For creating a Virtual Box image with HPCC Systems Platform Community edition pre-installed. Download the appropriate packer binary for your system. Put packer in your PATH
Run the script that is included in tools
Linux script:
PowerShell script:
You need to have Virtual Box installed on your machine:
Packer does not need any client tools for building on AWS. First, validate the .json after adding the keys.
packer validate NAME.json
Next, build the AMI with the following:
packer build NAME.json
Create a Virtual Box instance using the newly created image. The image has the all the HPCC ports automatically opened when creating a new instance.
SSH into your instance and start the HPCC System Platform with:
- username: ubuntu
- password: hpccdemo
sudo systemctl start
From here you can access your HPCC System via port 8010.
After starting the HPCC System, the Landing Zone's directory can sometimes not be created, and can prevent files from being uploaded to the cluster. Fix this by simply manually creating the directory:
sudo mkdir /var/lib/HPCCSystems/mydropzone
If the VM building process fails, you might have to manually delete the temp Virtual-Box VM, where you set Virtual-Box to store VMs, and delete the output directory generated by this code.