This study path has been organized and divided into the following competence areas of an agile coach:
- Agile Coach Explained
- Lean and Agile Practitioner
- Teaching
- Facilitation
- Transformation
- Pure Coaching
- Business
Moreover, to ease the creation of personal and customized study paths, we divided the competence areas in modules, from zero to hero.
That way, students will be able to create their own study path mixing self assessment and proposed modules.
Regardless of the competence area: Workbook per Agile Coach.
- Host Leadership - (Chapter 1) Time for a New Look at Leadership
- Host Leadership - (Chapter 2) Hosting
- Host Leadership - (Chapter 3) What do Hosts do?
- Coaching Agile Teams - (Part II - Chapter 5) Coach as a Coach-Mentor
- Coaching Agile Teams - (Part II - Chapter 6) Coach as a Facilitator
- Coaching Agile Teams - (Part II - Chapter 7) Coach as a Teacher
- Coaching Agile Teams - (Part II - Chapter 8) Coach as a Problem Solver
- Coaching Agile Teams - (Part II - Chapter 9) Coach as a Conflict Navigator
- Coaching Agile Teams - (Part II - Chapter 10) Coach as a Collaboration Conductor
- Extreme programming explained
- The High Performance Tree
- Scrum guide
- Agile Product Management with Scrum
- The art of agile development
- Real-World Kanban: Do Less, Accomplish More with Lean Thinking
- Scrum and XP from the Trenches: How We Do Scrum
- Kanban in Action
- Extreme programming installed
- Using Both Incremental and Iterative Development
- Agile Estimating and Planning
- User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development
- The Backlog
- Fifty Quick Ideas to Improve your User Stories
- The agile mindset by Gil Broza
- The Power of an Agile Mindset - Linda Rising
- The Agile Mindset with Linda Rising
- The Lean Mindset
- Fearless change
- The new new product development game
- Toyota Kata
- Lean Software Development by Mary Poppendieck
- Implementing lean software development
- Extreme programming explained - (Chapter 4) Four Values
- The High Performance Tree
- Using Both Incremental and Iterative Development
- The new new product development game
- Reprogramming Ourselves to Use Agile Well
- Scrum guide
- The agile mindset by Gil Broza - (Chapter 1) The big picture
- Kanban in Action - (Part I) Learning Kanban
- Kanban in Action - (Part II Understanding kanban - Chapter 2) Kanban principles
- Why Learning 3.0
- Bikablo 2.0
- Training from the back of the room
- For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business
- Why Learning 3.0
- Esercitarsi a disegnare con Bikablo 2.0 prendendo spunto anche dai flipchart fatti in passato
- Agile Retrospective by Diana Larsen
- Project Retrospective
- The Retrospective handbook by Patrick Kua
- Guida alla retrospettiva (italian)
- Agile Retrospective by Diana Larsen - (Chapter 1) Helping Your Team Inspect and Adapt
- Agile Retrospective by Diana Larsen - (Chapter 2) A Retrospective Custom-Fit to Your Team
- Agile Retrospective by Diana Larsen - (Chapter 3) A Retrospective Custom-Fit to Your Team
- Facilitator's guide - (Part I) Grounding Principles
- The Retrospective handbook by Patrick Kua - (Chapter 1) Retrospective Fundamentals
- The Retrospective handbook by Patrick Kua - (Chapter 2) Facilitating Retrospectives
- Facilitator's guide - (Part II Facilitator Fundamentals - Chapter 5) Facilitative Listening Skills
- Facilitator's guide - (Part II Facilitator Fundamentals - Chapter 6) Facilitative Listening Skills
- Facilitator's guide - (Part II Facilitator Fundamentals - Chapter 7) Facilitative Listening Skills
- Collaboration Explained - (Section II) Applying Collaboration
- Agile Transition
- An Agile Adoption and Transformation Survival Guide
- The Reengineering alternative
- Lean Change Management by Jason Little
- Switch: How to change things when change is hard
- Collaboration Explained - (Section II Applying Collaboration - Chapter 6) Preparing Yourself as the Process Owner
- Collaboration Explained - (Section II Applying Collaboration - Chapter 7) Preparing Participants for Collaboration
- Collaboration Explained - (Section II Applying Collaboration - Chapter 8) Setting the Collaborative Agenda
- ICF Coaching Core Competencies
- Effetto porcospino (italian)
- Systemic team and organizational coaching by Alain Cardon
- Systemic Coaching and Constellations
- ICF Coaching Core Competencies
- Ascolto Empatico by Maturana (purtroppo non ho trovato riferimenti online di questo ma fa parte dei fondamenti, si trovano solo cose in spagnolo)
- Approfondire le competenze come (feedback, partnership, fiducia, domande efficaci, distinzioni) (anche qui non trovo riferimenti)
- Studiare almeno un metodo di coaching
- Systemic team and organizational coaching by Alain Cardon - (Chapter 1) Systemic Team Coaching Context
- Systemic team and organizational coaching by Alain Cardon - (Chapter 2) Systemic Team Coaching
- What is agile
- Explaining Agile
- How to Make the Whole Organization Agile
- Management 3.0
- Managing for Happiness
- Radical management
- The Science of Successful Organizational Change