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C2P for OCM

Usage of C2P CLI

$ c2pcli ocm -h
C2P CLI OCM plugin

  c2pcli ocm [command]

Available Commands:
  oscal2policy Compose deliverable OCM Policies from OSCAL
  result2oscal Generate OSCAL Assessment Results from OCM Policy statuses
  tools        Tools

  -h, --help   help for ocm

Use "c2pcli ocm [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  1. Install Policy Generator Plugin
  2. Prepare OCM Policy Resources

Manual end-to-end use case


  1. Create OSCAL Component Definition
    • Use example one. In real cases, a user writes OSCAL by Authoring tool like Trestle)
  2. Run oscal2policy to generate OCM Policies from OSCAL
  3. Deploy generated OCM Policies to OCM Hub
  4. Get OCM Policies from OCM Hub
  5. Run result2oscal to generate OSCAL Assessment Results from the OCM Policy Results
  6. Prettify OSCAL Assessment Results
    • Use C2P tools. In real cases, it's responsible of GRC tools.



  1. Prerequisites
    1. OCM is configured to manage two k8s clusters (cluster1 and cluster2) and installed Policy Governance Framework.
    2. Namespace c2p is created in OCM Hub
    3. The managed clusters are labeled my-cluster=true and bound to c2p namespace
      $ clusteradm get clustersets
      └── <default> 
      │   ├── <BoundNamespace> 
      │   ├── <Status> 2 ManagedClusters selected
      │   ├── <Clusters> [cluster1 cluster2]
      └── <global> 
      │   ├── <BoundNamespace> 
      │   ├── <Status> 2 ManagedClusters selected
      │   ├── <Clusters> [cluster1 cluster2]
      └── <myclusterset> 
          └── <BoundNamespace> c2p
          └── <Status> 2 ManagedClusters selected
          └── <Clusters> [cluster1 cluster2]
  2. Run oscal2policy to generate OCM Policies from OSCAL
    c2pcli ocm oscal2policy -c ./docs/ocm/c2p-config.yaml -o /tmp/ocm-policies
  3. Deploy the generated OCM Policies to OCM Hub
    kubectl create -f /tmp/ocm-policies
  4. Wait for policies to be delivered
    $ kubectl get policy -A
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                        REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
    c2p         policy-deployment                           inform               NonCompliant       5m15s
    c2p         policy-high-scan                            inform               NonCompliant       5m15s
    c2p         policy-install-kyverno-from-manifests       enforce              Compliant          5m14s
    c2p         policy-kyverno-require-labels                                    NonCompliant       5m14s
    cluster1    c2p.policy-deployment                       inform               NonCompliant       2m15s
    cluster1    c2p.policy-high-scan                        inform               NonCompliant       2m15s
    cluster1    c2p.policy-install-kyverno-from-manifests   enforce              Compliant          2m14s
    cluster1    c2p.policy-kyverno-require-labels                                NonCompliant       2m11s
    cluster2    c2p.policy-deployment                       inform               NonCompliant       2m15s
    cluster2    c2p.policy-high-scan                        inform               NonCompliant       2m15s
    cluster2    c2p.policy-install-kyverno-from-manifests   enforce              Compliant          2m14s
    cluster2    c2p.policy-kyverno-require-labels                                NonCompliant       2m11s
  5. Get OCM Policy Results (Policy, PolicySet, PlacementDecision) from OCM Hub
    mkdir -p /tmp/results
    kubectl get -A -o yaml > /tmp/results/
    kubectl get -A -o yaml > /tmp/results/
    kubectl get -A -o yaml > /tmp/results/
  6. Run result2oscal to generate OSCAL Assessment Results from the OCM Policy Results
    c2pcli ocm result2oscal -c ./docs/ocm/c2p-config.yaml --results /tmp/results -o /tmp/assessment-results.json
  7. Prettify OSCAL Assessment Results in .md format
    c2pcli ocm tools oscal2posture -c ./docs/ocm/c2p-config.yaml --assessment-results /tmp/assessment-results.json -o /tmp/

GitOps automation use case




Setup Github Repos

  1. Create two repositories (one is configuration repository that's used for pipeline from OSCAL to Policy and another is evidence repository that's used for pipeline from OCM statuses to Compliance result)
    • For example, c2p-for-ocm-pipeline01-config and c2p-for-ocm-pipeline01-evidence
  2. Create Github Personal Access Token having following permissions
    • Repository permission of Contents, Pull Requests, and Workflows with read-and-write against both the configuration repository and the evidence repository.
  3. Fork C2P repository (yana1205/compliance-to-policy.git) and checkout template
  4. Set required parameters for github action to initialize your configuration and evidence repo
    1. Go to Settings tab
    2. Go to Actions under Secrets and variables
    3. Create New repository secret
      • Name: PAT
      • Secret: Created Github Personal Access Token
    4. Go to Variables tab to create New repository variable
      • Value: <configuration repository org>/<configuration repository name> (e.g. yana1205/c2p-for-ocm-pipeline01-config)
    6. Create EVIDENCE_REPOSITORY variable
      • Value: <evidence repository org>/<evidence repository name> (e.g. yana1205/c2p-for-ocm-pipeline01-evidence)
  5. Run Action Initialize repositories with branch template
  6. Go to the configuration repository and create New repository secret
    • Name: PAT
    • Secret: Created Github Personal Access Token
  7. Go to the evidence repository and create New repository secret
    • Name: PAT
    • Secret: Created Github Personal Access Token

Run oscal-to-pocliy

  1. Go to the configuration repository
  2. Go to Actions tab
  3. Run OSCAL to Policy
    1. This action generates manifests from OSCAL and then generate a PR of changes for a directory ocm-policy-manifests containing the generated manifests.
  4. Merge the PR

Integrate with GitOps

  1. Sync ocm-policy-manifests directory with your OCM Hub by OCM GitOps (OCM Channel and Subscription addon)

Deploy collector to your OCM Hub

  1. Apply RBAC for collector
    kubectl apply -f
  2. Create Secret for Github access
    kubectl -n c2p create secret generic --save-config collect-ocm-status-secret --from-literal=user=<github user> --from-literal=token=<github PAT> --from-literal=org=<evidence org name> --from-literal=repo=<evidence repo name>
    kubectl -n c2p create secret generic --save-config collect-ocm-status-secret --from-literal=user=yana1205 --from-literal=token=github_pat_xxx --from-literal=org=yana1205 --from-literal=repo=c2p-for-ocm-pipeline01-evidence
  3. Deploy collector cronjob
    kubectl apply -f


kubectl delete -f
kubectl -n c2p delete secret collect-ocm-status-secret 
kubectl delete -f

C2P Decomposer

Decompose OCM poicy collection to kubernetes resources composing each OCM policy (we call it policy resource).

  1. Clone Policy Collection
    git clone --depth 1 /tmp/policy-collection
  2. Run C2P Decomposer
    go run ./cmd/decompose/decompose.go --policy-collection-dir=/tmp/policy-collection --out=/tmp/c2p-output
  3. Decomposed policy resources are ouput in /tmp/c2p-output/decomposed/resources
    $ tree -L 1 /tmp/c2p-output/decomposed
    ├── _sources
    └── resources
    Individual decomposed resource contains k8s manifests and configuration files (policy-generator.yaml and kustomization.yaml) for PolicyGenerator.
    $ tree -L 3 /tmp/c2p-output/decomposed/resources
    ├── add-chrony
    │   ├── add-chrony-worker
    │   │   └── MachineConfig.50-worker-chrony.0.yaml
    │   ├── kustomization.yaml
    │   └── policy-generator.yaml
    ├── add-tvk-license
    │   ├── add-tvk-license
    │   │   └── License.triliovault-license.0.yaml
    │   ├── kustomization.yaml

C2P Composer

Compose OCM Policy from policy resources from compliance information (for example, compliance.yaml)

  1. Run C2P Composer
    go run cmd/compose-by-c2pcr/main.go --c2pcr ./cmd/compose-by-c2pcr/c2pcr.yaml --out /tmp/c2p-output
  2. Composed OCM policies are output in /tmp/c2p-output
    $ tree /tmp/c2p-output                                                                             
    ├── add-chrony
    │   ├── add-chrony-worker
    │   │   └── MachineConfig.50-worker-chrony.0.yaml
    │   ├── kustomization.yaml
    │   └── policy-generator.yaml
    ├── install-odf-lvm-operator
    │   ├── kustomization.yaml
    │   ├── odf-lvmcluster
    │   │   └── LVMCluster.odf-lvmcluster.0.yaml
    │   ├── policy-generator.yaml
    │   └── policy-odf-lvm-operator
    │       ├── Namespace.openshift-storage.0.yaml
    │       ├── OperatorGroup.openshift-storage-operatorgroup.0.yaml
    │       └── Subscription.lvm-operator.0.yaml
    ├── kustomization.yaml
    ├── policy-generator.yaml
    └── policy-sets.yaml

C2P as controller (deprecated)

  1. Build image
    make docker-build docker-push IMG=<controller image>
  2. Create KinD cluster
    kind create cluster
  3. Install (if you use OCM, install-ocm-related-crds may fail since the required CRDs are already there.)
    make install
    make install-ocm-related-crds
  4. Deploy
    make deploy IMG=<controller image>
  5. Create CR
    kubectl apply -f ./config/samples/compliance-to-policy_v1alpha1_compliancedeployment.yaml -n compliance-to-policy-system 
  6. Check if Policy, PlacmenetBinding/Rule are created
    kubectl get policies,placementbindings,placementrules -n compliance-high
  7. Cleanup
    make undeploy
    make uninstall