diff --git a/classes/Client.html b/classes/Client.html index c75993378..987cf8529 100644 --- a/classes/Client.html +++ b/classes/Client.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -
Determines whether the current user can send messages to a specified peer.
This method checks if the specified peer has signed up for XMTP and ensures that the message is not addressed to the sender (no self-messaging).
The address of the peer to check for messaging eligibility.
A Promise resolving to true if messaging is allowed, and false otherwise.
-Decrypts an encrypted local attachment.
+Decrypts an encrypted local attachment.
This asynchronous method takes an encrypted local attachment and decrypts it.
The encrypted local attachment to be decrypted.
A Promise that resolves to the decrypted local attachment.
Throws an error if the attachment is not a local file URI (must start with "file://").
-Encrypts a local attachment for secure transmission.
+Encrypts a local attachment for secure transmission.
This asynchronous method takes a file, checks if it's a local file URI, and encrypts the attachment for secure transmission.
The local attachment to be encrypted.
A Promise that resolves to the encrypted local attachment.
Throws an error if the attachment is not a local file URI (must start with "file://").
-Exports the key bundle associated with the current XMTP address.
This method allows you to obtain the unencrypted key bundle for the current XMTP address. Ensure the exported keys are stored securely and encrypted.
A Promise that resolves to the unencrypted key bundle for the current XMTP address.
-Retrieves a list of batch messages based on the provided queries.
+Retrieves a list of batch messages based on the provided queries.
This method pulls messages associated from multiple conversation with the current address and specified queries.
An array of queries to filter the batch messages.
A Promise that resolves to a list of batch messages.
The error is logged, and the method gracefully returns an empty array.
-Sends a prepared message.
The prepared local message to be sent.
A Promise that resolves to a string identifier for the sent message.
Throws an error if there is an issue with sending the prepared message.
canStatic method to determine if the address is currently in our network.
This method checks if the specified peer has signed up for XMTP.
The address of the peer to check for messaging eligibility.
opts: Partial<ClientOptions>Optional configuration options for the Client.
createCreates a new instance of the Client class using the provided signer.
opts: Partial<ClientOptions> & { Optional configuration options for the Client.
A Promise that resolves to a new Client instance.
See XMTP Docs for more information.
createCreates a new instance of the Client class from a provided key bundle.
createCreates a new instance of the Client class from a provided key bundle.
This method is useful for scenarios where you want to manually handle private key storage, allowing the application to have access to XMTP keys without exposing wallet keys.
The key bundle used for address generation.
opts: Partial<ClientOptions> & { Optional configuration options for the Client.
A Promise that resolves to a new Client instance based on the provided key bundle.
createCreates a new instance of the XMTP Client with a randomly generated address.
createCreates a new instance of the XMTP Client with a randomly generated address.
opts: Partial<ClientOptions> & { Optional configuration options for the Client.
A Promise that resolves to a new Client instance with a random address.
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context?: ConversationContextOptional
conversationID?: stringOptional
keyBase64 encoded key material for the conversation.
context?: ConversationContextOptional
conversationID?: stringOptional
keyBase64 encoded key material for the conversation.
+Retrieves the consent state for the current conversation.
This asynchronous method determine the consent state for the current conversation, indicating whether the user has allowed, denied, or is yet to provide consent.
A Promise that resolves to the consent state, which can be "allowed," "denied," or "unknown."
-Decodes an encrypted message, yielding a DecodedMessage
Decodes an encrypted message, yielding a DecodedMessage
This asynchronous method takes an encrypted message and decodes it.
The result is a DecodedMessage
object containing the decoded content and metadata.
The encrypted message to be decoded.
A Promise that resolves to a DecodedMessage
Throws an error if there is an issue with decoding the message.
-Lists messages in a conversation with optional filters.
+Lists messages in a conversation with optional filters.
limit: numberOptional limit to the number of messages to return.
before: number | DateOptional timestamp to filter messages before.
after: number | DateOptional timestamp to filter messages after.
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@A Promise that resolves to an array of decoded messages.
Throws an error if there is an issue with listing messages.
Support pagination and conversation ID in future implementations.
-Prepares a message to be sent, yielding a PreparedLocalMessage
Prepares a message to be sent, yielding a PreparedLocalMessage
Instead of immediately sending a message, you can prepare it first using this method.
This yields a PreparedLocalMessage
object, which you can send later.
This is useful to help construct a robust pending-message queue
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@
Support pagination and conversation ID in future implementations
The content of the message. It can be either a string or a structured MessageContent object.
opts: SendOptionsA Promise that resolves to a PreparedLocalMessage
Throws an error if there is an issue with preparing the message.
-Sends a message to the current conversation.
The content of the message. It can be either a string or a structured MessageContent object.
opts: SendOptionsA Promise that resolves to a string identifier for the sent message.
Throws an error if there is an issue with sending the message.
Support specifying a conversation ID in future implementations.
-Sends a prepared local message.
This asynchronous method takes a PreparedLocalMessage
and sends it.
Prepared messages are created using the prepareMessage
The prepared local message to be sent.
A Promise that resolves to a string identifier for the sent message.
Throws an error if there is an issue with sending the prepared message.
-Sets up a real-time message stream for the current conversation.
This method subscribes to incoming messages in real-time and listens for new message events. When a new message is detected, the provided callback function is invoked with the details of the message. Additionally, this method returns a function that can be called to unsubscribe and end the message stream.
@@ -68,4 +68,4 @@Support specifying a conversation ID in future implementations.< When a new message is detected, the provided callback function is invoked with the details of the message. Additionally, this method returns a function that can be called to unsubscribe and end the message stream.
A function that, when called, unsubscribes from the message stream and ends real-time updates.
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appVersion: stringOptional
hasCreateIdentityCallback: booleanOptional
hasEnableIdentityCallback: booleanGenerated using TypeDoc
appVersion: stringOptional
hasCreateIdentityCallback: booleanOptional
hasEnableIdentityCallback: booleanGenerated using TypeDoc
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context: ConversationContextGenerated using TypeDoc
context: ConversationContextGenerated using TypeDoc
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appVersion: stringOptional
hasCreateIdentityCallback: booleanOptional
hasEnableIdentityCallback: booleanGenerated using TypeDoc
appVersion: stringOptional
hasCreateIdentityCallback: booleanOptional
hasEnableIdentityCallback: booleanGenerated using TypeDoc
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limit: numberOptional
before: number | DateOptional
after: number | DateOptional
limit: numberOptional
before: number | DateOptional
after: number | DateOptional
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onError: ((e) => void)Generated using TypeDoc
onError: ((e) => void)Generated using TypeDoc
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Set the XMTP client instance
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filename?: stringOptional
mimeGenerated using TypeDoc
filename?: stringOptional
mimeGenerated using TypeDoc
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attachment?: StaticAttachmentContentOptional
encoded?: stringOptional
reaction?: ReactionContentOptional
reply?: ReplyContentOptional
text?: stringOptional
unknown?: UnknownContentGenerated using TypeDoc
attachment?: StaticAttachmentContentOptional
encoded?: stringOptional
reaction?: ReactionContentOptional
reply?: ReplyContentOptional
text?: stringOptional
unknown?: UnknownContentGenerated using TypeDoc
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startGenerated using TypeDoc
startGenerated using TypeDoc
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filename?: stringGenerated using TypeDoc
filename?: stringGenerated using TypeDoc
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Determines whether the current user can send messages to a specified peer.