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File metadata and controls

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sql_conn Usage

1. Object

  • Creation :

    cnx = connection.MySQLConnection(user = '', password = '', host = '', database = '')

    c = sql_conn(cnx)

  • Close : c.close()

2. Database Instructions

Clean all the labeling information
cd CS304-A-web-platform-for-data-labelling

mysql -u root -p

input your password

mysql > source clean_db.sql

ER Diagram of database

2.1 Table users

  • nb_answer : Total number of questions answered by user
  • nb_accept : Total number of user's accepted answer

2.2 Table admin

  • access_level : 1 normal admin; 2 super admin

2.3 Table source

  • publisher : foreign key, reference to adminid in table admin
  • priority : 1 low (default); 2 normal; 3 high
  • nb_json : Total number of .json file uploaded, i.e., total number of questions
  • nb_finished : Total number of questions that have accepted answers.
    • The progress rate is calculated by nb_finished/nb_json
  • fault_tolerance_degree : 0 turn off (default); 1 low degree; 2 high degree

2.4 Table text_data

The table is used to store all data (questions to be answered) from each source

  • datasource : Foreign key, reference to sourceid in table source
  • data_index : For each source, every data should have a unique index . data_index is the index in the souece the data belongs to.
  • dataid is the primary key. The combination of datasource and data_index should also be unique
  • data_path : The abosolute path of the .json data file.
  • final_labelid : Foreign key, reference to labelid in table **text_label **. If the question has an accepted answer, the final_labelid should point to one of the accepted answer's labelid in table **text_label **. Else final_labelid = NULL as it is initialized.
  • nb_label : abandoned.

2.5 Table text_label

  • dataid : Foreign key, reference to dataid in table text_data. The corresponding data of this label.
  • userid : Foreign key, reference to userid in table users. Data labeler.
  • label_path The abosolute path of the .json label file.
  • label_content : Part extracted from the .json file. We do fault-tolerance process on only this part.
  • correct : Whether the answer is accepted. 0 incorrect/not determined yet (defualt); 1 correct.

3. Methods

All methods return None if fails unless otherwise stated

3.1 User Utility

  • get_all_user(self)

    return all users

  • get_user(self, userid=None, username=None, user_email=None)

    return all the information of the corresponding user

  • ger_user_number(self)

    return the total number of users

  • get_user_id(self, username=None, user_email=None)

  • get_user_email(self, userid=None, username=None)

  • get_user_name(self, userid=None, user_email=None)

  • get_user_passwd(self, userid=None, username=None, user_email=None)

  • get_user_credit(self, userid=None, username=None, user_email=None)

  • get_user_nb_accept(self, userid=None, username=None, user_email=None)

    return number of accepted answer of the user

  • set_user_nb_accept(self, userid, addoffset=1)

    set user's nb_accept to nb_accept+addoffset , default addoffset=1

  • get_user_nb_answer(self, userid=None, username=None, user_email=None)

    return the user's total number of answers

  • get_user_nb_val(self, userid=None, username=None, user_email=None)

  • get_user_nb_val_tp(self, userid=None, username=None, user_email=None)

    return val_tp of the user

  • get_user_val_acc(self,userid=None, username=None, user_email=None)

    return the validation accuracy

  • get_user_accept_rate(self,userid=None, username=None, user_email=None)

    return the accept rate

  • insert_user(self, username, user_email, passwd, signin_time=get_timestamp(), credits=0, nb_accept=0, nb_answer=0, nb_examined=0)

    • default signin_time is current time
    • default credits is 0
    • default nb_accept, nb_answer and nb_examined are 0, i.e. the default number of accepted answer is 0.
    • insertion operations return : 1 success; 0 already exist; -1 fail
  • user_exist(self, userid=None, username=None, user_email=None)

    return True if the user exists otherwise False

  • get_user_credit_rank(self, user_email)

    return user credits rank

  • set_user_nb_answer(self, user_email, addoffset)

    • set user answer count nb_answer to original value += addoffset

    • return : 1 success; -1 fail

  • get_user_source(self, user_email)

    Get the labeling task the user participated. Return a list of sourceid

  • get_user_mainpage_pan(self, user_email)

    • this method is designed for Yuxing Hu and his stupid pan diagram on mainpage

    • return [(priority, count), (priority, count), ...]

  • get_user_mainpage_pan_history(self, user_email)

    • this method is designed to display user labeling history on mainpage

    • return a list of user label count in today, 3 days, 7 days, 30 days, and total number, e.g. [2, 2, 2, 3, 4]

  • update_user_accpet_credits(self, userid)

    Update user's nb_accept and credits by checking the labeling history. We simply set nb_accept = credits.

  • update_user_nb_answer(self, userid)

    Update user's nb_answer by recounting the labeling history.

3.2 Admin Utility

  • get_admin(self, adminid=None, adminname=None, admin_email=None)

    return all the information of the corresponding admin

  • get_all_admin(self)

    return all the information of all admins

  • get_admin_nb_task(self, adminid)

    return number of tasks published by the admin

  • get_admin_passwd(self, admin_email=None)

  • get_admin_access_level(self, admin_email)

    return 1 admin, 2 super admin

  • insert_admin(self, email_addr, adminname, passwd, access_level=1)

    • default access_level is 1, i.e. normal admin
    • insertion operations return : 1 success; 0 already exist; -1 fail
  • get_admin_source(self, adminid=None, adminname=None, admin_email=None)

    return all sources published by the admin

3.3 Source Utility

  • get_source_number(self)

    return the total number of sources

  • get_all_source(self)

    return all source information

  • get_source(self, sourcename=None, sourceid=None)

    return all the information of the corresponding source

  • get_source_id(self, sourcename)

  • insert_source(self, sourcename, finished=0, publisher='NULL', description='',publish_time=get_timestamp(),priority=1, ft_degree=0)

    • ft_degree , fault tolerance degree: 0 turn off; **1 **low degree; 2 high degree.
    • Note that de ft_degree would be set to its default value (0) if the input is illegal
  • get_source_ftdgree(self, sourcename=None, sourceid=None)

    • return the fault tolerance degree of the source

3.4 Data Utility

Combination of data_source and data_index should be UNIQUE

  • load_data(self, root_path, sourceid=None, sourcename=None)

    • load all the raw data file (in .json format) from folder path into database
    • return 1 success; 0 fail; -1 insertion fail
  • get_textdataid(self, data_index, sourceid=None, sourcename=None)

    need both data_index and source information to retrieve dataid.

  • fetch_data(self, sourcename, user_email, nb=5)

    Fetch 5 unfinished task for the user. Default 5

  • get_data_final_label(self, dataid)

    • get the final label content of some data

3.5 Label Utility

Combination of dataid and userid should be UNIQUE

  • get_label_correct(self, dataid, user_email=None)

    • return 0 not determined; 1 correct; -1 incorrect.
  • set_label_correct(self, labelid, value=1)

    • set a label to correct, return 1 if success -1,0 if fail
  • insert_label(self, user_email, json_list, save_dir='/home/se2018/label/', label_date=get_timestamp(), correct=0

    • save json to file & insert label into database & fault tolerance process & update database users <nb_accept>, <nb_answer>; text_label ; text_data <final_labelid>; source <nb_finished>

    • return 1 if success , others fail

    • default save_dir = /home/se2018/label/, the program modify it to /home/se2018/label/<project name>/

    • default label_date is current time

    • the json file will be wrote into file /home/se2018/label/<project name>/<index>_<userid>_label.json. Note that index is the data index in source which is read from .json.

  • fault_tol_process(self, dataid, sourceid, ft_degree)

    • run fault tolerance process
    • return 1 if success, 0 if none is detected correct, return others if error
  • load_ft_data(self, dataid)

    • load data for fault tolerance

    • return [labelid, label_content, userid, user nb_accpet, user nb_answer]

  • download_label(self, sourcename, zip_path, root_path = '~/tmp')

    • download accepted label file within a .zip file
    • zip_path path of the zip file without .zip at the end
    • root_path : a temp directory path. The directory will be removed after the method
    • return the zip file path if success, '' if fail
    • e.g. input: zip_path='dest_dir/test', output: 'dest_dir/'
  • get_recapcha(self)

    • return a json file whose label has already be accepted.