- CHANGED: Tools version from 15.2.1 to 15.3.0
- CHANGED: Updated xmos-ai-tools version from 0.1.8 to 1.3.1
- CHANGED: Updated lib_xcore_math version from 2.1.1 to 2.4.0
- CHANGED: Tools version from 15.1.4 to 15.2.1
- CHANGED: Example builds and docs use Ninja instead of nmake under Windows
- CHANGED: Update xmos_xmake_toolchain to v1.0.0 from untagged commit
- 3a19f0284c66a92dbb9d5adc9d3d5016aac22646
- CHANGED: Improved documentation style
- CHANGED: Replace lib_xs3_math with the lib_xcore_math v2.1.1
- CHANGED: Integrate new version of lib_tflite_micro in VNR module
- ADDED: Windows documentation
- REMOVED: VAD module
- CHANGED: Git hash at which lib_tflite_micro is fetched during CMake FetchContent
- ADDED: Support for VNR
- CHANGED: VNR input based IC control system (the API is not backwards compatible)
- CHANGED: VNR input based AGC in pipeline examples
- ADDED: Amazon based wake word engine testing in piplines tests
- CHANGED: Increased ASR AGC amplitude target
- ADDED: -Os compile option for modules, examples and tests
- ADDED: Support for VAD.
- CHANGED: xcore_sdk no longer a submodule of avona.
- ADDED: Support for IC, NS and ADEC.
- CHANGED: CMake files cleanup.
- Initial version with support for AEC and AGC libraries.