The following resources are created in google cloud for the application,
- Cloud Functions Gen 1
- Cloud Build build is created to generate and update docker images with application code we upload.
- These artifacts are then stored in Container Registry after the build is run.
- Cloud Functions Gen 1 then uses the built image to run the application at runtime.
- Service Account for cloud functions (cloud run under the hood)
- Permissions to interact with Google APIs to,
- Fetch secrets
- Write logs
- Fetch application zip artifact from storage bucket
- Allow unauthenticated invocations; for Slack to send invoke cloud function with events
- Cloud Functions Gen 2
- Cloud Build build is created to generate and update docker images with application code we upload.
- These artifacts are then stored in Artifact Registry after the build is run.
- Cloud Functions Gen 2 run on Cloud Run so a cloud run service is created for the application.