Set Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) for HPCC Systems
A IAM user with following permissions: . IAM_READ_TAG . AmazonEC2FullAccess . AWSClooudFormationFullAccess . AWSEFSFullAccess . AWSEFSFullAccess (optional, required if use EFS)
EKS cluster requires at two Available Zones (AZs). Two samples are provided: . . this try to use existing VPC/Subnets but doesn't work. We are working with AWS support on it now
Query EKS cluster
eksctl get cluster
When ESK cluster created successfully it should be in ~/.kube/config. kubectl need this information to deploy clusters. If the EKS cluster doesn't exists in ~/.kube/config, for example you are in a different system than the original one to create EKS cluster, you can run following to create this configuration file:
eksctl utils write-kubeconfig --name <cluster name>
./stop <cluster name>
The default is "hpcc1" which is defined in start script.