns a Stream of the result records

@(r/select-one session :users :id #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f")
;; => {:id #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f", :created_at nil,
;;     :device_id #{}, :email #{"[email protected]" "[email protected]"},
;;     :name "Foo McFoo", :username "foo"}

(r/update session :users :id {:username "foo.mcfoo"} {:key-value #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f"})

(r/delete session :users :id #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f")

(s/execute session "select * from users where id=f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f" {})
;; returns a Deferred<record-map-seq>

(s/execute-buffered session (h/select :users (h/where [[:= :id #uuid "f11c0190-40de-11e5-bb66-c37b19130f2f"]])) {})
;; returns a Stream of record maps

Drift migrations

To use drift migrations you will need to install er-cassandra as a dependency and the drift plugin into your project

{:dependencies [...
                [employeerepublic/er-cassandra "0.3.0" ]
{:plugins      [...
                [drift "1.5.3"]

and create a drift config namespace like this one, which puts the migrations in migrations/api/migrations_cassandra

(ns config.migrate-config
  (:require [er-cassandra.drift.migrate-config :as mc]
            [api.main :as a]))

(defn migrate-config []

  (mc/cassandra {:alia-session (s/get-an-er-cassandra-session)
                 :keyspace "a_keyspace"
                 :namespace "api.migrate-config/cassandra"
                 :directory "migrations/api/migrations_cassandra"}))

then migrations can be created and run like this :

lein create-migration create-users
lein migrate
lein migrate --version 20150804151456

migrations are created with empty up and down functions - fill these in to implement the migration like this -

(ns api.migrations-cassandra.20150804151456-create-users
  (:require [qbits.alia :as alia]
            [qbits.hayt :as h]
            [er-cassandra.drift.migration-helpers :refer :all]))

(defn up
  "Migrates the database up to version 20150804151456."
  (println "er-api.migrations-cassandra.20150804151456-create-users up...")
   "create table users (id timeuuid,
                        username text,
                        name text,
                        created_at timestamp,
                        email set<text>,
                        primary key (id))")
   "create table users_by_username (id timeuuid,
                                    username text,
                                    name text,
                                    created_at timestamp,
                                    email set<text>,
                                    primary key (username))")
   "create table users_by_email (email varchar,
                                 id timeuuid,
                                 primary key (email))"))

(defn down
  "Migrates the database down from version 20150804151456."
  (println "er-api.migrations-cassandra.20150804151456-create-users down...")
  (execute "drop table users")
  (execute "drop table users_by_username")
  (execute "drop table users_by_email"))


Copyright © 2018 Employee Republic Limited

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.