FL(1) - General Commands Manual
fl - show of file history
fl file
The fl utility shows the file history for file.
The history contains the revision number, the date when the revision was checked in and the revision comment.
For the format of the file history, see fh(5).
the path to the file history
The fl utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
fr(1), fu(1), fh(5)
FR(1) - General Commands Manual
fr - retrieve old version of file from history
fr [-o filename] [-r revision] file
The fr utility fetches the most recent version of the given file from the file history. If file already exists, a warning is printed.
The following options are available:
-o filename
Write to the given filename instead of file. This can be used to compare changes between two revisions.
-r revision
Fetch the given revision instead of the most recent one. If this exceeds the most recent revision, the most recent revision is fetched anyway. Do not prefix revision with "r".
For the format of the file history, see fh(5).
the path to the file history
The fr utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
fl(1), fu(1), fh(5)
FU(1) - General Commands Manual
fu - update file history
fu file
The fu utility updates the file history. The given file must be a non-empty file, not a directory or device. It may not contain the sequence "^AC" at the beginning of any line; on some platforms, lines must not consist of a lone dot (.), either. The given file must also not be a binary file. The defintion of what constitutes a binary file depends on diff(1).
A prompt "comments? (EOF to end)" is shown on update. This can be used to indicate information about what changes were made and why. No such prompt is shown for the initial revision. Do not enter a line that that starts with the sequence "^AC". Doing so will break the history file.
The file history will not be updated if the given file is equal to the most recent entry in the file history.
For the format of the file history, see fh(5).
the path to the file history
The fu utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
fl(1), fr(1), fh(5)
FH(5) - File Formats Manual
fh - format of file histories
A file history file is a plaintext file. It consists of two parts: a sequence of ed(1) scripts and a sequence of commit descriptions.
The ed(1) scripts are generated using diff -e.
The commit descriptions consist of at least three lines: a heading, the date and the commit message. The heading consists of an ASCII SOH (start of heading; \001) followed by 'C', a space, the line number where the respective ed(1) script starts, a comma and the line number where the respective ed(1) script ends. The date consists of the output of date(1). The commit message is a free-form text that continues on until the next heading; it may consist of multiple lines and it may just consist of a single empty line. A commit may look something like this:
^AC 31,33
Fri Apr 19 18:36:47 CEST 2019
lowercase 'w'
Grammatically, "world" in "Hello, world!" should be lowercase.
The first ed(1) script describes how to reconstruct the first file checked in with fu(1). Every subsequent script records the changes to the original.
History files are stored in a path named as follows: H/H.file. The H directory is always relative to the current directory.
fl(1), fr(1), fu(1)
Because the "base" revision is the oldest one, the more history is recorded, the slower retrieval becomes. It may be worthwhile to archive or delete history files that go back more than a few dozen of changes.