NioGoogleGeocoder is a collection of Elixir convenience functions to geocode a single, or list of, addresses. It also includes a function that automatically adds a geo location to an Ecto.Changeset
Add nio_google_geocoder
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:nio_google_geocoder, "~> 0.7.0"}]
.geocode("74 High Street, New Haven, CT, 06520")
will return the following:
{:ok, [%{"address_components" => ..}]}
You can also pass it a list of addresses and the result will be a list of tuples:
[{:ok, [%{"address_components" => ..}]}, {:ok, [%{"address_components" => ..}]} ]
To use a specific API key set it in config:
config :nio_google_geocoder, api_key: "API_KEY"
In case of errors a tuple starting with {:error, error_message}
is returned
There is an additional function which you can pass an Ecto.Changeset
which will automatically add latitude and longitude based on a list of address fields. It will only geocode if the address attributes are present in the changes
map of the changeset.
To geocode an address in the changeset you need to pass it (changeset, [list of address fields], latitude_field, longitude_field)
ex. add_geo_coordinates_to_changeset(changeset, [:address, :city, :zip], :latitude, :longitude)
It is important to remember that it will only update the geolocation if any of the [list of address fields]
change. Otherwise it returns the changeset.
Also pass the list of address fields in logical order ex. [:address, :city, :zip]
vs. [:zip, :address, :city]
as the values of the field are concatenated for geocoding.
defmodule Location do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
schema "locations" do
field :name, :string
field :address, :string
field :city, :string
field :state, :string
field :zip, :string
field :latitude, :float
field :longitude, :float
def changeset(user, params \\ :empty) do
|> cast(params, ~w(name), ~w(address city state zip latitude longitude))
|> NioGoogleGeocoder.Changeset.add_geo_coordinates_to_changeset([:address, :city, :zip], :latitude, :longitude)
Allow for the additional params specified here: