diff --git a/ar/shape.md b/ar/shape.md index 4ec7a92e..708b24bb 100644 --- a/ar/shape.md +++ b/ar/shape.md @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ## أضف الشكل ```go -func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error +func (f *File) AddShape(sheet string, opts *Shape) error ``` يوفر AddShape طريقة لإضافة شكل في ورقة من خلال فهرس ورقة عمل معين ومجموعة تنسيق الشكل (مثل الإزاحة والقياس وإعدادات نسبة العرض إلى الارتفاع وإعدادات الطباعة) ومجموعة الخصائص. على سبيل المثال ، أضف مربع نص (شكل مستطيل) في "Sheet1": ```go lineWidth := 1.2 -err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", +err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", &excelize.Shape{ + Cell: "G6", Type: "rect", Line: excelize.ShapeLine{Color: "4286F4", Width: &lineWidth}, Fill: excelize.Fill{Color: []string{"8EB9FF"}}, diff --git a/de/shape.md b/de/shape.md index eef14412..ac147294 100644 --- a/de/shape.md +++ b/de/shape.md @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ## Form hinzufügen ```go -func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error +func (f *File) AddShape(sheet string, opts *Shape) error ``` AddShape bietet die Methode zum Hinzufügen einer Form zu einem Blatt anhand des angegebenen Arbeitsblattindex, des festgelegten Formformats (z. B. Versatz, Skalierung, Einstellung des Seitenverhältnisses und Druckeinstellungen) und der festgelegten Eigenschaften. Fügen Sie beispielsweise ein Textfeld (Rechteckform) in "Sheet1" hinzu: ```go lineWidth := 1.2 -err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", +err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", &excelize.Shape{ + Cell: "G6", Type: "rect", Line: excelize.ShapeLine{Color: "4286F4", Width: &lineWidth}, Fill: excelize.Fill{Color: []string{"8EB9FF"}}, diff --git a/en/shape.md b/en/shape.md index d5e9e405..06b22c7e 100644 --- a/en/shape.md +++ b/en/shape.md @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ## Add Shape ```go -func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error +func (f *File) AddShape(sheet string, opts *Shape) error ``` AddShape provides the method to add shape in a sheet by given worksheet index, shape format set (such as offset, scale, aspect ratio setting and print settings) and properties set. For example, add text box (rect shape) in `Sheet1`: ```go lineWidth := 1.2 -err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", +err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", &excelize.Shape{ + Cell: "G6", Type: "rect", Line: excelize.ShapeLine{Color: "4286F4", Width: &lineWidth}, Fill: excelize.Fill{Color: []string{"8EB9FF"}}, diff --git a/es/shape.md b/es/shape.md index cc6c1c77..0f3cb1ee 100644 --- a/es/shape.md +++ b/es/shape.md @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ## Agregar forma ```go -func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error +func (f *File) AddShape(sheet string, opts *Shape) error ``` AddShape proporciona el método para agregar forma en una hoja mediante un índice de hoja de trabajo determinado, un conjunto de formato de forma (como desplazamiento, escala, configuración de relación de aspecto y configuración de impresión) y conjunto de propiedades. Por ejemplo, agregue un cuadro de texto (forma rectangular) en `Sheet1`: ```go lineWidth := 1.2 -err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", +err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", &excelize.Shape{ + Cell: "G6", Type: "rect", Line: excelize.ShapeLine{Color: "4286F4", Width: &lineWidth}, Fill: excelize.Fill{Color: []string{"8EB9FF"}}, diff --git a/fr/shape.md b/fr/shape.md index 902d8561..759e6acb 100644 --- a/fr/shape.md +++ b/fr/shape.md @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ## Ajouter une forme ```go -func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error +func (f *File) AddShape(sheet string, opts *Shape) error ``` AddShape fournit la méthode permettant d'ajouter une forme dans une feuille en fonction d'un index de feuille de calcul donné, d'un ensemble de formats de forme (tels que décalage, échelle, paramètres de format et paramètres d'impression) et de propriétés. Par exemple, ajoutez une zone de texte (forme rectale) dans `Sheet1`: ```go lineWidth := 1.2 -err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", +err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", &excelize.Shape{ + Cell: "G6", Type: "rect", Line: excelize.ShapeLine{Color: "4286F4", Width: &lineWidth}, Fill: excelize.Fill{Color: []string{"8EB9FF"}}, diff --git a/ja/shape.md b/ja/shape.md index 03652456..f4dbb9fe 100644 --- a/ja/shape.md +++ b/ja/shape.md @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ## 図形を追加する ```go -func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error +func (f *File) AddShape(sheet string, opts *Shape) error ``` 指定したワークシート名、セル座標、およびスタイル (オフセット、ズーム、伸縮、縦横比、印刷プロパティなど) に基づいて、特定のセルに図形を追加します。たとえば、`Sheet1` という名前のワークシートにテキストボックス (四角形) を追加します: ```go lineWidth := 1.2 -err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", +err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", &excelize.Shape{ + Cell: "G6", Type: "rect", Line: excelize.ShapeLine{Color: "4286F4", Width: &lineWidth}, Fill: excelize.Fill{Color: []string{"8EB9FF"}}, diff --git a/ko/shape.md b/ko/shape.md index 888f0bb9..b6900da4 100644 --- a/ko/shape.md +++ b/ko/shape.md @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ## 셰이프 추가 ```go -func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error +func (f *File) AddShape(sheet string, opts *Shape) error ``` AddShape는 지정된 워크시트 인덱스, 모양 형식 집합(예: 간격띄우기, 축척, 종횡비 설정 및 인쇄 설정) 및 속성 집합을 사용하여 시트에 셰이프를 추가하는 방법을 제공합니다. 예를 들어 `Sheet1` 에 텍스트 상자 (직사각형 모양) 를 추가합니다: ```go lineWidth := 1.2 -err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", +err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", &excelize.Shape{ + Cell: "G6", Type: "rect", Line: excelize.ShapeLine{Color: "4286F4", Width: &lineWidth}, Fill: excelize.Fill{Color: []string{"8EB9FF"}}, diff --git a/ru/shape.md b/ru/shape.md index ba99669b..5ac6f1c0 100644 --- a/ru/shape.md +++ b/ru/shape.md @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ## Добавить форму ```go -func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error +func (f *File) AddShape(sheet string, opts *Shape) error ``` AddShape предоставляет метод добавления фигуры на листе с помощью заданного индекса рабочего листа, формата формы (например, смещения, масштаба, настройки соотношения сторон и параметров печати) и свойств. Например, добавьте текстовое поле (прямая форма) в `Sheet1`: ```go lineWidth := 1.2 -err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", +err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", &excelize.Shape{ + Cell: "G6", Type: "rect", Line: excelize.ShapeLine{Color: "4286F4", Width: &lineWidth}, Fill: excelize.Fill{Color: []string{"8EB9FF"}}, diff --git a/zh-hans/shape.md b/zh-hans/shape.md index 4da6b1a3..8a1dd84f 100644 --- a/zh-hans/shape.md +++ b/zh-hans/shape.md @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ## 添加形状 ```go -func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error +func (f *File) AddShape(sheet string, opts *Shape) error ``` 根据给定的工作表名、单元格坐标和样式(包括偏移、缩放、拉伸、宽高比和打印属性等)在指定单元格添加形状。例如,在名为 `Sheet1` 的工作表上添加文本框(矩形): ```go lineWidth := 1.2 -err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", +err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", &excelize.Shape{ + Cell: "G6", Type: "rect", Line: excelize.ShapeLine{Color: "4286F4", Width: &lineWidth}, Fill: excelize.Fill{Color: []string{"8EB9FF"}}, diff --git a/zh-tw/shape.md b/zh-tw/shape.md index 4f4b7d70..37a62efa 100644 --- a/zh-tw/shape.md +++ b/zh-tw/shape.md @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ## 添加圖形 ```go -func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error +func (f *File) AddShape(sheet string, opts *Shape) error ``` 根據給定的工作表名、儲存格坐標和樣式(包括偏移、縮放、拉伸、寬高比和列印屬性等)在指定儲存格添加圖形。例如,在名為 `Sheet1` 的工作表上添加文本框(矩形): ```go lineWidth := 1.2 -err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", "G6", +err := f.AddShape("Sheet1", &excelize.Shape{ + Cell: "G6", Type: "rect", Line: excelize.ShapeLine{Color: "4286F4", Width: &lineWidth}, Fill: excelize.Fill{Color: []string{"8EB9FF"}},